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Posts Tagged offbeat

Jen Lee Quick Confirms Reprints of Off*Beat, Upcoming Release of Vol.03

Off*Beat Returning to Print

Fans of the comic creator Jen Lee Quick got a pleasant surprise yesterday afternoon! After years of trying to regain the rights to her original series, off*beat, from Tokyopop, she’s now confirmed that another company will be doing reprints of the first two volumes and eventually publishing the never-before-published volume three.

“So this month I will be working on new covers for books 1+2 of Off*beat. They will be reprinted with my new publishing company and match the layout, logo ect of the eventual book 3.”

Jen is also looking to add some bonus content for the reprints and is seeking her readers’ input on what they’d like to see. You can share your comments over on her tumblr post or Deviantart account. Because some loose legal threads are still being tied up, the name of the publisher can’t be shared at this time but I can assure you that news of who it is will be coming soon (sorry readers, it’s a secret for now!).

As someone who really enjoyed the first two volumes of off*beat, this news is exciting enough in itself, but also has the added bonus of showing that at least one creator has been able to regain the rights to their series after Tokyopop‘s publishing shutdown in 2011. With the company’s recent revamp and subsequent ‘relaunch’, I wonder if we’ll see more creators announcing publication plans of their own for their previously Tokyopopped books. Yes, that was intentionally made into a verb.

Other creators whose works remain in Tokyopop lingo include Becky Cloonan, whose series East Coast Rising was cancelled after only one book. Tokyopop is still offering print editions of the book via RightStuf. Though sadly there are still no plans (that we know of) for volume two to see the light of day, Becky Cloonan has posted some pages from it on her website. Christy Lijewski, creator of the three volume series Re:Play, has also expressed her difficulties in trying to get the rights to her books back and recently polled her readers on their interest in Tokyopop’s plans to re-release the books digitally.

Super Savings: Tokyopop For Pennies at BookCloseOuts

Tokyopop For Pennies at BookCloseOuts.com

BookCloseOuts.com is a great site to check out for some good manga deals on any given day (just give it a browse and you’ll find dozens of books new and old for over 50% cover price) but they’ve currently got some extra snazzy pricing going on with some Tokyopop titles as a part of their “Kids Books for 99c Sale” – you heard me, 99 cents!

Some of my recommendations from the sale are Jen Lee Quick’s OffBeat!, CLAMP’s RG Veda and Matsuri Akino’s Kamen Tantei.

For a list of the 99cent Tokyopop titles currently available (depending on the stock remaining – alas many on my originally compiled list have already sold out!), check out the lists under the cut:

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Fans Try To Revive Off*Beat

100 Letters For Off*Beat

After posting about CLAMP_Now’s Appreciation Fanbook, I came across a little fan-run project with the hope of getting 100 letters sent to Tokyopop in order to convince them to publish volume three of the likely-permentantly-postponded OEL manga, Off*Beat by Jen Lee Quick.

While they don’t have much now, I still think it’s a nice fan-effort to let Tokyopop know there’s lots of interest for the third and final volume. Plus, taking a more effort-requiring tactic over the usual online petitions is a nice touch. I really loved the charming mystery story Jen Lee wove, so anything that could cause Tokyopop to reconsider it’s ‘indefinate hiatus’ is worth me noting :)

Editorial: Global Manga


I’ve sat back and watched conversation after conversation over global manga; should it be called manga? Is it all garbage? A lot of these same statements and arguments have resurfaced in full-force recently due to the Tokyopop fiasco. Well I finally sat down to write down my views, and for what it’s worth, I’m sharing them with you. It’s long and feels like it turned into a bit of rant so apologies in advance (?). I welcome relevant, mature comments so feel free to share your thoughts at the end!

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Review: Off*Beat (Vol. 01)

Author/Artist: Jen Lee Quick
Publisher: Tokyopop
Rating: Teen (13+)
Released: September 2005

Synopsis: “Meet 15-year-old Tory Blake, a self-proclaimed genius who is somewhat antisocial and more than a bit cynical about the world Life is just tedious for Tory… until the day an attractive but secretive boy his own age moves in across the street. Tory becomes obsessed by his mysterious new neighbour and begins documenting his every move. But this pursuits of friendship – and possibly more – leads Tory to the one thing he wasn’t expecting to discover.”

Off*Beat isn’t so much a mystery in its own right as it is the story of a boy looking for one. Tory Blake is the story’s lead. He’s an intellectual, anti-social teenager who doesn’t give the world a whole lot of credit, plus it seems to bore the heck out of him. One day a boy named Colin moves in across the street in the dead of night and suddenly Tory’s found a target for his obsessive-compulsive nature.

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