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Archive for the Contests Category

Purchase and Win – eManga Draw for Electric Hands

eManga Giveaway - Win Electric Hands!

Digital Manga announced on their blog yesterday their first giveaway of the new year. From today (Wednesday, January 13) to Tuesday, January 19 – anyone who rents or purchases-to-keep any title on eManga will be entered into a draw to win a copy of Taishi Zaou’s one-shot boys’ love story, Electric Hands.

“In most ways, Fujino is a typical high school student; his mind wanders during class, and he often finds himself lost in a daydream. But the odd thing about Fujino is that his daydreams are starting to revolve around a peculiar fetish for hands – specifically, the sleek, beautiful hands of his classmate and tutor, Takie. Hours spent admiring an attractive set of appendages is one thing, but Fujino is in for the shock of his life when a brush with Takie’s hands gives him a literal jolt. What makes a current pass from Takie through every part of Fujino’s body? How will Fujino’s fellow students react when each accidental contact sends him skittering across the room?!”

Along with the book, the winner will also receive a shikishi/shitajiki pencilboard signed by Taishi Zaou herself! The winner of the draw will be announced the following day.

AnimeNewsNetwork’s 2009 Holiday Logo Contest

ANN Holiday Logo Contest

AnimeNewsNetwork has officially announced the start of their 2009 Holiday Logo Contest. The contest is open to “to any and all residents of the planet Earth and neighbour parallel dimensions” and, while potential prizes are not yet listed, they promise a value of at least $500-worth.

Entries must be created to certain size specifications and Nina from their weekly web-comic. I recommend checking out the comic for not only inspiration and reference but some good anime-related laughs as well.

The contest catch however? Only four days until deadline! All entries are due December 20th at midnight (EST). If last year’s prize lot is any indication there, though’s more than enough reason to snap up your art supplies and get crackin’!

Artist Call for Dragon Girls and Nightschool Students

Dragon Girl and Nightschool

Two new contest calls are out for artists so sharpen your pencils and dust off those tablets (though may you artists out there keep your tablet much better dusted than mine!).

First off Viz Media is looking for fan art submissions for upcoming volumes of St. Dragon Girl. Via Twitter (@viz_media): “AM: Calling All Artists! Fan Art needed for future volumes of St. Dragon Girl manga.” The most recent volume of St. Dragon Girl is volume five and it’s available on store shelves this week.

Meanwhile over on her DeviantArt journal, Svetlana Chmkova is holding a contest for fan art to potentially appear in the next volume of her currently running series, Nightschool. Winners will be published in the third volume of Nightschool, due out from Yen Press in April 2010, and will be sent signed copies of the book when it’s released. All entries must be submitted to Yen Press by the fast-approaching deadline of December 28th along with a fanart consent form available on their webpage.

ANN Posts Winners of Great Canadian Evangelion Ticket Give-Away

Today’s AnimeNewsNetwork has posted its list of winners for the recently held Canadian-exclusive contest for tickets to Evangelion 1.0. Congrats to all the winners!

And as another reminder, the first showing of Evangelion 1.0 hits Canadian theatres across the country September 30th (next Wednesday!). The Empire Theatres’ website has information on participating locations including word that each theatre will again be holding cosplay contests for attendees with prizes and goodies for the winners on the premiere night!

I’ll be attending the Halifax showing as both a fan and promoter for 2010’s Animinitime events, so I hope to see lots of friendly and familiar faces there :)

ANN and The Great Canadian Evangelion Ticket Give-Away

Reusing the above graphic because it’s cool and relevant. AnimeNewsNetwork is holding a contest giving away tickets to 67 showings of the upcoming Evangelion 1.0 film, coming soon to Canadian theatres. ANN is giving away 310 tickets in total and it’s one ticket per location per winner. The giveaway ends on September 19th so head on over for a quick and easy chance to see the movie compliments of ANN and Eleven Arts Inc.

Yaoi Press Caption Contest Winners Posted

Yaoi Press has posted the results of its previously announced Caption Contest. You can currently head on over to their contest page to see the winner, along with the runners-up and honorable mentions. Congrats to the winners! For the shiny posters, I would’ve loved to enter but conflicting interest or something like that no doubt.

Speaking of which, the panels used in the contest are from Yaoi Press’s newest anthology, Happy Yaoi Yum Yum which just had a release of volume one. I was allowed the opportunity to letter a couple of the stories (which was fantastically fun, let me tell you) so the book already has a special place awaiting it on my bookshelf along with being a collection of work from some talented creators. If you like your yaoi porny and your story’s funny, I recommend checking it out.

King of Fighters Contest: Win Money, Games and Consoles

King of Fighters Fanart Contest

With Yaoi Press’s contest out there for the writers, here’s a contest for the artists out there. In celebration of the upcoming release of King of Fighters XII, a fanart contest is being held with some pretty sweet prizes.

Bad news is that it’s only open to residents of the United States. You’re losing out on a lot of fantastic potential entries, KoF!

For US residents, the contest runs from April 21 to July 31st and entrants are invited to submit their fanart using the handy upload system set up on on the contest page for a chance to win $1000, consoles, and/or copies of the game! Sharpen your pencils and dust of the tablets, those’re some fine prizes for a shiny game.

Yaoi Press Caption Contest, Win A Book and Shiny Posters

Yaoi Press Caption Contest

From now until the deadline of June 22nd, Yaoi Press is holding a Captain Contest in connection with their weekly gag panels, Yaoi Not Actually. Entrants of the contest must take the images provided for the contest and give them some amusing dialouge that will likely be entertaingly out of context.

The prize for the funniest phrases? A copy of Yaoi Press’s upcoming first volume of Happy Yaoi Yum Yum and sixteen gorgeous 11×17 posters of various Yaoi Press artists’ work. You can check out the contest page for all the details. And don’t forget, if you win the contest and are wondering what to do with all those pretty posters, remember who told you about the contest, alright? ;)

L Is For Limerick, Win Tickets to See L on the Big Screen

L Is For Limerick

The folks over at Manga Recon are holding a contest where the winners can recieve free tickets to see Viz’s upcoming theatre release of Death Note: L, Change the World. (Note: Contest showings are for the US cities NY Metro Area, Denver, San Francisco/San Jose/Oakland, Peoria/Bloomington). The  entry method? Writing a Death Note inspired limerick or haiku of course!

The contest is open until 11:59pm April 26, 2009 so if you’re in the area of the ticket offers, head on over and enter your limerick. Sounds like fun and while the contest prizes aren’t applicable to me, I’m still more than a little curious about the entries :) Fun idea for a contest!

More Prizes for DokiDoki Purchasers

Doki Doki Raffle Contest

On top of the initial offer for those who place orders for the upcoming Doki Doki books, today Digital Manga posted about a raffle where readers can win even more prizes. Lucky ducks!

From now until March 30th, those who order (including those who’ve already ordered before now) volume one of Train Train and Princess Princess Plus will be entered in a raffle to win one of the following:

7 shikishis signed by both Mikiyo Tsuda and Eiki Eiki
10 copies of Princess Princess vol. 1 signed by Mikiyo Tsuda
10 copies of Dear Myself signed by Eiki Eiki (18+ members only are eligible for this prize)

You can see examples of these prizes on their blog. Image previews of the previously announced promo items, ‘fukuseigenga’, have also been posted.

So as if the books themselves weren’t awesome enough! I’m jealous I can’t order from Akadot retail myself (American shipping prices and custom charges = no-no for me). So everyone order and enter and know I wish you all luck as a Mikiyo Tsuda and Eiki Eiki worshipper fan ;)

You can read a full press release about the raffle here.

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