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Posts Tagged Summer Wars

Vertical Inc Licenses Summer Wars for Autumn 2013 Release

Vertical Inc Licenses Summer Wars for Autumn 2013 Release

Vertical Inc has its first announced license of the year – Summer Wars! Adapted from the award-winning movie of the same name, Summer Wars is a manga title I’ve seen requested quite a bit for a while now. Patience rewarded!

Summer Wars (Part 01)- Mamoru Hosoda & Iqura Sugimoto
October 2013 – $14.95/US, $16.95/CAN
Amazon US / Amazon CAN

Summer Wars will be released in two omnibus volumes that include colour inserts and some words from the series’ artists.

I really love the Summer Wars movie, so I’ll definitely be buying the manga version of it. I’m not sure it’ll carry the same spark without all the colours and crazy digital-world movements, but I’m eager to see what angles the book takes. Will it focus on different elements than the movie? Different weight on different characters? A word for word of the original? We’ll see soon enough!

The original movie was released in English by Funimation, while UDON Entertainment is publishing a material book for the movie this coming May. The story follows a young man who is asked to be a fake fiance for his classmate during summer vacation. While initially it seems just a matter of fooling her lively and close-knit extended family, soon they’re all drawn into a conflict against a computer virus that is destroying the internet system their modern society relies on.

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