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Posts Tagged Neon Genesis Evangelion

Diamond Manga Previews: February 2012

Diamond Previews: February 2012

I was a bit late picking up my Previews magazine this month so my apologies to the two of you who were wondering where the heck my second installment of Previews was (I kid! …don’t I?). So here I am taking advantage of that extra day – Happy Leap Day! This month’s previews didn’t have as much manga content as January’s but still lots of fun stuff to look forward to and order in at our local comic stores.

February 2012 Manga Previews Checklist (PDF)

You may continue reading at your own discretion for my thoughts, elaborations, random pictures and the Top 10 Selling Manga of December 2011 and Diamond Comics top selling manga of all 2011!

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NYAF 2011: Viz Media

Viz Media at NYCC

Manga programming was light after Friday at NYCC, but Sunday had Viz Media‘s panel with a big announcement to share and some licenses worth getting giddy for. I’ve included the full write up of the panel in my post here, including the anime-related news instead of just the manga. Since the post is so lengthy, however, here’s a quick summary of the event manga-wise:

New licenses:

Jiu Jiu – Toya Tobino
Loveless – Yun Kouga


Shonen Jump print magazine to be discontinued in March 2012; replaced by digital edition that will come out weekly and feature new chapters of titles from Japan within weeks of their release. Graphic novels of these titles will be released digitally to allow readers to get caught up before the new chapters begin. Viz Media is calling this their ‘digital warp’.

You can read the full details and anime news under the cut!

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ANN and The Great Canadian Evangelion Ticket Giveaway Again

AnimeNewsNetwork's Evangelion 2.0 Giveaway

Anime News Network is holding a contest to give away theatre-showing tickets to the upcoming Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.0! The site had a similar contest for the first movie last year. This time they’re giving away not one, not two but 240 tickets – that’s five for each of the theatre showings across the country. It’s a simple enter-your-info-to-be-qualified contest and with that many tickets to give away, chances are good!

The showing is a single-night event on January 20th. Along with the contest, ANN’s site also has the complete list of theatres confirmed as playing the movie.

January 13, 2011: Winners announced – congrats folks!

ANN Review: NGE Campus Apocalypse (Vol. 01)

A bit belated but back in September my review for Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse (Vol. 01) [phew, long name!] was posted over at AnimeNewsNetwork.

It’s been a long while since Dark Horse has had a manga series I was interested in (excluding the ever-engaging Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service) but the art style and plot of this looked like something right up my alley. The fact it was Neon Genesis Evangelion was just an interesting quirk.

Overall I enjoyed it, the art was really nice (non-NGE characters looked especially good with the freedom to design from scratch) and the plot was alright. I was irked at the end when Shinji stepped up as the stereotypical passive anime-hero to join this fight he never really gave enough thought to, but other than that I read the book with few complaints. Not overly exciting, but decent entertainment for those new and old to the franchise.

Review: Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji Raising Project (Vol. 01)

Reviewer: Lissa Pattillo

Manga-ka: Osamu Takahashi
Publisher: Dark Horse
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: July 2009

Synopsis: “Stunning, hot-headed Asuka Langley Soryu has been friends with Shinji Ikari since they were little. And she always sort of assumed they’d stay together – until the day the beautiful, brilliant Rei Ayanami showed up in class! When Shinji starts to get curious about Rei, Asuka needs to figure out if she wants to be just friends with Shinji, or something more. But why are so many people keeping an eye on these relationships – people like homeroom teacher Misato, school nurse Ritsuko, and Shinji’s mother – NERV’s chief scientist, Yui Ikari…?”

An alternative universe take on the classic Neon Genesis Evangelion, Shinji Raising Project is a mixed bag of new ideas for old characters. Stripping them of their mechs and mental-drama, Shinji and co instead battle the trials of waking up for school on-time, reminiscing their childhood, avoiding those pesky trip-into-boobs potholes and momentarily questioning what their loving parents do for a living.

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Evangelion 1.0 Across Canada – Good Movie and Great Fans

Evangelion 1.0 Across Canada

Last night was the first of two showings across Canada of Evangelion 1.0, part one of a four-part retelling of the popular Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series, revamped with new scenes and new graphics for an old, an undeniably well-loved, story.

I went to the showing in Halifax, Nova Scotia, along with over 200 fellow fans –  not only did the show almost entirely sell out but we also made up the biggest turn-out across the entire country! Way to come out and show your support, Haligonians – you guys rock! Winning moments include a fun pre-show with lots of prizes and trivia and an impromptu light show during the film’s closing credits where everyone took out their cell phones and swayed them to the lovely Utada Hikaru song.

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Release List: September 2009

Monthly Release List: September

It’s September! Students go back to school and everyone says goodbye to the final days of summer as we count down the days to a golden Autumn (though Autumn seems to have hit us early here in Nova Scotia this year!). Lots of goodies out this month, highlights being Yen Press’s complete rerelease of Yotsuba&! and a whole bunch of volume one’s from several different publishers.

You can check out September 2009’s currently scheduled manga releases under the cut:

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