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Posts Tagged Witchcraft

Project-H Treats With A Foursome of Autumn Hentai Licenses

Project-H Treats With A Foursome of Autumn Hentai Licenses

Kuriousity just got a new face-lift, so now it’s time for some new content! In the on-going journey to catch up on a lucrative season of manga-news, we look to Project-H who recently announced four new hentai licenses:

Aqua Bless – Yamatogawa
Nametate Apple Pie – Ashita Morimi
Princess Lucia – Kouji Seo
Witchcraft – Yamatogawa

They start with a collection of short stories in Aqua Bless, ones which “…reveal the adventures of telepathic beauties, frustrated couples escaping to paradise, skimpy cow girls, twins falling for the same man, scandalous happenings at a ski resort, and more.” This one-shot assortment is scheduled for Fall 2014 as both print and digital editions. Those plots all sound good to me~

Ashita Morimi’s Nametate Apple Pie is a one-shot comedy scheduled for January 2015. Project-H smashed our hopes by saying “…it looks like a yuri manga .. but it’s not.” Alas! The story actually stars a man who uses his professional tongue-skills as an acupuncture-like replacement. Who needs needles? His skills are highly sought after but things get complicated when he reunites with an old crush. Dun, dun, dun…

Princess Lucia is a romantic comedy with I’m guessing an extra-pervy side if its in Project-H. It tells us the tale of a demoness who’s determined to have a child with a young man born on the devil’s hour, believing they’ll create powerful offspring. Opposing her are two equally attractive and interested angels. Princess Lucia is scheduled for release in both print and digital starting in Summer 2015. Project-H has announced they own the license for the first three books of this on-going series.

And last up, a second title by Yamatogawa – Witchcraft. The story follows a hapless young man and his run-in with “curvy and curious fortuneteller” who’s eager to test the limits of her hypnosis skills. Project-H has said that the series may be released with censorship, depending on what the original publisher provides for files. Whether it does or doesn’t, Witchcraft will be published in Winter 2014. I’m always up for some supernatural manga so I can’t complain to a genre crossover with my pornier purchases.

For those looking for some hentai now, Project-H has also been adding lots of their recent titles to their eManga platform. Remember, adults only!

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