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Archive for the Swag Bag Category

Swag Bag – Pets, Butlers and Students Out of This World

Websites had some downtime yesterday so apologies for any who came by and were greeted by error pages. We should be back up and running fine now. That said, onwards to manga!

A snowstorm and slow release week kept me away from the comic shop last week but this week I was happy to make up for the short lull with a stack of must-own favourites.

Pet Shop of Horrors Tokyo (Vol. 08)Absolute favourites of the week were definitely the newest volume of Pet Shop of Horrors Tokyo (Vol. 08) and Black Butler (Vol. 04). Both star enigmatic pretty-boys with hidden powers and a whole lot of random happening around them. I was disappointed that the new volume of Black Jack wasn’t shipped here yet but these two definitely did a lot to brighten my mood. Retailers are listing this volume of Pet Shop of Horrors as  the last one though – I really hope that’s not the case!

While no new Tezuka to buy this week from Vertical (though hard to beat the news we got instead!), I was able to pick up the fifth volume of the slice-of-life space story, Twin Spica. Purchasing another of what I consider great ‘relaxing’ manga, I was pleased to find a copy of Cross Game (Vol. 02). Unlike the first volume, which was three volumes in one, this second book is only two volumes in one. It’s a good set-up though, as the first omnibus did a good job sucking me in but I don’t think I can handle that much of Mitsuri Adachi’s placid characters every time.

Adding some more Viz Media books to the stack, I got the new volume of Library Wars (Vol. 04) despite my disappointment of prior books. I keep remaining hopeful we’ll get more actual war and library and less cliche romance. Fingers crossed! More promising was my purchase of Arata (Vol. 04) – more shonen-style action from one of the original shoujo-cliche queens, Yuu Watase.

Stray CatAnd lastly I picked up a new boys’ love one-shot from BLU – Stray Cat. I’ve already read this one and really liked it. Great release quality from Tokyopop, fun characters with a nice art style and some really hilarious comics about the creator’s pets at the book’s end. BLU books don’t come out often but I’ve been pretty impressed with their selection overall these days.

This weekend I’m putting through a RightStuf order and that means filling up my shopping list with a whole bunch of surprise finds, bargain bin treats and must-have purchases (such as the boxset of Twelve Kingdoms!). Anything you’d recommend? A series new or old that you think shouldn’t be missed? Let me know!

So what were some of your recent purchases?

Swag Bag – Finding One Thousand Nights in the Twelve Kingdoms

Thursday again already? Where does the time fly! Under a few feet of snow in some places it seems. We got a good blizzard here but not as much snow as some places, that’s for sure. None the less it was a great time to settle back with some good books and I was happy to finally get an Amazon order with just that in it.

While I haven’t gotten to pick up this week’s new manga releases yet, I nabbed a few titles on my ‘must-have’ backorder list thanks to First to be pulled from the box was the eleventh and final volume of One Thousand and One Nights. I love this series so the fact it’s taken so long to get the last book still boggles my mind; perhaps I was just avoiding the end! I adore the cover on it, that dress-vest and collared shirt looks fantastic on Sehara.

One Thousand and One Nights (Vol. 11)Also criss-crossing time and fashion-space is the second book of the light novel series, The Twelve Kingdoms. The first book blew me away as a detailed and believable fantasy story about a girl ripped from her world and dropped into one of demons, Gods and people hatched from egg-fruit.

Lastly, I bought the first two volumes of Ayano Yamane’s Finder series. I have what was released in English already by BeBeautiful but I’d heard too many good things about Digital Manga‘s version to pass up a revisit. While I like to think I’d care enough to check the differences between the two editions, I’m sure I’ll just be enjoying the eye-candy and the shiny new design work on the covers.

Oh, and though not a new volume of anything, I did finally purchase a one-year Got Anime? membership. A couple purchases a year from RightStuf at at least $150 a piece and it seems more than worth it to me.

Swag Bag – Secret Foods of Gatcha Host Club

Swag Bag

A new year, a new swag bag banner! There was no Swag Bag the last two weeks as the holidays overtook and my wallet’s funds went towards buying gifts for others instead of stocking bags with goodies for myself. But I’ve since bought a few books for myself so let’s see what’s on the reading stack this coming week and what buys marked the first of the New Year!

I’ve spent the last week marathoning the Ouran High School Host Club manga, flying through volumes 1-14 with lots of love. One of my new favourites for sure – absolutely adorable! That said, I was quick to ensure I then had the newest volume so I picked up Ouran High School Host Club (Vol. 15). It looks like Tamaki is finally going to figure something obvious out… for better or worse.

Next I picked up the first volume of The Secret Notes of Lady Kanoko which I bought purely upon hearing so many good things about it. Plus after reading so much Ouran I’m up for some more shoujo-y goodness. This is also the first new series I’ve bought that sports Tokyopop’s new graphic design work. It uses a lot of black and is pretty slick looking. I’m not sure how well it will compliment different series but for now the pink and black looks really nice.

Speaking of graphic design that looks really good, I bought the one-shot Not Love But Delicious Food Makes Me Happy. Firstly, crazy long name, but secondly I adore the job Yen Press did on the cover design. Very nice! The book itself is a semi-autobiographical story of ‘Y-naga’ relishing in her love for food, all of which is drawn in great detail.

And from the bargain bin at Strange Adventures (where all the books I’ve bought this week were bought from, as per usual!), I bought a volume of Gatcha Gacha. Reason being was Sean Gaffney’s apparently contagious affection for the series. We shall soon see if I join him in this upon finishing,.

Lastly, the second volume of Hetalia. I told myself I wasn’t going to, but after seeing Canada played a bigger role, I couldn’t help it… Mindless cute fun in small doses so not a buy I regret, just one I waffled a long while on if I cared enough to make. Apparently I do!

I also purchased a handful of books from but those I’ll share once they arrive – doesn’t count until it’s in my hands! So what were your first purchases of the New Year?

Swag Bag – Balloons, Books and Darkstalkers

Is it Thursday again already? Wow, where’d that last week go! Not too much out on the manga-front this week but I still picked up a few goodies.

Naturally my most anticipated purchase of the week was the ninth and newest volume of Yotsuba&!. It was a little disappointing to have already read all the chapters via my subscription to Yen Plus, but still kudos to the perfect timing of the book’s final chapter being released just a day before the book hit store shelves. My favourite chapter in this book is actually the one starring the least amount of Yotsuba where her Father, Jumbo and Yanda have some fun, casual talk that just felt like a refreshing, down to earth and of course amusing little break from Yotsuba being as fantastic as she is. Not that there isn’t plenty of that too – I laughed out loud hard rereading a particular scene with a teddy bear at the book’s end. Much of this book follows Yotsuba and co. as they watch hot air balloons take off which is a good excuse to get them all out of the house for a while.

Twelve Kingdoms (Vol. 04)After that, I bought the fourth book in the Twelve Kingdoms series. I now have 1-4 but haven’t read them yet which is something I really need to change. The anime was phenomenal and I’m really eager to relive much of its charm through the books upon which is was based. And the covers are so pretty, they’re at least great just to stare at for the time being.

Always on the look-out for something new, I picked up the first volume of Itsuwaribito at random because it looked neat and had a funny shaped raccoon thing on the cover. Apparently I was more easily enticed than usual this week? Lastly, for something sort of old, I bought for my roommate the very long-awaited continuation of UDON’s Darkstalkers comic in volume two.

How about you – anything new on your shelves this week? Any manga or comics in your bags as gifts for the holiday season?

Swag Bag – Monsters, Monsters and More Monsters

It’s Thursday! And that means new comics were out on comic store shelves yesterdat. There weren’t a whole lot of books I wanted out this week but I still left with a few gems I look forward to jumping into tonight. For consistency’s sake, I’m also going to aim to have these Swag Bag editions up consistently on Thursdays, the day after I buy the bulk of my books. Any I buy other days I’ll save up for the next week’s edition. Can I handle this simple schedule? We shall see!

Toriko (Vol. 03)Two of my current Viz Media favourites came out today – Toriko (Vol. 03) and Pokemon Adventures (Vol. 10) – stories of monsters of very different kinds. I really enjoyed the second volume of Toriko, though I do lament the art on the covers that leaves much to be desired. It’s hard to hold it up to people as say ‘Hey, you should read this!’ and get anything but a funny look in return. This new volume of Pokemon Adventures also marks the start of the new artist. I really loved Mato’s stuff though Satoshi Yamamoto’s look pretty nice upon quick flip through – very similar inking style and layout work, just a notably different lead artist. My real concern though is whose this new girl? Where’s Red and Yellow?! Things got some epic in volume nine! Ah well, we shall see how this pans out.

To round off my small but much-loved purchases, I also picked up the new collected edition of Thor: The Mighty Avenger – an incredibly charming mix of wit and hilarious expressions about the most lovable version of this character Marvel’s ever managed to portray (in my opinion of course). I also bought Dragon Sword and Wind Child, a young adult novel that was one of my absolute favourites when I was a kid so I was excited to get the chance to buy a new edition by Viz Media’s Haikasoru novel imprint.

Also with me today was my roommate who purchased a few extra snazzy books I look forward to borrowing. She bought the last two volumes of Shaman Warrior, a really well illustrated manhwa with epic fight scenes – I can’t wait to see how it ends! I’d forgotten about it for such a long while, I’ll likely go back and reread the earlier volumes first. My roommate also bought a new UDON release, the Darkstalkers manga Red Earth which is done by Mami Otou, the artist for the disappointingly-cut-short manga, Pilgrim Jager. Her art style really suits the characters so I expect this will be a fun read!

How about you? Pick up anything shiny today?

Swag Bag – Freckles, Food and Manga Mysteries

It was a fairly big week for titles I really wanted to come out so I was happy to arrive at my local comic shop and find nearly all the books I wanted were on the shelf waiting for me – and then some!

AyakoThe first book I picked up was Ayako, a new one-volume omnibus from Osamu Tezuka. It’s published by Vertical and the packaging is definitely different from your average manga – a thick, hardcover book, and it’s a hefty one! Also from Vertical I bought the second volume of 7 Billion Needles. I really loved the first one though to this day still find it hard to figure out exactly why, it’s just a really compelling story.

Viz Media books came next and I continued on with several on-going series: Bleach (Vol. 33), Toriko (Vol. 02) and Cactus Secret (Vol. 04). I also bought the second volume of Bakuman (Vol. 02), even though the flat-out dumb character interactions in volume one left me feeling cold towards it. Fingers crossed for more manga industry and less… whatever that attempt at romance was.

Next I picked up some DelRey titles, which did feel a little odd all things considering. But these were two very welcome purchases, volume 28 of Reservoir Chronicles Tsubasa and volume 11 of Ghost Hunt. Both are the final volumes of the series which means they’re both two series I won’t need to fear never seeing the end of. The Tsubasa book also surprised me with how thick it is, looks like a lengthy finish. Hopefully one that makes sense too.

Alas that while it was good to see two series finish up just in time, it wasn’t so lucky for the first volume of Arisa. I picked up this series after reading Carlos Santos’ review of the title and I’m really glad I did (as I never would’ve if not for his review). I’ve already read it and really enjoyed it – definitely a case of not judging a book by its cover. Please, Kodansha Comics, should you ever truly exist, choose this book as one of those you keep going with from DelRey’s library.

And lastly, I picked up the boys’ love one-shot Cafe Latte Rhapsody from June Manga, and Black God (Vol. 11) published by Yen Press. Cafe Latte is by Toko Kawai, whose works I’ve generally enjoyed in the past. The art’s a little bleh but she writes good character stories. Flipping through, this one stars a character with freckles which I thought was cute.

So how about you? What marks your first purchases of December?

Swag Bag – One Shots, Complete Sets and Shoujo Galore

Despite the healthy dose of new titles coming out, there wasn’t much in the way of new titles I was looking for when I hit up my local comic shop this week. But Strange Adventures never fails to offer and lo and behold they had stacks and stacks of manga sets for cheap!

Though I may’ve wanted more, saving for holiday shopping took precedant this week so I opted for only three semi-complete series. I purchased volumes 1-14 of Ouran Host Club, volumes 1-10 of Beauty Pop and volumes 1-8 of Monkey High!. I fell in love with Ouran Host Club upon watching the anime (which has a fantastic dub thanks to Funimation). As for both Monkey High! and Beauty Pop, I’ve read a few volumes of each from my local library and am looking forward to reading the rest. Time for some marathoning – but which to start on first?

In contrast to the sets, I picked up a handful of one-shots as well. For some more shoujo-goodness, I purchased Short-Tempered Melancholic, Heaven’s Will and Gaba Kawa. I also purchased the horror (?) manga Goth which I reviewed on Tuesday. Heaven’s Will seems the most interesting of the batch simply because of the premise – girl who can see spirits teams up with a vampire and cross-dressing exorcist. We shall see how this plays out.

And lastly, and more recent, I bought the Seven Seas omnibus edition of Hayate x Blade. I liked the first volume so hopefully that continues for this edition which covers the first three.

Those were my purchases for the week – how about you? With this week marking Black Friday/Thanksgiving time for Americans, I imagine there are many manga-fans out for good bargains as well. Any especially fabulous finds? Feel free to share!

Swag Bag – Anime, Anime and More Anime

Not a whole lot of buying last week as I awaited a hefty RightStuf order to be delivered. And delivered it was! I prefer buying manga in-store and at conventions so when I make big purchases online, they usually consist primarily of anime.

Note to all Canadians: now is the perfect time to get together some friends, head over to, fill up your cart with oodles of goodies (check out their clearance section for amazing deals), getting that free shipping and taking full advantage of our strong dollar. Save lots of money and get some awesome stuff!

In my box of shininess this time, I continued a recent buying spree of Funimation box sets which always impress with me low prices, great selection and amazing dubs. Their S.A.V.E line is really phenomenal – an entire series for $12? Try justifying to me how that isn’t affordable (advance note: you can’t).

My series of choice this time were Jyo-Oh-Sei, a sci-fi survival series of which I really enjoyed the manga; Baccano, an anime cominbing violent mafia wars and alchemy; Hell Girl (S01), an episodic series about a website where you can ask to have someone banished to Hell; and Eden of the East, which I’ve heard so many amazing reviews for from people I know, that I had to give it a go. Thus far I’ve watched Hell Girl, which was really good and had a continuing plot line I didn’t expect, and the first half of Baccano. The first four episodes made little to no sense but after that the story picks up pace and wow is it something else! Very fun.

The final boxset of the purchase was Media Blaster’s new release of Magic Knight Rayearth which is a digitally remastered version in celebration of CLAMP’s 15th Anniversary. I’ve already seen the series via VHS, but the quality I’ve seen of these remastered episodes is more than reason enough to finally upgrade that series to DVD. I look forward to the shiny nostalgia of this title.

Bunny Drop (Vol. 02)Manga always needs to sneak its way in somehow though and I bought two books that I absolutely adored upon reading. First was the second volume of Bunny Drop from Yen Press. Following a man taking in a young girl and going through the realistic motions of caring for her is both heartwarming and impressively grounded. The other book was volume of The Last Uniform from Seven Seas, a positively adorable series about schoolgirls and their feelings for one another. Both books made me very happy.

In a disappointing follow-up to my last Swag Bag, the DelRey omnibus edition I bought of Mushishi fell apart into a pile of loose out-of-order pages when I sat down to read it! Looks like I got a bad bind. I hope it’s a one-off and not from a bad batch out there. If this is some kind of omen about DelRey manga then, well, it came too late.

So what’ve you bought recently? Anything you’d recommend or something coming up?

Swag Bag – Stellar Stacks of Demon Omnibus in Space

Happy Halloween! Er, a belated happy Halloween anyway. Hope those who celebrated it had a good time and didn’t get too stuffed on candy! While not treats of the sugary kind, I picked up a bunch of fun looking books last week.

It was a pretty hefty release week for Tokyopop titles so I left the store with a good armful of them. To start off, I picked up the first volume of The Stellar Six of Gingacho simply because it looked cute and I’m always up for giving a first volume a try. The interior art looks like a bit of a mess but hopefully the story proves more coherent. I love the colour scheme of the cover design though! Looking to try out another new series, and because I’m heard so many crazy things about it, I got the first volume of Demon Sacred which is by the same artist who did Jyu-Oh-Sei.

Next up I couldn’t resist their new How to Draw Shoujo Manga which shares how-to-dos and helpful tips for manga artists from a very Japanese-manga oriented perspective. This includes example material from a bunch of well-known manga artists including Fumi Yoshinaga. I’ll admit seeing her art on the back was the clincher to purchase this. Here’s hoping I learn something useful as I stare at the pretty artwork.

Continuing on with series I’m already collecting, into my basket went Mad Love Chase (Vol. 04) and Silver Diamond (Vol. 07). Both these series have admittedly begun to lose their luster for me but I’m stubborn with series I like (or have liked…)! Lastly for Tokyopop titles, I bought the second volume of Togainu no Chi because, well, it was on sale. I was pretty disappointed in the first volume but have been repeatedly told “It gets better!” so we shall see.

Adding to my swiftly growing stack of omnibus editions, from DelRey I bought the collected (Vol. 15,16,17) book of Air Gear -a series where the art is still fantastic even if the story keeps digging itself a deeper and deeper hole of WTF? – and (Vol. 08,09,10) of Mushishi – a series I’m collected sporadically because I liked the anime so much.

And to round out my shopping trips with a scattering from other companies, I got Twin Spica (Vol. 04) from Vertical, Dengeki Daisy (Vol. 02) from Viz Media – will it live up to my love of the first?! – and Himeyuka & Rozoine’s Story from Yen Press, which looks like a quaint little one-shot collection from a creator I’ve enjoyed works from in the past.

Anything exceptionally fantastic that came out recently that I’ve missed? Picked up something extra snazzy yourself? Let me know!

Swag Bag – Gotta Catch ‘Em All

I still haven’t completely finished unpacking what I bought at the recent New York Anime Fest (or finished my write-up about it for that matter – eep!) but that certainly hasn’t stopped me from my weekly trips to Strange Adventures for all that’s new, shiny and on sale.

First off, I couldn’t help but pick up Dark Horse’s omnibus edition of Cardcaptor Sakura. I already own the floppies, Mixx tradebacks and Tokyopop editions of the series but this one was too shiny and high quality to ignore. If you’ve been looking to replace some old copies or haven’t had the pleasure of owning one of the most adorable and magical manga series ever made, then you owe it to yourself to pick this edition up. It’s printed on high-quality paper, has nice lettering work and a thus-smooth translation plus it’s stuffed with full colour illustration inserts. This is a beautiful book indeed!

Next I spelunked through the stack of new Yen Press books out this week and decided on the third volume of Black Butler. This series has so much fan-service that is absolutely, perfectly and deliberately tailored to me. Or at least that’s how it feels sometimes and judging by it’s time on the New York Time’s Best Sellers list, I’m guessing I’m not the only one.

Next to enter my awaiting arms was the omnibus edition of Strawberry Panic which looks super pretty. I’ve heard good things so hopefully I am rewarded! I’m really falling in love with these omnibus editions, they’re fantastic.

Viz Media had a whole bunch of new books to choose from and there seemed no solution other than picking up most of them. For a new series, I picked up March Story (Vol. 01) and continuing a personal-favourite, Pokemon Adventures (Vol. 09). Naturally I had to make sure I nabbed a copy of 20th Century Boys (Vol. 11) while there was still one remaining and I was happy to see the second volume of Kingyo Used Books.

And rounding off my purchase of new releases and a new edition of a series I already own, I bought volume of boys’ love classic, Kizuna. It’s another beautiful omnibus edition of a great series. I will be enjoying some nostalgic reading this week for sure!

Then there was the discount shelf, full of snazzy and affordable little surprises to round out my purchases of the day. I picked up the first two volumes of Aegis from NetComics. I don’t own many of their books but have bought a number lately and liked the majority (though I have my share of complaints about their lettering – pet peeve of mine!). That said though, the lettering in Aegis actually looks quite a bit tidier than the others of theirs I’ve read so good start! Apparently it’s “a heart-thobbing sci-fi epic that echoes Lord of the Flies!“.

Lastly I got La Corda d’Oro (Vol. 08) and Togainu no Chi (Vol. 02), both of which I felt sort of lukewarm about prior volumes but I’m always up for giving series another book to impress me! I had opposite thoughts on them both – La Corda d’Oro has fantastic art but a meh story, where as I really disliked the art of this Togainu no Chi manga but like the original story. We’ll see where these volumes lead!

And to top it all off, though not manga, I had to buy a copy of UDON’s Vent anthology. It’s a collection of artwork from their company’s collection of contributing artists and it’s gorgeous.

Those were my purchases this week – what about yours?

Take me back to the top!