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Posts Tagged Rumiko Takahashi

Review: Rin-Ne (Vol. 01)

Reviewer: Lissa Pattillo

Manga-ka: Rumiko Takahashi
Publisher: Viz Media
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: October 2009

Synopsis: “Sakura’s curiosity about the mysterious Rinne draws her deeper into an amazing world on the boundary between the living and the dead. Helping Rinne is one thing, but will tagging along with him leave her trapped in the afterlife? And does Rinne really know what he’s doing? Dealing with the afterlife isn’t easy, especially when you don’t know all the rules!”

Like many a manga-character before her, Sakura Mamiya can see spirits – but she’s gotten used to it. One day a student in her class finally decides to show up except only she can see him. She soon learns that the student, Rinne, an oddly dressed redhead, accepts money and food in exchange for his services. His profession? Shinigami …well, sort of.

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PR: Rumiko Takahashi’s RIN-NE releasing Vol 1 on October 20th!


Volume One Of This New Series To Hit Store Shelves In the Same
Month As The Japanese Release.

San Francisco, CA, Date October 13, 2009– VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, will launch RIN-NE, the brand new manga (graphic novel) series from famed creator Rumiko Takahashi with the publication of the debut volume under VIZ Media’s Shonen Sunday imprint on October 20th. RIN-NE is rated ‘T+’ for older teens and will carry an MSRP of $9.99 U.S. / $12.99 CAN.

RIN-NE is the first manga series that will be available in stores at the same time as the Japanese release of the same volume. Through an unprecedented collaboration, RIN-NE is also the first manga series to appear simultaneously in Shogakukan’s popular WEEKLY SHONEN SUNDAY manga magazine in Japan and online on www.TheRumicWorld.com for North American fans. A new chapter is released each week for domestic fans to enjoy at the same time as their Japanese peers.

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NYAF 2009: Viz Media

NYAF 2009 - Viz Media

Wrapping up the manga-centric news of this past weekend’s New York Anime Fest, Sunday saw Viz Media staff take the panel stand with some fun new announcements.

New Licenses:

Gente ~Ristorante no Hitobito~ by Natsume Ono
What’s the Answer by Tondabayashi
Grand Guignol Orchestra by Kaori Yuki
Nice to Meet You, Kamisama by Julietta Suzuki
Library Wars by Kiiro Yumi
What’s the Answer? (Creator unknown)
Bob and His Funky Crew (Creator unknown)

The previously announced series Bakuman (by the same creators as Death Note which premiere in the May 2010 issue of Shonen Jump, and before that in February Shonen Jump readers will get to read the first chapter of Toriko with its first volume due out in June. A reminder also that the big One Piece speed-up will begin in January which will see a whopping 4 volumes a month until June. A big yikes to fans’ wallets but a yay to their eager eyes!

For Rumiko Takahashi fans, Rin-Ne volume one comes out on October 20th and Inu-Yasha anime fans can look forward to a simulcast of the upcoming Inu-Yasha anime finale. I have to admit, as much Rumiko Takahashi’s tendacy to overstretch her series gets a tad on my nerves, I still have a big soft spot for her stories and I think an anime adaptation of Inu-Yasha‘s finale is pretty neat and all the more spiffy that we’ll get to watch it so soon.

PR: VIZ Media Previews new titles under SHONEN SUNDAY Imprint


New Manga Chapters From Each Series Will Be Previewed For Free On The Official SHONEN SUNDAY Website With Print Versions Scheduled To Be Published In 2010

San Francisco, CA, JULY 28, 2009 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, previewed three upcoming manga titles to be published under the company’s newest imprint – SHONEN SUNDAY – for a packed audience at its Anime & Manga panel discussion at the recent 2009 Comic-Con International show in San Diego, CA.

The new manga series will debut in 2010 and will include ARATA: THE LEGEND by renowned manga creator Yuu Watase, MAOH: JUVENILE REMIX based on the original story by Kotaro Isaka with story and art by Megumi Osuga, and HYDE & CLOSER by Haro Aso. Every month, the official SHONEN SUNDAY website at www.ShonenSunday.com will present a new chapter from each of the three new titles online for free, as well as post a new chapter from the ongoing action/fantasy adventure KEKKAISHI by Yellow Tanabe (rated ‘T’ for Teens; published domestically by VIZ Media).

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Kuriousity at SDCC: Viz Media Manga & Anime

Viz Media's Shonen Sunday

It’s Viz again today as a full room is present to hear the news at Viz Media’s Manga & Anime panel. As with the previous panel, I’ll share the big updates here and then update later with the complete panel information later this evening.

The panel opened up with information on the previously announced Shonen Sunday. Viz staff shared some information about Shonen Sunday’s history (had no idea it’d been around in Japan since 1939!) before showcasing the current titles available in the new imprint:

Rin-Ne – Rumiko Takahashi
Kekkaishi – Yellow Tanabe
Arata: The Legend – Yu Watase
Maoh: Juvenille Remix – Kotaro Isaka & Megumi Osuga
Hyde & Closer – Haro Aso

The new titles which have not yet been released by Viz, will be available in book form in 2010 but are currently being released per chapter (for free!) over at the spiffily launched ShonenSunday.com.

You can read lots more under the cut:

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PR: Viz Media’s Newest Imprint, Shonen Sunday


A New Imprint and Web Site Launch
Rumiko Takahashi’s Newest Series RIN-NE Gets Its First Volume

San Francisco, CA, July 8, 2009– VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has announced the launch of a brand new imprint, SHONEN SUNDAY. Featuring the works of some of the top shonen manga creators in the world today, the Shonen Sunday magazine in Japan provides the content for this imprint. The magazine recently celebrated its 50th anniversary since its first issue arrived on newsstands in March of 1959.

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VIZ Media Announces New Imprint – Shonen Sunday

Shonen Sunday

To think it feels only like yesterday Viz announced their IKKI online magazine and imprint. Today another press release circulated about Viz’s next endeavour, a second online magazine and imprint: Shonen Sunday.

The claim is that they will be releasing the first manga to ever be published simultaneously in Japan and North America. I certainly look forward to it! Badly resisting the urge to point out another such project that hasn’t really taken off yet… Viz’s array of titles has really branched out and taken off recentlyand I can’t wait to see what other titles this new collection will have to offer.

The imprint’s website, Shonen Sunday, currently has only a placeholder but it shows several series that are likely to be the initial licenses for Viz’s new line of books. The full site will go live on July 22nd. Viz Media has also let fans know that they’ll be announcing several of these titles at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con.

Rin-ne, the new supernatural series from Rumiko Takahashi, will be the first graphic novel released under the new imprint name. The series is still uploaded for free reading by Viz on a weekly basis, as a simultaneous release with Japan, over at The Rumic World website.

The full press release is available to be read here.

First Chapter of Rin-Ne Goes Live, InuYasha Unflipped


A little late into their release date of April 22, but none the less Viz delivered tonight with the first chapter of Rumiko Takahashi’s new series, Rin-Ne. You can read it over on their Rumic World website with their simple but slick manga reader.

“When she was a child Sakura Mamiya mysteriously disappeared in the woods behind her home. She returned whole and healthy, but since then she has had the power to see ghosts. Now a teenager, she just wishes the ghosts would leave her alone! At school, the desk next to Sakura’s has been empty since the start of the school year, but one day her always-absent classmate shows up, and he’s far more than what he seems!”

As for me, I’m already really liking this new series, having been eager to see something new after years of Inu-Yasha (Sorry, Rumiko, it was great stuff but 56 volumes of the same repeat storyline got a little old). Though only chapter so far, Rin-Ne reminds me a great deal more of Rumiko Takahashi’s earlier work, Ranma 1/2 than the more recent, Inu-Yasha. The comedy and pacing felt so nostalgic. Thumbs up from me on that point alone, though I am happy to see her taking another strong go at the supernatural genre.

Speaking of Inu-Yasha, the Rumic World blog has also some exciting news regarding future releases of Inu-Yasha. For the first time in English, the series will be released unflipped! Yay! The unflipped version will begin with the upcoming release of the 38th volume and also includes the VizBig versions of the series, which collect 3-in-1 volumes from the beginning, starting in November. Single volumes will also begin coming out on a monthly basis.

While I understand the culture-related will/need to release manga in our left-to-right format, its a shame when it involves flipping the artwork. As any artist knows, if you flip your art over, it’s rarely ever pretty! Yuck. Not to mention the cultural flaws created by a flip in this case, such as the yukata styles. Art should be seen as the artist drew it so I can’t wait to get my hands on an English copy of Inu-Yasha presented as the artist intended.

Release List: October 2008

Since the September release list has become such a popular post, looks like it’ll be a continued site addition. Glad so many of you have found it useful! So below the cut you can see the release list for October 2008. As before the list is in alphabetical order, and includes publisher’s logo, volumes and creator(s).

Note: Not all books listed here are guaranteed to be released in this month. Inparticular, certain Tokyopop and affiliated BLU titles may have been postponed. 

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