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Archive for the Editorials Category

Editorial: The Sexual Side of Boys’ Love

We're attractive and you like it!In light of lots of different articles and blog posts that I’ve been reading recently, I took a minute to sit down and write down some of my thoughts on boys’ love. I realize the more I write, the more I seem to find I have to say, so it seems safe to say this definitely won’t be the last boys’ love breakdown post of mine you’ll see (lucky you, hmm?).

My editorial-of-sorts post today is a focus on some thoughts of the sexual side of yaois and what I feel draws its readers to it, as well as notes on rape as an erotic story device.

Obligatory disclaimer: Some of the following is of a sexual manner and may not be appropriate for younger readers! Also keep in mind that these are my opinions, based on thoughts of my own and expressed by others. It in no way reflects all fans all the time, nor do I claim, via this disclaimer, that they do.

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22 Years of Fun (and Stereotype)

Many thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday! It’s much appreciated and did turn out to be a pleasantly happy one.

As a random bout of this 22-years-alive appreciation day, I’ve written down some random facts about me that come attached with some commentary! So if you’re a little curious about me, past my thoughts on 179 manga books (hard to believe I’ve written that many since March 2007…), then check it out after the jump! Maybe you’ll discover we have some more stuff in common; the misunderstood, multi-hobby geeks that we are!

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Manga Publishers and Me (Part 04)


Time for part four, the last chunk of my look at English manga publishers. Aren’t you glad it’s the last time you’ll have to see my lazy reuse of the same header image? Today it’s my take on DramaQueen, Aurora Publishing, Go!Comi, Kitty Media and Del Rey.

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Manga Publishers and Me (Part 03)


Part three of my opinions of manga publishers. Today it’s yaoi publishers: DMP, 801Media, BLU and Yaoi Press.

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Manga Publishers and Me (Part 02)


Today it’s part two of my little manga publisher look-ats. Part two shares my thoughts on Dark Horse, Seven Seas, Yen Press and ADV Manga. See here for part one.

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Manga Publishers and Me (Part 01)


After receiving so much response to my previous editorial-type post about global manga, I’m at it again (sort of?). Today I sat down and wrote some of my thoughts on manga publishers and here I am again to share them with you. Everyday I review their books, so why not take a moment to comment on the companies themselves? Because this ended up being a bit long, I’ll be splitting it into several parts spanning over separate days.

Readers, as usual I welcome your thoughts so feel free to respond in the comments section. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the publishers that bring us our translated mangas and manhwas: what you enjoy about them, what you dislike about them or maybe what you wish some would change. Both positive and negative responses are okay, but I ask you to please keep comments mature and avoid any outright flaming or bashing.

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TP Restructuring Analysis over at CP


Just a quick post directing Kuriousity visitors to ComiPress, where they’ve posted my round-up and brief analysis on the recent Tokyopop restructuring. A breakdown with lots of links to related content for those looking for more information on the subject. Don’t forget to splunk through CP’s article archives for lots more interesting reading material as well!

Editorial: Global Manga


I’ve sat back and watched conversation after conversation over global manga; should it be called manga? Is it all garbage? A lot of these same statements and arguments have resurfaced in full-force recently due to the Tokyopop fiasco. Well I finally sat down to write down my views, and for what it’s worth, I’m sharing them with you. It’s long and feels like it turned into a bit of rant so apologies in advance (?). I welcome relevant, mature comments so feel free to share your thoughts at the end!

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Editorial: Anime vs. Manga in the Market

BleachTaking a little break from manga reviews today with something a little different. This is not about which medium is better and it’s certainly not all deciding factors. This is an opinion based write up and comments and thoughts are welcome in the section below.

If you circle the anime and manga related sites, you’ve no doubt come across the manga vs. anime statements, ranging from personal taste to which medium flourishes best in today’s market. While anime has been facing slow decline in recent years, manga continues to keep a strong hold in the market: numerous publishing companies, a sea of endless titles and booming sales work to represent this success.

When the question of why there’s such a discrepancy between the two arises, some of the most defining factors seems evident and I’m calling it the three Ps: production, price and preview.

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Yuri Or Not?

Erica Friedman, founder of Yuricon, has put up an editorial about what her definition of Yuri is. It’s a good read for fans of the genre and new ones alike. I also think it has strong points that can be crossoveredo the world of Yaoi showcasing the difference between couples that can define a Yuri or Yaoi, and ones that merely act as little fetish touches for fans.

You can read the editorial here.

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