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Posts Tagged Shonen Sunday

VIZ Launching Digital Supplement for Shonen Jump Subscribers

In the December 2010 issue of Shonen Jump USA, VIZ makes a major announcement with a splash page in the opening pages, and a small blurb in the  next issue previews  indicating-

“Subscribe NOW and next month you’ll get to read:

  • Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan
  • Bakuman
  • Toriko

Available exclusively for subscribers online @shonenjump.com

VIZ already operates a digital preview of monthly issues of the print magazine at on the Shonen Jump website along with sample  of chapters of its ongoing graphic novel series. It appears this feature will launch next month, as there’s no news on VIZ’s Shonen Jump homepage as of yet.

Update: Shonen Jump Online Ad 01 | Shonen Jump Online Ad 02
(Editor’s note: Text is bottom of second image typed out for clarity.)

Shueisha themselves also have many sample chapters at their official English Shonen Jump homepage with sample chapters of their most popular series, and revolving samples of series unlicensed in the US like the currently showcased Light Wing. I’m assuming that VIZ’s site address in the magazine was a typo, though it would be interesting if they took over or merged with Shueisha’s shonenjump.com.

Whether the chapters of the three titles will simply be the usual 2-3 chapters of manga we see each month in Shonen Jump USA,  chapters running simultaneously with the Japanese edition similar to Shonen Sunday’s Rin-Ne , or simply the usual 3-chapter preview we normally get for new manga in Shonen Jump  is also unclear. At the moment, VIZ simply advertises it as an “online preview for subscribers only”. As such, it might be that these previews will be rotating series, though Toriko, Nura and Bakuman would make excellent ongoing additions if VIZ is planning longer runs. As both Toriko and Bakuman have already had short runs in the magazine, one would assume these online chapters will be from later in the series.

Nonetheless, this sounds like a major step forward for VIZ, adding a number of popular series that expand their offerings to their subscibers, and finding a way to potentially capitalize on digital manga by giving subscribers both a print and digital edition of the magazine with different sets of content. Given how lowpriced VIZ’s subscriptions are, around the same as 3-4 issues of the print magazine, this looks to be an excellent value for potential subscribers, and a different take from other initiatives not just by charging a subscription fee, but also by teaming it up directly with the print edition.

As a digital edition won’t be limited by page numbers, it also gives VIZ lots of room to grow in terms of adding further content. Personally, I hope fans support this iniative and encourage VIZ to build upon it. It’s a different approach with a more tangible value, a smart move to convince readers into boosting their magazine’s circulation, an inventive way to build on their existing digital anthologies, and a definite treat for those already subscribing to the magazine.

This is a small, but bold step for VIZ, considering the popularity of Bakuman, with Nura‘s anime being simulcast by their anime division, and Toriko also having a sizeable cult following. When one considers that there are only four regular ongoing series in the print edition currently, having three additional chapters online is a considerable boost, and the range of themes adds some diversity. Toriko‘s strange combination of First of the North Star style heroes and the cooking manga genre, Bakuman‘s manga about making manga aspect and Yura‘s anime tie-in make for an excellent range of titles. This will apparently be further augmented by the addition of print chapters of YuGiOh 5D‘s and Psyren, which appear to be ongoing additions rather than previews. It’s been awhile since VIZ added an ongoing series to the book, and these two should help break up the  Naruto/OnePiece dominance the magazine has had lately.

I imagine some might quibble over the subscription aspect, but this is a move that serves their artists and subscribers well – rewarding their existing readership, and setting up a system that will potentially allow more content and profitability than an advertisement focused website like Shonen Sunday and SigIkki.

It remains unclear if this is the big news VIZ was touting as arriving this week, though the timing would indicate it just might be. This is a move with lots of potential, and a major step forward considering up until now, the majority of VIZ’s digital content came from Shogakukan. Having access to Shueisha’s titles for digital editions opens a lot of opportunities, and I hope fandom will move forward with VIZ on their new venture, and help stabilize manga in what have been uncertain times for the industry.

PR: Viz Media Offers a Haunted Tale in New March Story


Evil Lurks Beneath The Surface of Great Masterworks And Only One Demon Hunter Can Vanquish The Fiendish Spirits In A Dark New Tale From The VIZ Signature Imprint

San Francisco, CA, October 13, 2010 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, will release the supernatural manga (graphic novel) series MARCH STORY on October 19th. The latest addition to the VIZ Signature imprint, by Hyung Min Kim with artwork by Kyung Il Yang, is rated ‘M’ for Mature readers and will carry an MSRP of $12.99 U.S. / $16.99 CAN.

Among the quiet villages and towns of 18th century Europe, demons known as the Ill hide within the most beautiful works of art and are sparked to life by the torment of their creators. Attracted by their jewel-like allure, unwary viewers can find themselves possessed by the Ill and will be driven to horrific acts of violence. Only the hunters of the Ciste Vihad can dispel the Ill. March is one such hunter, tracking the Ill from town to town to find the antiques that contain the demons before they can possess anyone. If the worst has come to pass, March’s full powers are unleashed to battle the fiendish Ill.

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PR: Viz Media Launches Cross Game Manga Series


Celebrated Manga Artist Mitsuru Adachi’s Much Anticipated Series Begins In October; Anime Counterpart Streams On VIZAnime.com

San Francisco, CA, October 5, 2010 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, brings manga legend Mitsuru Adachi’s celebrated series about the game of life and baseball – CROSS GAME – to North American readers on October 12th. The poignant drama will be published in a hefty expanded edition under the Shonen Sunday imprint, is rated ‘T’ for Teens, and the first volume, containing the first three volumes as originally released in Japan, will carry an MSRP of $19.99 U.S. / $27.00 CAN. Subsequent volumes will retail for $14.99 U.S. / $19.99 CAN, and will contain two complete volumes from the Japanese release.

The CROSS GAME anime series also streams – for free – on VIZ Media’s own VIZAnime web site (www.VIZAnime.com). To celebrate the launch of the manga, a special double-episode installment of new anime episodes (subtitled) will be available on the site the week of October 11th. CROSS GAME anime episodes are also available from streaming content provider HULU (www.Hulu.com).

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PR: Viz Media Announces New Summer Manga


San Francisco, CA, July 29, 2010 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has provided details regarding the launch of brand new manga series set for release this summer. The series will tantalize the most discriminating manga tastes and features romantic dramas, fantasy driven action, the trials of aspiring manga creators, and a tasty slice of life story set in a romantic bistro in Rome.

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Review: Yakitate!! Japan (Vol. 23)

Reviewer: Andre

Manga-ka: Takashi Hashiguchi
Publisher: Viz Media
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: July 2010

Synopsis: “Young Yamatoya, a spoiled brat with a thing for bread, is back – and this time he’s trying to buy a job as a bread judge. But when master taster Kuro-san decides to teach him a lesson about hard work, Yamatoya realizes he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Later, Azuma’s team Pantasia is in a bind when their next opponent in the “Yakitate!! Japan” baking competition turns out to be an old rival who’s caught in the grip of a powerful mind-controlling substance: miso bread!”

Yakitate Japan offers some signature Shonen Sunday-brand humour, adding a dash of whimsical absurdity to the realm of cooking manga, with its strange yet involving tale of youths struggling to be the best bread-makers in all of Japan. This volume is well into the series, yet is quite accessible to new readers, piquing my curiosity to check out more of this offbeat bakery comic.

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Scanlation Sentiments: My Answers to Your Statements

The recent press release regarding the manga coalition, which saw a slew of companies finally banding together to battle the evil that is manga aggregator sites, was met with the excepted amount of drama, assumption and protest. While the number of fans cheering the decision and understanding the positive implications of it came out in healthy force, the nay-sayers remained as always the prevalently loudest.

With the resulting week or so of virtual fandom butt-hurt across various forums and sites, I was finally compelled to finish my rough manifesto of why so many of those arguments are completely nutso. Some are sympathizable, many are wildly shared and all have been corrected a hundred times long before I decided to step into the ring of legality and logic. But, to try and take the edge off that voice in my head that constantly screams ‘do they even know what the heck they’re talking about?!’, I’ve conglomerated my brain-responses to hundreds of people’s emotionally-charged internet responses into one post of fairly-frank, honest and thus likely offensive-to-those-who-take-it-all-as-personally responses to those statements you never meant to be taken as a question.

And here we go…
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PR: Viz Media Announces Preview of Cross Game Manga


Set Against The Backdrop Of The Sport Of Baseball, This New Manga Series Explores The Bonds Of Love
Between Friends, Siblings And Family

San Francisco, CA, APRIL 7, 2010 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, will bring Mitsuru Adachi’s acclaimed manga series CROSS GAME to North American readers via special online previews beginning in May on VIZ Media’s Shonen Sunday website (ShonenSunday.com). CROSS GAME is rated ‘T’ for Teens and is due to release Fall 2010.

CROSS GAME is a moving drama that is heartfelt and true, yet in the brilliant hands of manga artist Mitsuru Adachi, delightfully flows with a light and amusing touch. The series centers around a boy named Ko, the family of four sisters who live down the street and the game of baseball. This poignant coming-of-age story will change your perception of what shonen manga can be.

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PR: Viz Media Debuts Arata the Legend Manga


For Two Boys Called Arata,
Switching Places Means an Adventure of a Lifetime!

San Francisco, CA, March 3, 2010 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, brings famed manga creator Yuu Watase’s potent blend of mythical fantasy adventure and lavish artwork for the North American debut of ARATA: THE LEGEND on March 9th. The new series is published under the SHONEN SUNDAY imprint, rated ‘T’ for Teens, and will carry an MSRP of $9.99 U.S. / $12.99 CAN.

In a world where humans and gods coexist, Arata is the unfortunate successor to the matriarchal Hime Clan–unfortunate because if he’s not cross-dressing to hide his gender one minute, he’s fleeing for his life the next! When Arata winds up in the modern world and switches places with a boy named Arata Hinohara, it’s a wonder which Arata is actually better off…
In Volume 1, Hinohara is the spitting image of Arata, so he suddenly finds himself fighting people after his life! As he navigates through this foreign world filled with power-hungry warriors, who will come to his aid? One thing’s for sure–it’s not easy being Arata!

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PR: Viz Media 2010 Publishing Highlights


San Francisco, CA, JANUARY 11, 2010 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, announces some of the exciting new manga set for release throughout the first half of 2010.

The new releases will be published by VIZ Media under its best-known imprints including VIZ Signature, Shojo Beat, Shonen Sunday, Shonen Jump and Shonen Jump Advanced.

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PR: More Manga for Holiday Gift Ideas from VIZ Media!



San Francisco, CA, November 12, 2009– VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, spotlights an inventive variety of manga (graphic novels) that are sure to delight both gift givers and recipients this holiday season with adventure, action, mystery, vampires and more.

“We’re offering up the best of the best just in time for the holidays,” says Gonzalo Ferreyra, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, VIZ Media. “There are new series from manga heavyweights like Taiyo Matsumoto with GOGO Monster, and Rumiko Takahashi with her newest creation, RIN-NE and many more. For new and familiar fans alike, or perhaps for ones who simply love good stories with exquisite art, any of these titles will make an especially unique gift to fit almost any budget this year.”

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