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Archive for the Contests Category

Digital Goes Live, Viz Takes To The Sky


A few things of note today while I attempt to finish one of the way-to-many partially finished reviews sitting on my desktop :) has a listing for Kambayashi Chohei’s science fiction light novel, Yukikaze. As there’s no artist listed, I’m making the assumption it’s the light novel and not a manga (not sure if one exists?). New news, old news, either way it’s good news for fans like me! I absolutely loved the anime and have awaited the day I’d get a chance to read the original novel. According to Amazon, that day will be January 19, 2010.

 Freelance manga adapter, Ysabet, has a LiveJournal post with a credits correction pertaining to the upcoming volume two of Shinobi Life. Contrary to the book, adaptation credit goes to her while the translation was done by Lori Riser. Also, Ysabet lives in the same city as me so how cool is that? Pretty darn cool because Halifax is awesome like that.

 Speaking of LiveJournal, Digital Manga has taken to the community site with two accounts for its imprints: one for June Manga and another for 801Media. They also have another account, june_manga_chat, where they invite questions and discussion pertaining to their titles, while the other two accounts seem primarily for newsletter and preview-type posts. (Source: The Yaoi Review)

 And speaking of Digital Manga, their imprint 801Media has recently announced the winners of their 801-chan Contest. Entrants were invited to script short 4-panel strips as seen in the back of their books starring the imprints mascot characters. Six winners were chosen (including myself, yay!) and they’ll all have their scripts drawn into the full-colour strips by the original artist and the strips will then be published in future releases. Congrats to all the winners!

On the 10th Day of Christmas…

Tenth day of December anyway. Some random fun/entertaining/otherwise interesting links for you today :)

The new trailer for Fox’s upcoming Dragonball adaptation, now titled Dragonball Evolution, is currently up and ready for viewing! My thoughts remain generally the same as before, obviously not a faithful adaptation but still looks like fun! In fact, I think now it looks even more fun. Go check it out and see what you think.

AnimeNewsNetwork has the first of its free streaming anime up for viewing now! No complaints about free, legal anime :) Currently you can watch Kite: Liberator, Girl’s High and Ramen Fighter Miki.

Also ANN related: Their annual Holiday Logo Contest has begun! Momentary ANN-fame and anime boxsets await the winner. I’m entering the contest in the slim hope I could get my hands on the CLAMP School Detectives boxset! Going to be fun to see all the cute submitted artwork starring their AnimeNewsNina mascot when the entries are displayed.

And a little late on the update, but for those (like me) who’ve missed Gia‘s site updates, you can now rejoice at her return on her website, AnimeVice. Extra goodies include some video updates such as fun look at the inside of Viz Media’s office. Envious of their working space? I think so.

And lastly, for the yaoi fans, Yaoi Generation has preview pages up for its first release, Breath by Chifumi Ochi. So if you’d like to take a look, then by all means! I recommend viewing the images in full size since the preview window shrinks them down and makes ’em fuzzy.

Bleach Movie: In Theatres October 20th!

Bleach: Memories of Nobody

A reminder to Canadian anime fans; the first Bleach movie, Bleach: Memories of Nobody, will be playing in select theatres across the country tomorrow, October 20th. Even if you’ve seen the movie, there’s nothing quite like watching it on the big screen. Remember, the more you go to anime in the theatre, the more you’re supporting it and up the chances of more being played!

While I’m not sure of what kind of special events are happening elsewhere, I know the Bayer’s Lake Empire Theatres in Halifax will be having a special Bleach cosplay contest before the showing so those interested should definately show up a bit early for some fun and prizes :)

O7-Ghost Chapter Preview

07-Ghost Chapter One: Off to a great start! 

I know I already posted about Go!Comi’s website for their upcoming series, 07-Ghost, earlier this week, but earlier this week I didn’t have a link for their first chapter preview, so enjoy! It’s a really nice manga reader too, slick and simple. 07-Ghost looks like an entertaining series thus far and I’m really liking the expressive art style. A definite must-buy for me when December comes around. Also a reminder, don’t forget about Go!Comi’s current draw contest to win the original Japanese seven volume set!

Go!Comi Yaoi Con Licenses and 07-Ghost

Get the Moon & BrandollI’m a little late on the draw with posting this news but doesn’t hurt to toss it out there anyway, right? Good stuff!

Go!Comi sent out a press release regarding two boys’ love licenses they announced at the past Yaoi Con 2008. The titles are Get the Moon and Brandoll, both by Ryo Takagi whose manga, The Devil Within, has already been released by Go!Comi.

“Get the Moon” tells the story of Getto, and his complex relationship with Moon – a handsome android created by his father! Getto’s sibling rivalry with Moon is inflamed by the fact that his father clearly prefers his android creation over his human one. As Getto and Moon fight for their “father’s” approval, will their relationship turn to hate – or love?

“Bran Doll” details the misadventures of the hapless Fen, who signs up for his country’s Special Defense Force, only to find himself enrolled in the Special DOLL Force instead! Now Fen must hunt down and retrieve a collection of precious, missing bran dolls (that’s right – bran dolls, the kind they use in voodoo) that have been scattered to the four corners of the world. Unfortunately for Fen (but fortunately for the reader) he has four beautiful men to accompany him on his quests!

Go!Comi’s website for their series 07-Ghost, is also up and running now. To celebrate the site’s launch, and the upcoming release of volume one, they’ve started a draw-contest with the winner recieving the original seven book set of the 07-Ghost tankobon.

Death Note Comes To Canadian Theatres

Coming soon to a theatre near you!

It figures that an announcement like this would be made just as I was getting on the plane! Anyhoo, Viz Pictures announced this past Friday that the first live-action Death Note movie will be playing in select theatres across Canada on September 15. The movie already played in movie theatres down in the States a little while back. The movie is due out on DVD in North America on August 29th and tickets to showings will be bundled in with the film going for $29.99. The Empire Theatres website has a list of the theatres that’ll be playing this first installment.

Also, in partnership with Viz Media, the east-coast convention Animaritime is hosting a contest for tickets! So if you’re in the Moncton, New Brunswick area ,and would like to win a two-person pass, than head on over there and take a stab at the trivia contest! The convention has also begun accepting applications for new staff members and volunteers so definately fill out a form and send it in if you’re interested in joining our team!

GoComi Blogs with Setona Mizushiro, upcoming contest

After School Nightmare Key Replica

Go!Comi’s daily blogs from Japan continue: this time they got to sit down with After School Nightmare creator, Setona Mizushiro. Not only do they get to hear about her upcoming series, Black Alice Rose (vampires = intriguing), but also recieved a gift from her that they’ll be using in an upcoming contest.

Go!Comi will be posting details of an After School Nightmare art contest. The prize will be a replica of the key (see picture above)  that students in the series must find in their ‘dreams’. Go!Comi staffers are telling visitors to check the site in the next couple of days for more information.

801Media Poem Rewrite Contest

801Media‘s blog has a post about a new contest they’re running: take a very rough translation of a poem that appears at the back of one of their upcoming books (which they have posted in the blog entry) and rewrite it. Winner will recieve Uki Ogasawara’s artbook and their name printed in the book as credit for the poem (and eternally connected with smut-tastic-ness).

Crimson Spell

More clean-up around the site today. All manga reviews are up and now complete with some handy links for fellow Canadians out there looking to add to their collections!

Over at ComicsVillage, the weekly reviews have been posted including one for Kitty Media’s Crimson Spell by yours truely.

On the news front, June recently announced five new yaoi titles. There’s a lot of my favourtie artists and writers in the bunch (Hinako Takanaga = more please) so I hope others are looking forward to them as much as I am! Check out the following link for all the details and some pretty pictures to accompany them. Source: AnimeNewsNetwork

Yaoi Suki Content Ends, Name Revealed

Looks like it didn’t take long for yaoi fans to make their guesses over at Yaoi Suki’s Guess the Name contest for Yaoi Press’s upcoming line of books. Created to replace Yaoi Press’s Yaoi Hentai line of books, the new line is being called Happy Yaoi Yum Yum. No comment. YaoiSuki however offers an explanation via YP’s Yamila Abraham.

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