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Posts Tagged Video Games

Kingdom Hearts Galore, Wolf Children and More With Yen Press at Sakura Con

Kingdom Hearts, Wolf Children and More With Yen Press at Sakura Con

Convention season is preparing to go into full swing, and Yen Press hit the ground running at this weekend’s Sakura Con. Credit for all the juicy details goes to the fine news folks at Anime News Network.

First up were a few new manga licenses, including one with a very, very long name:

Inu × Boku Secret Service – Cocoa Fujiwara
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular! – Nico Tanigawa
Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki – Mamoru Hosoda & Yū

Inu x Boku Secret Service is a series I’ve heard about via its anime, but I’m not familiar with it beyond that. The story is a romantic comedy about a young girl who is partnered with a special bodyguard after she goes  to a building shrouded in mystery with the hopes of getting better at interacting with other people. Yen Press will begin releasing the manga in October 2013.

Yen Press’s next title is very likely to go unrivaled for the longest title licensed in English this year – No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!. This one is a comedy series following a girl whose video game-spawned illusions of high school are dashed when she actually attends it. She has my sympathies – high school was nothing like Breaker High or the Power Rangers prepared me for either! The first volume of this title is currently scheduled for October 2013 as well.

And last up for the new titles is my most anticipated of the batch – Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki. This is a manga adaptation of Mamoru Hosoda’s new movie of the same name. I haven’t seen it yet but my love for Summer Wars, and the very cute trailers, has me excited to watch it someday. Naturally I then must read  the manga as well. Yen Press will begin releasing this series in omnibus format starting in 2014, but hopefully I won’t need to wait that long to see the movie.

And continuing the licenses, Yen Press also announced that they’ve acquired the rights to the manga adaptations of the popular Kingdom Hearts games:

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix – Shiro Amano
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories – Shiro Amano
Kingdom Hearts II – Shiro Amano
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days – Shiro Amano

The original Kingdom Hearts manga series was released in its entirety by Tokyopop. Yen Press will be releasing a newer version, titled Final Mix, as two omnibus volumes, the first of which is due out in May 2013. Chain of Memories was also released by Tokyopop as single editions, while Yen Press will publish the title as a single omnibus in June 2014. Kingdom Hearts II was only partially released by Tokyopop before the company shutdown, and while Yen Press confirmed they have this license, they haven’t announced plans for it’s release yet. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, however, has never been released in English before and the series will start with volume one in November 2013.

That is a lot of Kingdom Hearts! For those unfamiliar with the franchise, it begins with a boy named Sora who travels between different worlds to retrieve the stolen and transmuted hearts of their inhabitants, with his new friends, Donald and Goofy to help him. As a collaboration between Disney and Square Enix, the games (and manga) are full of characters from both their companies as well as a steadily growing cast of characters exclusive to the Kingdom Hearts story.

I really enjoyed the manga adaptation of these games – and the games considerably before that – so I’m really excited to see Yen Press has picked them up. I’m confident they’ll do well. I’ll also keep my fingers crossed that they extend their licensing hands  to the absolutely adorable Kilala Princess, which is like a little sister to Kingdom Hearts. Tokyopop released the first four volumes. A girl can dream, right?

Seven Seas Goes To Console War With World War Blue

Seven Seas Goes To Console War With World War Blue

Within days of announcing three new manga titles, Seven Seas had another to add their growing 2013 announcement list:

World War Blue – Anastasia Shestakova & Crimson

Now this is a unique sounding plot. Whether or not that means it’s a good use of said uniqueness remains to be seen, but it’s definitely got me curious. World War Blue is a ‘retelling’ of video game console wars in Japan with the consoles themselves represented as classic fantasy-style parodies of particular characters. When the Segua Kingdom and the Ninteldo Empire face-off, who comes out the victor? I wonder if gaming history counts as a spoiler…

The series is nine volumes long and each release will contain “a wide array of extra content, such as colorful maps, pin-ups, detailed character bios, and fun bonus features that delve into video game history and lore.” Volume one is scheduled for a July 2013 release.

Credit for the news goes to AnimeNewsNetwork where you can read a detailed press release of the announcement.

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – January 30, 2013

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - January 30, 2013

January’s going out with a bit of a whimper, but still, manga! And a Legend of Zelda book that is a must have for many. You can read about the manga titles out this week over at my On The Shelf article for Otaku USA.

Bloody Monday (Vol.09) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
The Limit (Vol.03) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]

Kuriousity at SDCC: Day One

San Diego Comic Con International

Day one of SDCC wraps up tonight and what a day it was! My 6000km trek across the continent that was full of trials standing between me and Comic Con, from barely connecting flights to lost luggage and no hotel room. But, patience and perserverance wins in the end and I was able to join fellow con-goers in enjoying day one (and writing about it on no sleep. It’s all about the con experience!). On that vague note, please excuse any crazy spelling errors or icky photo placement. My SDCC posts will all recieve a cleaning up once I return home from my trip.

As today was preview night for 4-day badge holders, press and professfionals, there wasn’t anything in the way of panels occuring but that didn’t mean the thousands of people who flocked to San Diego to attend didn’t find exactly what they were looking for. Open to the public after a slightly disorganized, but still very smoothly executed, registration, Comic Con International’s exhibitor area (“San Diego Comic Con”) was officially open to its eager audience.

You can read about my initial manga finds on the floor and see some photos after the jump.

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OPlay is a Go at GoComi


The long-hinted at online game, OPlay, has finally been released today over at the Go!Comi website. Those who sign up (it uses the same log-in as the site’s forum and account system), can play the prolouge chapter for free, with a $7.99 fee for the first episode.

I think it’s a neat concept for sure and it’s fun playing that kind of choose-your-own-adventure-dating-sim-esque game with such beautiful graphics (Hunter and Julie did wonderful work on this) and with the ease of online play (no downloads required). But is it $7.99 an episode good? While I thought the prolouge was neat, the episodes are going to need to be a lot longer than that to come close to being worth the cost. Can this online-play manga be worth nearly the price of a regular manga book? I’m too broke to say for sure right now but if anyone else gives it a shot past the prolouge, I’d love to hear about it!

Daemonium Style and OPlay Peek


In celebration of the first volume release of Kosen’s new title, Daemonium, they’ve updated their website with a firey new layout. They’ve also created a mini-site dedicated to the series which can be seen here. There’s some info, artwork, downloads and a link to Tokyopop’s manga viewer with a look at the first chapter.


And over on DeviantArt the other day, *lone-momo posted some preview images of their work on GoComi’s upcoming online game, OPlay. You can see the pics here, here and here! OPlay, which stands for Online Play, will be a play-for-use game that will work in a similar fashion to dating sims/choose your own adventure sort of deals. The staff of GoComi plan to launch it in the near future and have told people to keep their eyes peeled for the “virgin episode”.

No More Heroes: Play Without Regrets


 While I plan to write up a full review for this in due time, I’m taking a minute of this slow Saturday to plug one of the best games I’ve played in ages: No More Heroes for the Wii (nothing like you’ve ever played on the Wii, not for the kiddies!). You play as the main character Travis, a fan of anime and Mexican wrestling, on his way to becoming the top assassin. It’s a hilarious, beautiful stylized and over the top action game that makes great use of the Wiimote’s capabilities, taking the hack and slash action platform to a much more entertaining level. Extra recommendations if you like a challenge; this game has some of the toughest bosses I’ve ever faced in a video game. It’s also a bit of a parody, poking fun at the game genre stereotypes with both plot, dialouge delivery and in-game play actions. Much more shortly put: I loved it and cannot recommned it enough for a good time (and finally an anime fan representation whose really awesome, once you get past the 27 year old virgin part).

And completely unrelated but added for my purely anime/manga visiting fans: Amazon has a new listing for an exclusive complete Inu-Yasha series set, $419.99 f0r 3900 minutes of Shikon searching action. Glad I’m not really a fan. I have trouble enough getting past $70 boxsets! Ouch. Good for those who’ve been waiting to get it all in one go though I suppose.

New Kingdom Hearts

Three new Kingdom Heart games were announced at Tokyo Game 2007 this passing Wednesday; one for PSP, DS and Mobile phones. More information on them and the trailer summaries can be seen here.

Heavenly Sword and Ghosts?

Fourth installment of the ‘Heavenly Sword’ anime-inspired movies has been posted. Watch it here.

 Also apparently there’s rumours going around about a possible second season of Ghost Hunt. Let’s hope so, really well done series. The Ghost Hunt manga is currently being released in English by DelRey.

Heavenly Sword Part 3

Third installment of the anime-inspired, Heavenly Sword, prequel animations is up for viewing. It can be watched here.

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