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Archive for the Swag Bag Category

Swag Bag – Ninjas, Pets and Used Fairy Tales

It’s going to take me a while to sort through all my manga swag from New York Anime Fest this past weekend, and who knows how long for a proper installment of Swag Bag – but before I traveled down to the US for some con adventures, I hit my usual Wednesday haunt at Strange Adventures to pick up some new and old titles.

My most anticipated, and thus quickly picked up, titles were the newest volumes of two of my favourites – Pet Shop of Horrors (Vol. 07) and Shinobi Life (Vol. 06). It was another long wait for Pet Shop of Horrors, and to my dismay, I found this particular volume a bit of letdown comparatively. I mean, it was still great because it’s Matsuri Akino but definitely not the series’ best. Shinobi Life proved as satisfying as ever though. I love how carefully it’s crafting a plot that could easily become confusing in another’s hands. Will the schoolgirl and ninja ever find their happy ending?

To my luck that day, a box of used manga had just been deposited in the store with a whole bunch of well-kept books looking for a new home. While the individual who owned the books prior seemed to have very similar tastes to myself (ie: very little there I didn’t already own unfortunately), there were still a few goodies to pick up:

Looking for some new series to start, I picked up the first volumes of The Chronicles of the Grim Peddler (which was fantastic fairy-tale manhwa) and Monochrome Factor (which I haven’t read yet). I also bought the first two volumes of Mushishi after having read them at the library and enjoyed them, plus the anime was really good. Lastly I got volume three of 07-Ghost, firmly establishing to me that this series still doesn’t make any sense. Ah well, I gave it three volumes – character designs are still pretty though!

Swag Bag – Black Gate, Five Leaves and Go-Go Ka-Choo!

Manga spending has been light for me this month as I try and save some money for the upcoming New York Anime Fest (which thusly yes I’ll be attending! Any readers other planning to go as well?). But, that said, still a few goodies procured this week.

Tyrant Who Falls in Love (Vol. 01)First off I picked up the book copy of Hinako Takanaga’s Tyrant Who Falls In Love. I originally reviewed a digital copy of the book so was excited to have my order of the full edition come. Like other June books lately (including Love Sickness which I also picked up and is also amazing and has also been reviewed for your convenience), it has a smaller trim size than the imprint’s usual so I’m guessing it’s becoming the norm. It’s not a bad size, about the same as Viz Media or Tokyopop books, but it is a little sad not having them extra-large as they were before – made them extra special, you know?

Though I was more weirded out than engaged by the first volume of the violently, culturally-jesting insanity that was Peepo Choo (Vol. 01), I kept to my conviction to always give a series two books. So, I bought volume two of the series. It’s still just as crazy but it feels like it was finally reigned in, more under control. Not to say it’s any less violent though, wow – absolute craziness. But an interesting plot, some funny stabs at industry specifics and lots of moments that make you go WTF?! that just prove how truly effective they’re rendered.

Looking to try something new, I picked up Tokyopop’s release of the manga Black Gate. It’s an omnibus of the first three volumes in one so it’s huge! Not big and heavy to read holding up for long but lays nicely on the table. I know nothing about the plot but the art looked really nice so it won me over. I’m not hard to please when it comes to trying out first volumes (or three at such a great price!). Looking forward to starting this one tomorrow.

Hetalia (Vol. 01)From Viz I purchased the first print edition volume of House of Five Leaves. Admittedly I wasn’t very fond of Natsume Ono’s previous works (Ristorante Paradiso and not simple) but I was really impressed with House of Five Leaves. It had great pacing and was a nice change of pace from the often over-violent, super-stylized Edo-era samurai stories. Also Natsume Ono’s art has really improved as well.

And lastly, who could resist the hype surrounding Tokyopop’s release of Hetalia? I bought it, read it and yeah, it’s pretty darn cute. I’m no history buff though so I didn’t get a lot of the jokes without reading the little sub notes. And the art quality randomly became really pixelated but I guess that’s the price you pay for publishing a comic originally drawn for web-only resolution. And I couldn’t tell the characters apart most of the time. And I couldn’t read more than a couple pages at a time… but it was still pretty funny at times and very cute, I swear!

So what was in everyone else’s shopping bags this week?

Swag Bag – Vast Volumes of Viz, Swords, Books and Zombies

It’s the beginning of the month which means Viz’s new books are out! And wow, what a Viz haul there was to get this week (and I only got about half I think?). Lots of books I can’t wait to read!

Bleach (Vol. 32)From local comic shop Strange Adventures I picked up a handful of new titles out this week. The first title I picked up was the one non-Viz Media title I purchased this week: the third volume of Vertical’s Twin Spica (Vol. 03). The series hasn’t blown me away, mostly because it’s a very subtle sort of story, but it’s so sweet and so charming that I find myself recommending it wholeheartedly to many people. Hopefully volume three won’t break the trend.

Continuing to be the longest running series I’ve collected, Bleach (Vol. 32) was quick to go into my stack. Looks like another roaring battle but I’ve been looking forward to seeing Ichigo and Grimmjow fight, even if means an entire book of no Uryuu (boo!). I also bought Rin-Ne (Vol. 04) after being impressed with the third book following some lacklustre introductory volumes. Still, flipping through this fourth book it’s hard not to feel like I’ve read it a million times before – Rumiko Takahashi is definitely showing you can have too much of a good thing, especially when it’s the same thing again… and again… and again.

Legend of Zelda: Phantom HourglassThe sad purchase of the week was Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass because I believe it’s the last Zelda book Viz will be putting out. It’s a shame because I really, really like them – though I also can’t imagine they’ve been hugely popular and I don’t know if there even is anymore past this. I’m eager to read this one so I can finally learn who this Linebeck character is so many friends have raved about (so far he looks like a skuzzy pirate?). Lastly from that trip I picked up Library Wars (Vol. 02) – hopefully more action, less talk about action! I want to see some sleeves rolled-up and some books being defended.

FedEx had a delivery for me this week as well, delivering a bunch more Viz Media titles to go through with gusto. First was Seiho Boys High School (Vol. 02), which I read straight away after Deb Aoki‘s praise for the series after doing so herself (I was notably underwhelmed by volume one). Well, volume two has definitely ensured I’ll be picking up volume three, I can say that. Huge improvement and hopefully one I’ll get to in a full review later.

Some more volumes of continuing favourites include Cactus Secret (Vol. 03) – a charming little shoujo-comedy, and Stepping on Roses (Vol. 03) which I’m sure will be as much a guilty pleasure as it’s been all along. Continuing with the trend of volume three’s comes the third volume of Yuu Watase’s Arata, which took self-control not to start reading as soon as I opened the package. Why I exercised that self-control, I’m not sure but I’m sure the wait will just make it all the better.

Topping it all off is the beginning of a new series but one of my favourite manga artists, Kaori Yuki – Grand Guignol Orchestra (Vol. 01)

“Lucille and the orchestra encounter a town overrun with the worst kind of audience: the living dead! Well, not really. They’re people who have been turned into doll-like zombies. And they are definitely not a crowd to take lightly. Can a group of roving musicians use their skills to calm the beasts? Or is this curtains for the Grand Orchestra?!”

Lots to look forward to reading – but what to read first? Otherworldly fantasy, musicians battling zombies, librarians weilding guns, a Shinigami battling a giant cat-man or a midget in a green tunic, to ponder a few. Hmm…

Swag Bag – Kittens, Robots and Evangelion Escapades

Random pre-swag note: Swag Bag is a semi-weekly article I’d always wanted to do, mostly because I love reading similar posts (be it blog or forum) from others. Too long has the voice and excitement of those who actually buy been left to the shadows while scanlation readers and fansub watchers make up huge amounts of most online locales of discussion. Web stuff breeds web talk after all, I suppose. This isn’t intended to be another repetitive us-versus-them debacle, simply an observation I wanted to act upon – those who buy should be proud to share, recommend, and perhaps most helpfully, inspire. No more shadows, okay?

That said, this article (Daily Video: Fans Launch ‘Sustain the Industry’ Movement) posted on AnimeNewsNetwork made me happy. Great job to them doing it! It’s a fun idea and looks like they have fun doing it. It was a nice bright spot in the day, excluding the expected sigh-factor to see another handful arguing that buying instead of watching for free is more hurt than  help to the industry. Blech. But, onto the swag!

A pretty light week for new manga releases but still some goodies to pick up. Along with a handful of new books, I also treated myself to some bargain bin finds as well.

Karakuri Odette (Vol. 04)Despite being a bit underwhelmed by the first, I couldn’t help but pick up the second volume of Chi’s Sweet Home. I’m not a cat person and it’s a story about a cat… just being a cat. But the adorable full colour art and great production values caught my eye again all the same. We’ll see if Chi can win me over in this one.

Speaking of catching my eye, the fourth volume of Karakuri Odette came out this week and I love the cover! Odette looks so silly and the outfits she and the presumably new character are wearing are really snazzy (makes the yuri fan in me squee just a tad, I’ll admit). I’ve no doubt the story inside shall prove just as fun. Super advanced robot tries to fit in at school and be like a real human girl – it’s continually proved itself 5x more charming than it initially sounds.

NGE: Campus Apocalypse (Vol. 01)A new series I’ve been waiting for a while is finally out – NGE: Campus Apocalypse (Vol. 01). I was never huge into Evangelion but I’d consider myself a fan. Previous alternate-universe-esque takes on the original left me wanting anything but another, yet the artwork and plot of this one piqued my interest easy enough. Just flipping through after purchase, I know it was a good buy for the eye-candy alone. Really nice art, and past some similar character designs and names, it looks like a story that those not familiar with the franchise may be able to pick up and enjoy as well. We’ll see how this supernatural take pans out.

Thanks to a couple random items to round out a friend’s free-shipping with RightStuf purchase, I got the first two volumes of the Gravitation manga (old-school boys’ love!) and the one-shot novel. It’s really nostalgic reading them now, one of my first boys’ love stories from many a year ago! Forgot how sort of hideous the art is, though I still find the story charming in its own way – especially when Suiuchi outright proclaims his sexuality and affection for Eri. So refreshingly forthright, even today!

Also in my little RightStuf order, I got The 12 Kingdoms Novel (Vol. 03). I don’t own volumes one and two, but I will! The anime was amazing and I really look forward to reading the original books it was based off of.

And lastly, thanks to my local comic store Strange Adventures (which is where all my new purchases came from as well), I picked up volumes 1-6 of Trinity Blood. Admittedly I read the first volume a while back and wasn’t overly impressed. However, since then I’ve fallen head over heals for the out-there-oddity that is Zone-00 which has the same artist – so I’m giving Trinity Blood another go.

Swag Bag – Talking Cats, Female Shogun and Making Manga

Another week, another slew of new releases! I was too late to get a hold of a copy of 20th Century Boys (Vol. 10) but there was still plenty of other good titles to pick up (now with some pictures):

Voice or Noise (Vol. 03)BLU, the boys’ love imprint of Tokyopop, had a couple of new titles out this week. The most exciting of which was the third volume of Voice or Noise. The second volume was released in February 2008 so it’s been quite a wait for this follow-up. None the less I’m as excited to finally purchase a copy now as I was looking forward to it after finishing the last. Great boys’ love series!

The other title I picked up from them is Scarlet, a one-shot by the same creator who did Cute Devil. Honestly, I don’t have much interest in this artist or this premise but I bought the painfully overpriced book all the same because it marks a new (potentially continued?) book style and I wanted to check it out/support it. It sports a larger-than-the-norm trim size and colour inserts at the front. I flipped through it and it was actually a bit disorienting reading a BLU title suddenly notably larger, though snazzy all the same. It’s great to see, especially since it takes a step closer to almost justifying the $18.99 price tag.

Continuing on the semi-boys’ love trend, I was amazed to see a whole slew of DokiDoki titles on the shelf of Chapters (the B&N/Borders equivalent to you Americans out there). They’ve only ever carried sparse copies of Vampire Hunter D from Digital Manga so seeing them branch out to this varied imprint was exciting, plus very promising to the local boys’ love fanbase who are too timid to special order. Though not boys’ love, I purchased a physical copy of Alice the 101st which I reviewed earlier in the month for ANN.

Butterflies, Flowers (Vol. 04)Moving onto other genres, I picked up a copy of Bakuman (Vol. 01) – the team of Death Note makes a manga about making manga – and the fourth volume of Ooku in which it feels like the faux-Shakespearean speech that I really dislike seems more toned down (or is that just me?). In the mail I got a copy of the newest volume of Butterflies, Flowers which is hilarious – I am completely enamoured with the mature silliness of this series and I hope many others are too.

And lastly, thanks to my local library, I’ve been reading the Manga Guide to Databases. After reading the Manga Guide to Statistics last week and being impressed with how much I actually retained from it, I sought out this one as I’ve been wanting a basic introduction to databases. Yay for learning?

Swag Bag – Culture-Shock, Doctors and Yuri

My local comic shop Strange Adventures is having a 20% off everything sale this month – hopefully that means lots of new books in the coming weeks!

While there this week I picked up a few different books:

Peepo Choo (Vol. 01) – This book was insane. I read it on the way home on the bus (for which thankfully I was sitting in the back because this is not the kind of book you want to think people are reading over your shoulder). Very 18+ material and pretty mean too. I liked it over all because of the sheer amount of ridiculous energy but the creator is definitely out to make a statement by being pretty insultive. But though over-emphasized, it’s still based on nerd-dom truths so you can’t hate it for that. The stereotypical anime fans versus comic fans scene is pretty entertaining and hits the nail on the head. The amount of sex and violence really surprised me though but I did very much find myself wishing it’d stick to those parts and leave the ‘weeabo’ drooling, shiney-eyed main character behind.

Black Jack (Vol. 12) – One of the series that I just cannot wait to pick-up – when I know it’s out, I must have it! This volume continues the trend of never disappointing. I do find each time I read a new volume I always think ‘this is darker than before’ in regards to how the stories end but since I have that thought every time, I think it just proves how much continuing good shock value some of the stories have, not that they’re actually getting more grim or serious over time.

And from the wonderful bargain bin I picked up volume four of Me & My Brothers and volume two of A Tale of an Unknown Country. I haven’t read either of the series before so reading through these volumes should give me an idea of if I’d like to hunt out the rest of the volumes.

And arriving in the mail for me this week was two volumes of Yuri Montogari which are really uniquely varied stories of lesbian-love stories (some with definite twists in some stories) and a copy of Moto Haigo’s Drunken Dream and Other Stories from Fantagraphics Books. I was really surprised to see Drunken Dreams is a large-trim, hardcover book with glossy decoration work.

And as a little birthday present for myself I picked up an artbook by Ken Mizuki titled Sarasa. It’s a pretty small artbook compared to the others in my collection (small page count) but the cost was cheap and the art inside still very pretty. I think this artist primarily does doujinshi so while I’ve never read any of their manga, it was neat to see some artwork in here that I remember seeing scattered across fan-forums back in the days of Gundam and Saint Seiya fandom.

And lastly, thanks to the public library, I’ve been reading the Manga Guide to Statistics. It’s admittedly weird reading something that makes me feel like I’ve been dropped back in high school yet at the same time I really have to give the book credit for being such a good teaching tool. I had to reread some parts a few times to grasp the more involved stuff yet the fact that it makes me want to learn this stuff enough to do so is impressing me in itself. I’m definitely planning on reading the other books in this series.

Swag Bag for July 22nd 2010 – Evil Exes and Vengeful Counts

My usual Wednesday shopping had to be postponed until Thursday as I did an emergency replacement of my computer (warning to the masses: backing up your computer files is the best thing you can do for your technological-sanity) but a fan can never be kept from the bookstore for long!

Today specifically I first picked up Viz Media’s newest shoujo series, Dengeki Daisy. The plot doesn’t exactly wow me, and I haven’t read the artist’s previous work, Beast Master, but I’ve already hard lots of good things about this new story so I’m giving it a go! Thanks to a snazzy buy-one-get-one deal at Strange Adventures I was also able to snap up a copy of the third volume of Gankutsuou. While I haven’t read it through yet, just flipping through shows me this is going to be an entirely different, and considerably more disturbing, angle than the anime – yikes! And of course, I had to pick up a copy of the final volume of Scott Pilgrim.

While I never got a chance to visit the vendors for shopping purposes at last week’s Animinitime, I did stop by at the local Chapters to spend a convenient gift card I’d acquired. While there I also checked out the selection of French language manga. Such pretty design work! All with slipcovers and nice mini trim sizes. Also the selection was snazzy – over fifty volumes of Case Closed?! Very cool.

Chapters purchases included Calling, a boys’ love one-shot from BLU which sports an uke with very fluttering eyelashes; Cirque du Freak (Vol. 05) because my roommate adores the manga version (hasn’t read the books though) and I must admit it’s pretty darn fun to read; Flower in a Storm (Vol. 02) because despite thinking the first was sort of lame was interested when learning volume two was the end; Mad Love Chase (Vol. 04) because it’s Kazusa Takashima; and lastly, the fourth volume of my super guilty pleasure Zone-00 because it’s ‘awesome’. Ahhhhh the eye-candy in Zone 00!

As before, I encourage sharing of shiny manga purchases! What books made your swag bag this week?

Swag Bag for July 7th 2010 – Cats, Space and Pokemon

Here we are kicking off day one of Kuriousity’s fourth year! How about starting a new tradition with some new weekly content?

Buying manga isn’t something that seems to be as shared and celebrated as I’d like it to be, despite knowing that thousands of people are out there enjoying their purchases on a daily basis. Though my reviewers and I have managed to accumulate almost 700 reviews these past few years, they’re barely even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the books we buy and enjoy (not enough hours in the day!).

So! I’m going to start sharing what I buy with a few first impressions before I sit down to read them. Whether they serve as a reminder that ‘oh such-and-such a title is out now!’ or a simple ‘neat, she’s reading it too!’, I hope people find some fun in what’s in my shopping bag this week and are encouraged to share what you’ve bought recently as well! And if you’re interested in hearing more about a particular title, please feel free to let me know and I’ll do my best to have that title reviewed in full here on Kuriousity once I’ve finished reading it.

So what was in the bag this week thanks to new-comics-Wednesday at my favourite stop-and-shop location, Strange Adventures? Let’s take a look-see! (anyone but me have a bad habit of forgetting what they bought on the way home? At least there’s that fun rediscovery later!)

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