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Press Releases

All press releases are posted as-is from companies and industry professionals. All press releases can be sent to lissa (a) Kuriousity staff reserve the right not to post PR we do not feel is relevant to our site's readers.

PR: Receive 20% Off Naruto Digital Manga With Viz App!


World’s Most Popular Ninja Goes On Sale For A Limited Time Only For Digital Download For iPad, iPhone And iPod Touch!

VIZ Media has just launched a special digital promotion for its NARUTO manga (graphic novel) series. Digital versions of Volumes 1-27 of the classic action adventure story are available via the VIZ MANGA APP for the Apple iPad™, iPhone™ and iPod Touch™ for only $3.99 – 20% off the normal MSRP. The promotion kicks off today for a limited time only and ends Friday, June 17th at midnight PST.

Created by Masashi Kishimoto in 1999, NARUTO (rated ‘T’ for Teens) quickly became Japan’s most popular ninja manga targeting tweens and teens and has sold more than 85 million copies to-date. NARUTO is also one of the most popular anime/manga properties in North America. The NARUTO manga and animated series depict the adventures of a young boy named Uzumaki Naruto who trains to become a ninja. Naruto, cursed with the spirit of the nine-tailed fox demon sealed within his body, is forced to live a bullied life discriminated against by his fellow villagers. But Naruto is resilient and undaunted and his determination often inspires those around him. Through the adventures, the young ninja learns the importance of friendship, teamwork, loyalty, hard work, creativity, ingenuity and right vs. wrong. More information on NARUTO is available at

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PR: Viz Offers Librarians Free Heroes of Manga Library Kits


New Kits Highlight Popular VIZ Media Manga Properties And Help Foster Literacy And A Love Of Japanese Pop Culture Among Library Patrons Of All Ages

San Francisco, CA, June 2, 2011 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), the largest distributor and licensor of anime and manga in North America, gives librarians across the country a useful new tool to promote reading, literacy and love of manga (graphic novels). The company has made available Heroes of Manga Library Kits, full of items to entice patrons to explore the exciting world of Japanese pop culture and comics.

Manga is one of the most requested categories in libraries today. The Heroes of Manga Library Kit features some of VIZ Media’s most popular properties, such as NARUTO, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, NURA: RISE OF THE YOKAI CLAN and POKÉMON, designed for a range of readers from All Ages to Young Adult. Each library kit contains 50 book covers, 300 bookmarks, 50 buttons, 5 assorted VIZ Media bags, and a full-color poster featuring NARUTO, and is available for FREE to library professionals. For more information, or to receive a kit, please submit information here before June 8, 2011. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

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PR: Animate USA Adds New Titles for May 30

Kindle b-boy 05 May 2011

TOKYO, JAPAN – May 30 – Animate U.S.A., Inc. is happy to announce four new releases for the Kindle this May!

New this month are the continuation of four popular series. Continuing this month are Naduki Koujima’s “Selfish Love,” Youka Nitta’s Yakuza love story “Kiss Ariki,” You Higashino’s “Hyper Loving a Maniac,” and Shiuko Kano’s “Play Boy Blues.” These are all Kindle exclusives so be sure to get your digital copy ASAP!

For more information, please visit and Youka Nitta fans should be sure to drop by her website, to see wallpapers, author comments, and any news. Fans of Ayano Yamane should be sure to check out her site,, which has updates, wallpapers, and comments from Yamane herself! Be sure to check them out!!

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PR: DramaQueen Celebrates 6 Years with Release of JUNK!

DramaQueen Celebrates Six Years of Manga with the Release of JUNK! by Shushushu Sakurai

HOUSTON, TEXAS – May 26, 2011. DramaQueen, LLC is celebrating our six years of independent manga and manhwa publishing with the release of our second title from the beloved cult manga-ka, Shushushu Sakurai, JUNK!

Summary: Free Agent Junk is the sole survivor of a nuclear attack, and it’s a closely-guarded secret how he managed to escape alive. Junk’s current mission is to rendezvous with the mysterious criminal “X,” who has been sending Junk messages lately. X wants Junk’s help to meet the Reverend Nagil, leader of a heretical religious sect; but Junk suspects that X has hidden motives for this meeting. Can Junk expose X’s secrets in time before his “true mission” is jeopardized?

Confirmed street date is June 1, 2011. Customers can now order the book at the DQ Shop:

Please email all inquiries to:

PR: Animaritime Welcomes Vertical Inc’s Ed Chavez


Vertical Inc. Marketing Director To Attend Eastern Canada’s Animaritime 2011 Convention


Moncton, NB, May 26, 2011 – Animaritime is pleased to announce that marketing director of VerticalInc., Ed Chavez, will be attending the 2011 event as a special guest.

As both a manga editor and translator, Ed Chavez has worked in the industry for years including forcompanies such as Seven Seas, CMX and the Japanese publisher, Kodansha. Since 2009 he hasbeen the marketing director of Vertical Inc., promoting the company’s varied assortment of titles. Alongwith attending conventions as a Vertical representative, Ed Chavez has also hosted panels across thecontinent for different facets of manga’s history and industry, along with holding a strong onlinepresence among manga fans.

“As a convention with an audience passionate for manga, we’re thrilled to be able to have Ed Chavezattend our event. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge about manga and the industry itself thatwe feel our attendees will really enjoy and learn a lot from.”

Ed Chavez joins graphic novel artist, Faith Erin Hicks, and anime voice actor, Spike Spencer, asguests to this year’s Animaritime convention which returns “bringing the best of Anime and Gaming toAtlantic Canada” after a one year hiatus in 2010.

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PR: 2011 Fan Expo Canada™ Gets ANIME-ted!

Anime’s most coveted voice actors to appear at the CNAnime Expo

Toronto, ON (May 26, 2011) – Fan Expo Canada™, the country’s largest gaming, horror, comic, science fiction and anime event, today announced its highly anticipated lineup of anime guests appearing at the ever popular CNAnime Expo from August 25 – 28, 2011. Anime luminaries include Canadian and international voice actors from such smash hit shows as Fullmetal Alchemist, Pokémon, Death Note, Dragon Ball Z and Bakugan.

For four days only, CNAnime Expo will give visitors the opportunity to participate in fun-for-all anime games and activities such as Name that Tune and Anime Karaoke; as well as contests, workshops, seminars and chance to meet with their favourite industry professionals, one-on-one!

CNAnime Celebrity Guests Include:
COLLEEN CLINKENBEARD – Star of RIN – Daughters of Mnemosyne
JASON DELINE – Star of Bakugan
CAITLIN GLASS – Star of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
MIKE MCFARLAND – Star of Dragon Ball Z
SHAWN MEUNIER – Star of Bakugan
VIC MIGNOGNA – Star of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
JUNKO MIZUNO – Acclaimed manga artist
BRINA PALENCIA – Star of Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance
CHRIS SABAT – Star of Dragon Ball Z
MICHAEL SINTERNIKLAAS – Star of Summer Wars and Slayers
BRAD SWAILE – Star of Death Note
VERONICA TAYLOR – Star of Pokémon

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PR: Digital Manga Publishing launches on to Google Books!

DMP Puts Titles on Google Books

Gardena, CA (May 25, 2010) – Digital Manga, one of the manga industry’s most unique and creative publishers, is proud to announce its digital distribution expansion on to Google Books!

Digital Manga has so far launched over 90 titles from their DMP, Juné, and 801 Media imprints into the Google ebookstore, with more to follow in the coming weeks and months, including popular manga titles like Vampire Hunter D and Maiden Rose. Kindle blocked titles like The Color of Love, Weekend Lovers and The Selfish Demon King, are also available in the Google ebookstore.

Digital Manga believes in the “More the better…” concept where digital distribution to every available online storefront, platform, device or digital distributor can provide easier accessibility and availability to readers who own alternative e-reading devices.

Average pricing for most DMP titles is between $5.95 to $7.95 downloaded to your device. You can find a direct listing of current available Digital Manga titles in the Google ebook store here:

Google eBooks is compatible with just about any dedicated ebook reader as it stores your library in their digital cloud. Access, your ebooks using your favorite e-reading device like the Barnes & Noble Nook™ and Reader™ from Sony. Follow the link for an overview of Google’s wide array to read your favorite ebook on your favorite device or platform:

Google Books also provides FREE online eReading applications to help you browse, purchase and download directly off their sites to your preferred device. Apps for PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, and Android smartphones and tablets are available now.

Sample some of the DMP’s titles below now or go to Google eBooks (best keyword search: digital manga, yaoi, manga)

Sample links:

Vampire Hunter D vol.1:

Love Water:

Same Cell Organism:

Digital Manga currently also publishes manga through other storefronts like the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo books and their very own Check back for new manga title releases which will be up on sale over the next few weeks and months through our newsletter, blog, and our other social networking links below.


About Digital Manga Publishing

Located in Gardena, CA, Digital Manga Publishing is one of the industry’s most unconventional and innovative companies, specializing in building corporate and cultural bridges from Japan to the Western Hemisphere – specifically through the licensing, importation and preparation of anime (Japanese animation), manga (Japanese comic books) and related merchandise for the North American mainstream and subculture markets. In this capacity, DMI serves as a catalyst for the expansion of Japanese pop culture institutions into global arenas. The company’s imprint line includes DMP: its mainstream imprint, DMP PLATINUM: its classic manga imprint, JUNE´: its boys love imprint, 801 MEDIA: its adult boys love imprint, and DokiDoki: its exclusive co-publishing imprint with Shinshokan Publishing.

For more information about Digital Manga Publishing, visit as well as:

PR: Digital Manga Publishing launches on to KOBO books!

Gardena, CA (May 18, 2010) – Digital Manga, one of the manga industry’s most unique and creative publishers, is proud to announce its digital distribution expansion on to Kobo books— —a global eReading service, providing readers with a global alternative to the Amazon Kindle. Kobo have distributing partners with Canada’s Chapters Indigo, Borders US & AU, Australia’s Angus & Robertson, and New Zealand’s Whitcoulls ebookstore storefronts which are powered by Kobo.

Digital Manga has so far launched over 90 titles from their DMP, Juné, and 801 Media imprints into the Kobo ebookstore and their partners, with more to follow in the coming weeks and months, including popular manga titles like Vampire Hunter D and IL Gatto Sul G, along with other such titles as The Color of Love and The Selfish Demon King, which were blocked out of the Amazon Kindle store recently.

Digital Manga believes this new digital distribution channel can provide a new alternative for non-Kindle e-reading device owners. Kobo not only has their own dedicated eReading device, but you can also access their storefront and its partners, through any smart phone, tablet, e-readers, PC or Mac via downloadable app. This opens the market up to a whole new customer base with a broader range of devices.

Average pricing for most DMP titles is at $7.95 downloaded to your device. You can find a direct listing of current available Digital Manga titles in the Kobo ebook store here:

Or visit these other favorite e-book storefronts powered by Kobo.

(best keyword search: DMP, June, 801 Media, manga, Yaoi manga, Digital Manga Publishing)



Chapters Indigo


Angus & Robertson


Note: Kobo and their partners have FREE eReading applications to help you browse, purchase and download directly off their sites to your preferred device. Apps for PCs, Macs, Sony Readers, iPads, iPhones, Android and Blackberry smartphones are available now.

If reading your book via smart device like ipad/iphone or android device through the Kobo or its partners’ App, set the Kobo Styling to OFF, under the display setting of your book.

You can also purchase eBooks via the websites and download direct from your eLibrary to any device supporting the ePub standard using Adobe Digital Editions, , or side-load the epub file to your device. KOBO will have updates for processing manga epub content later this summer.

Digital Manga currently also publishes manga through other storefronts like the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook. Check back for new manga title releases which will be up on sale over the next few weeks and months through our newsletter, blog, and our other social networking links below.


About Digital Manga Publishing

Located in Gardena, CA, Digital Manga Publishing is one of the industry’s most unconventional and innovative companies, specializing in building corporate and cultural bridges from Japan to the Western Hemisphere – specifically through the licensing, importation and preparation of anime (Japanese animation), manga (Japanese comic books) and related merchandise for the North American mainstream and subculture markets. In this capacity, DMI serves as a catalyst for the expansion of Japanese pop culture institutions into global arenas. The company’s imprint line includes DMP: its mainstream imprint, DMP PLATINUM: its classic manga imprint, JUNE´: its boys love imprint, 801 MEDIA: its adult boys love imprint, and DokiDoki: its exclusive co-publishing imprint with Shinshokan Publishing.

For more information about Digital Manga Publishing, visit as well as:

PR: Viz Media Presents Takehiko Inoue’s Smile: Pray for Japan


Lifelike Portraits Drawn By Legendary Manga Creator In The Days Following The Earthquake And Tsunami To Be Available On iPhone, iPod Touch And iPad In North America

San Francisco, CA, May 19, 2011 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, continues to assist international fundraising efforts for Japanese disaster relief. The company has announced that it will make legendary manga (graphic novel) creator Takehiko Inoue’s newest Smile series of illustrations available to North American iPhone™, iPod™ Touch and iPad™ users via the VIZ Manga App. All VIZ Media proceeds from these purchases will be donated directly to the Japanese Red Cross Society to aid victims in the areas ravaged by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.

Beginning today, fans can enjoy these breathtaking and touching illustrations on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. SMILE: PRAY FOR JAPAN Volume 1, contains Inoue’s illustrations numbered 34 through 100 and will be available for $9.99. SMILE: PRAY FOR JAPAN Volume 2 will contain illustrations 101 to 120 for $1.99. As Inoue creates additional pieces, VIZ Media will continue to make them available in sets of 20 for $1.99.

Takehiko Inoue (creator of VAGABOND, REAL, and SLAM DUNK, all published by VIZ Media) created these pieces as a gesture of support for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that struck on March 11th. Using his finger and an iOS iPad app developed by Psoft Mobile called Zen Brush, he initially began drawing images of people smiling and posting them online as an experiment. But circumstances would have the Smile series take a different turn. On March 12th, the day after the massive earthquake, Inoue posted Smile illustration number 34, entitled “Pray,” with the victims of the devastating disaster in mind. Since then he has continued to draw piece after piece, with over 125 illustrations currently in the series. In Japan, the Smile series is also used to help with disaster recovery fundraising efforts.

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PR: Animaritime Holds Charity Auction for IWK


All proceeds of annual auction to be donated to IWK Health Centre Foundation


Moncton, NB, May 13, 2011 – Animaritime, the Maritime provinces’ premiere anime and gaming convention , is proud to announce that all proceeds of their annual Animaritime auction will be donated to the IWK Health Centre Foundation.

Animaritime’s auction is one of the conventions most well attended events. With lively volunteer hosts and an enthusiastic audience, the event sees anime and gaming related items auctioned off in a live bidding environment. Material bid on in the auction are donated by sponsors, vendors and attendees and include books, DVDs and signed merchandise from beloved creators and industry members. The auction is open to all attendees of Animaritime.

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