Osamu Tezuka

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Posts Tagged Movies

More DB Surfaces


 … for better or worse? via ComingSoon.net, Joblo.com has posted a bunch of set shots from the upcoming live action Dragonball movie (which has currently wrapped up filming).

Comments: Goku… um… well it’s what I expected, and I’m not terribly surprised, but the fangirl in me who wants to be a whiney-complainer just can’t let it go. He better get a tail, I wanna see a cheesy CGed tail swinging around behind at some point. Entertain me!

The monsters at the top look kinda neat. Far better than some of the other monster costumes we’ve seen from set shots so far. I think these are the first I won’t cross my fingers for some ass-saving overlayed CG effects to save ’em…. whoever/whatever they are.

Picture four, anyone else get a major Wolverine vibe?

And an Original Retro Robot, hmm? Merely a cheesy background decoration? Capsule Corp’s new invention? A possible new sidekick for the Goku reinvention?

My mind remains open that this can atleast prove entertaining (good or bad, really) but I’m having horrible Double Dragon live-action flashbacks.

First Look at Batman: Gotham Knight

Something which I’m sure will interest some of my site visitors, the sneak peek for the upcoming Batman: Gotham Knight DVD release has popped up on YouTube. Produced by Bruce Timm (automatic point on the awesome scale), the straight to DVD movie is the combination of segments animated by several anime studios. It’s shaping up to look pretty snazzy so far with some real talent behind it and some classy reimaginings. I definately recommend fans of the dark knight check it out.

Watch the sneak peek here.


A little off topic for the general content of my blog but I have to say that Cloverfield was hands down one of the most mind-blowing theatre experience I’ve ever had. I’m a big movie goer so it had a lot of competition but managed to blow everything prior to it out of the water. It was just something else. Call this some serious pluggage.

Big Screen DBZ Continues

A link via ComingSoon.net leads fans to a movie blog where they can get some more peeks into the filming of the live action adaptation of Akira Toriyama’s globally popular, Dragonball Z (debatably Dragonball judging from released plot synopsises). Is that a glimpse of the classic orange gi I see in the background? Lots of pictures of the movie’s cast, including some video interviews.

You can check ’em out for yourself over at hoyCinema’s Movieland blog.

Dragonball Cast Breakdown

News is out, though yet to officially confirmed, that James Wong will be directing the 20th Century Fox adaptation of Dragonball Z. Included with this is also a cast breakdown, which if true, shows that the adaptation is infact Dragonball, the original series (with a much more managable cast size) instead of DBZ.

The basic plot keeps fairly true with the original series, greatest noticable differance being Goku, who begins the series as a socially unaccepted 18 year old school student. This brings to question what era or culture this movie will take place in, for none is given as of yet. Other main characters include Bulma, Yamcha, Lord Piccolo, Gohan and Master Roshi.

Full details including character breakdowns can be read here.

A Spirited Flop

Despite the excitement surrounding the Canadian premiere of Ghibli Studio’s Spirited Away, fans around the country are being disappointed by major editing, including over thirty minutes of cut footage. As much as fans love the support for Ghibli movies by Disney and our Canadian broadcast channels, not to mention spreading it to thousands of television sets, is this manglement worth our time? CBC will get a lot of unhappy e-mails over this one, especially with an agreement between Disney and Ghibli studios forbidding such broadcasting edits.

Dragonball Z Hits Montreal

News both interesting and a bit disturbing, Fox has finally begun filming for the live action apadation of Dragonball Z. While the movie was announced years ago, filming has only begun now in Montreal, and with an estimated budget of 100 million American-dollars.

Source: AnimeNewsNetwork

Live Action Grave of the Fireflies

Grave of the Fireflies, a Japanese novel about a boy and his sister’s lives during World War II, has been announced as having a live action remake. The story was made popular and well known around the world after the Studio Ghibli anime movie of the same name.

Read more at AWN

Hana Yori Dango the Movie

Fans of the recent Japanese drama, Hana Yori Dango, can look forward to summer of 2008 when a movie will be releaesed in Japanese theatres to finish the story. With the same returning cast, it promises to appease fans of the drama and original manga alike. The plot will begin one year after the main character, Tsukushi’s, graduation ceremony. The popular drama, which ran two seasons, was based on a manga of the same name, released in English by Tokyopop under the name Boys Over Flowers.

Read more at AnimeNewsNetwork

Anime Batman

A DVD of anime-styled Batman segments is planned for release prior to the 2008 movie, The Dark Knight. The events played out in the newly animated shorts will connect events between The Dark Knight and it’s 2005 predecessor, Batman Begins.

Source: Newsarama

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