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Posts Tagged Manhwa

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – August 8, 2012

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - August 8, 2012

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday and there are few things I ever want more than the opportunity for more books. The manga publishing world responded (not intentionally of course, but I’ll think it so!) by having this week be an extra large bulk of titles. Hurray! You can see the full list – which includes over 30 individual releases – at my weekly On The Shelf article for Otaku USA.

My top pick of the week has to go to Viz Media‘s Kaze Hikaru (Vol.20). We need to wait a year between volumes and it’s a real shame when this series is so, so charming and well drawn. Kodansha Comics‘ Sailor Moon (Vol.06) is one of those no brainer purchases because it’s wonderful and this particular volume introduces the outer Guardians, Neptune and Uranus, which introduces a whole new layer of intrigue and classiness. For something new, I’ll be looking out for Seven Seas‘ first volume of Lizzie Newton: Victorian Mysteries. I really liked their release of Young Miss Holmes so I hope this one is similar. These and so many others this week to whatever extent my wallet can support!

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – July 11, 2012

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - July 11, 2012

There is lots of diversity this week as seven publishers all step up to the shipping plate to deliver their goods tomorrow (be here now, Wednesday-goodness!). While there are more volumes I’d put on must-buy lists than books I wouldn’t, exceptionally notables for me include Fantagraphic‘s Wandering Son (Vol.03), SuBLime‘s Awkward Silence and Seven SeasJack the Ripper: Hell Blade (Vol.01).

You can read the complete list of books shipping this week over at the usual place, Otaku USA’s On The Shelf article by yours truly.

Swag Bag: Farewell Ouran, Hello Shonen and Bye-Bye Kizuna Boys

Swag Bag - June 13, 2012

Swag Bag time! Below are some of my thoughts of books I’ve purchased in the past two weeks (and love very, very much). As always these books were purchased at my local comic shop, Strange Adventures.

My favourite buy of recent weeks was the final volume of Ouran High School Host Club (Vol.18). I couldn’t even wait to get home to read it so I was quick to find a place to sit down and enjoy. It was a fantastic ending, probably one of the best I’ve ever actually read in manga series, especially a shoujo. I plan to go into it in more detail in an upcoming review, but in summary – yay! Though I’m really sad there’s no more to read.

Also from Viz Media this week were the first two volumes of their Bleach speed-up. Despite some pleadings from my wallet, I simply couldn’t leave volume 41 on the shelf when I was walking away with volume 40, so both it was! I enjoyed these together more than I have Bleach in a while and having two volumes at once I think played a big role in that. You can read more of my thoughts in my recent duo-review of the volumes.

Hopping back on a different shonen train, I purchased Toriko (Vol.09). It’s still one of my favourite on-going series right now which I never would have expected when I first came across it. It feels so reminiscent of Dragonball, including Komatsu who ups his adorable and toughing-it-out points in this new volume. On the flipside, I bought Dawn of the Arcana (Vol.04) which is a series I thought I would really like but it has yet to click with me. Volume four is it! If I don’t get into it after this, then I’m done with this iffy shoujo series.

With one series over and three others continuing, I sought something brand new by buying Puella Nagi Magica Madoka (Vol.01) from Yen Press. I haven’t seen the anime but heard the story was really good. The manga didn’t live up to my expectations, but I can see it being worth exploring further in some format at least. I wrote and posted a review on my Madoka thoughts last week.

Evyione (Vol.01)Catching my eye was an older title from UDON EntertainmentEvyione Ocean Fantasy (Vol.01). Even knowing their track record for continuing manhwa past a first volume is horrendous, I couldn’t help but buy it. It’s a retelling of the Little Mermaid story except the mermaid is a gorgeous mysterious merman and the prince is instead, you guessed it, a princess. I really like what I read here but I won’t hold my breath for getting volume two.

And then it was boys’ love time! Two new Digital Manga titles arrived in-store, which is always a surprise since you never know for sure when their books will ship. Both titles were by Kazuma Kadoka – Kizuna (Vol.06) and Bad Teacher’s Equation (Vol.04). I was a little disappointed to see that the Kizuna volume was only a single, where all the others released by DMP were omnibus. Nothing that can be done when that’s all that’s left though. I’ll miss the series now that it’s over – it’s a true BL classic. Bad Teacher’s Equation as a series is so silly – I have fun reading it so I’m glad there are still a few volumes left to go.

And in non-manga buying news, but something that still overlaps a lot with the fandom, I purchased the second Avatar the Last Airbender: The Promise graphic novel from Dark Horse. As a big fan of ATLA, I adore these graphic novels for reading so much like the original series (very amusing dialogue, for one) and for being drawn by the very talented, GuruHiru.

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – June 6, 2012

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - June 6, 2012

Ouran High School Host Club – that is all.

Okay, not all but it sure is my most anticipated release this week. The last volume was fantastic, though the fact today’s release of Ouran is also the final volume makes this follow-up pretty sad. I shall certainly miss the series quite a bit!

The full list of titles shipping this week – a combo of books from Viz Media and Seven Seas – are listed and briefly chatted about over on my On The Shelf article for Otaku USA.

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – April 25, 2012

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - April 25, 2012

New comics’ day! Alas that Diamond Comics was a bit behind in releasing a number of the new manga released but I suppose that’s nothing new. If you’re ordering from online retailers or large bookstores though, you should be good to go, buy and read!

Top titles of the week for me are Air Gear (Vol. 25) and the last Tokyo Mew Mew omnibus. You can check out the full list and more of my thoughts over at my On The Shelf article at Otaku USA.

Vertical, Dark Horse and Yen Press Deliver Manga Showers for April

Dark Horse, Vertical and Yen Press Manga Licenses

This past weekend kicked off the Spring/Summer convention season with both Sakura Con and Anime Boston taking place. Several manga publishers were in attendance at them (generally one or the other) and they came bearing news of manga licenses! You can read more about each individual title, and see some corresponding images, by clicking on the provided AnimeNewsNetwork links.

Dark Horse (at Sakura-Con via ANN)

Blood-C – Ranmaru Kotone
Emerald and Other Stories – Hiroaki Samura
Evangelion: Comic Tribute – Multiple Artists (Anthology)
Ore no Imōto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (Oreimo) – Sakura Ikeda & Tsukasa Fushimi

Of Dark Horse’s licenses, I’m looking forward to Hiroaki Samura’s Emerald and Other Stories. I really like his Blade of the Immortal series and his one-shot released by Dark Horse comics, Ohikkoshi, was also a great read. Emerald and Other Stories looks especially interesting with the old West designs of the image ANN is using to promote it.

Vertical Inc. (at Anime Boston via ANN)

Paradise Kiss – Ai Yazawa

Paradise Kiss was previously released by Tokyopop many a manga-reader year ago and the books have long since been out of print. Vertical Inc’s manga ‘rescue’ of the title will be released as a multi-volume omnibus set that include a new translation and colour pages. I’m not a fan of the series myself because of a hair-pulling worthy ending (not my idea of a romantic end!) but the character drama and fashion aspects of the story still made it a good read. The first Paradise Kiss book will be out this fall.

Yen Press (at Sakura Con via ANN)

Alice in the Country of Hearts: My Fanatic Rabbit – QuinRose & Delico Psyche
Anything and Something – Kaoru Mori
Blood Lad – Yūki Kodama
The Misfortune of Kyon & Koizumi – Multiple Artists (Anthology)
Thermae Romae – Mari Yamazaki
Triage X – Shoji Sato
Umineko When They Cry – Ryukishi07 & Kei Natsumi

Edit: You can read synopsises for all of Yen Press’s new title announcements via their website. They also announce via that post they’ll be releasing the last three volumes of their manhwa series, Chocolat, as a single omnibus book late this year.

Yen Press has a great assortment of different titles in this list, something for just about any of their readers based on their existing library. Of the batch the most interesting to me looks like Kaoru Mori’s Anything and Something because of how in love I am with A Bride’s Story (which Yen Press is currently releasing). It’s going to be a collection of stories released in a large trim, hardcover edition similar to how they’re already doing A Bride’s Story. It’ll also include some full colour illustrations.

It’s interesting seeing another Alice in the Country of Hearts license. The series gained popularity when Tokyopop began releasing it and has since been picked up in various of its incarnation by both Seven Seas and Yen Press. With what looks like a lot of scrambling to grab a hold of whatever parts of this franchise is available, I hope it works out as a strong seller!

Not a bad year for manga licenses so far and it’s only April. Good signs, right?

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – February 9, 2012

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - February 8, 2012

There was no On The Shelf article last Wednesday because of a week without any new manga releases on my schedule list – how depressing was that? Well I guess we’ll accept those mini lulls now and again, especially with big release days like today following it up.

It’s Viz Media‘s big shipment of the month with nineteen new volumes of manga, including the first volume of A Devil and Her Love Song. You can read the full list of titles out this week over at Otaku USA’s On The Shelf article this week. Along with a slew of new volumes of shonen and soujo series, there’s also new volume of the well-loved Finder series from Digital Manga and two new of their Project-H books. Hopefully something for everyone – enjoy!

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – November 30, 2011

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - November 30, 2011

It’s Wednesday! And the fifth Wednesday in the month too, that’s an extra week of new comics. You can see the list of new manga out over at my On The Shelf article for Otaku USA.

The big titles out today are the long-awaited new volume of MPD Psycho from Dark Horse, and the seventeenth and final volume of Osamu Tezuka’s Black Jack from Vertical Inc. I may very well cry when I finish that one – it’s never easy when one of your favourites comes to an end!

Victorian Halloween: Seven Seas Schedules Print for 2012

Seven Seas Schedules New Print Releases for 2012

The end of 2011 is creeping up and companies are continuing to give us lots of manga-loving reasons to look forward to 2012. Seven Seas has listed print information for three new manhwa titles up on their website this week, all you can expect to be released this coming year. Two were announced back in August but fell under the radar as footnotes in a post about their online comics initiative.

Alongside their recent news about acquiring Young Miss Holmes, the company is starting a trend of mystery-solving, Victorian-era titles. Very neat! I really look forward to reading them and it’s fantastic seeing another publisher is still actively looking into the vast Korean market of comics.

Lizzie Newton: Victorian Mysteries – Jeon Hye-Jin
First Volume (Omnibus, 1-2): August 2012

“Lizzie Newton, a young upper crust lady with a budding career as a mystery writer, is expected to know her place in Victorian society. …While the headstrong Lizzie tolerates earnest Edwin, she is not yet ready to accept him as her fiance. Besides, Lizzie is distracted by something far more important: an apparent suicide has occurred in the manor, and Lizzie is ready to solve her first real life murder case!” – Seven Seas

Witch Hunter – Cho Jung-Man
First Volume (Omnibus, 1-2): June 2012 | Second Volume (Omnibus, 3-4): October 2012

“Tasha Godspell, also known as the “Magic Marksman,” is one of the best Witch Hunters there is. Along with his sword-wielding Jack-o’-Lantern partner known as Halloween, Tasha puts his magical training and weaponry to good use, in his constant battles against witches. And yet, he cannot bring himself to fully hate the very witches he is tasked to destroy.” – Seven Seas

Jack the Ripper: Hell Blade – Jetae Yoo
First Volume: July 2012 | Second Volume: October 2012 | Third Volume: January 2013

“Jack the Ripper is not what he seems –but the truth may be more terrible than anyone imagined. A young police detective from Scotland Yard struggles to unravel the mystery behind the brutal slayings that grip 19th Century London. What he learns will turn his world upside down, and pit him face to face against the Ripper himself. But is Jack his savior or destroyer?” – Seven Seas

Witch Hunter and Lizzie Newton were originally announced as part of Seven Seas web-comic collection, Zoom Comics. The website is currently offering free online editions to read several of Seven Seas’ original properties, including the recently published Dracula Everlasting and Vampire Cheerleaders. It will be running the first volume of Witch Hunter starting in January.

With more titles on the horizon that’ll excite quite a few fans, Seven Seas is making an impressive come back into the licensed comic publishing market. With a bunch of new titles, strong digital initiatives and comics from sources few publishers are looking to these days, they’re a company you’ll want to keep an eye on.

Travel the CMX and Tokyopop Timelines with ANNCast

ANNCast - CMX & Tokyopop

ANNCast is always a must-listen for me over at AnimeNewsNetwork but they’re most recent two shows have been especially interesting for manga readers. I highly recommend listening to both:

ANNCast – Tarboxed and Feathered

“Justin and Zac shoot the breeze about some ANN business, and then it’s all awful blurays and the winter 2011 movie season. Then our guest shows up – longtime industry veteran Jonathan “Jake” Tarbox tells the story of his career up to this point, including his stint at Raijin Comics and DC Comics’ short-lived manga imprint CMX, and then takes your questions via Twitter. You can’t go wrong! “

ANNCast – Guy Kiley

“Former Senior Vice President of Tokyopop Mike Kiley is our special guest this week, and he runs us through his long and storied career at the shuttered publisher. We cover it all – the heady early days, the not so heady later days and the company’s untimely downfall. You’ve been waiting for this one!”

The manner in which DC handled choosing licenses for CMX was both fascinating and terrifying. It says a lot about the problems they faced over their years as a manga publisher and makes me more thankful than ever for the great titles we did get from them, some I know we’d never have gotten from anyone else (Key to the Kingdom – I love it, but really?). Knowing it was mostly done via a method akin to a dartboard shows how lucky we were for some. You could really tell things were tightening up over at CMX in its final year for selection and marketing though. It’s so unfortunate it was the beginning of the end.

This week’s ANNCast has Zac and Justin sit down to talk to Mike Kiley, Senior Vice President of the now no-longer-publishing-manga-until-I-see-otherwise, Tokyopop. He shares a lot about his experience with the company from the day it began up until his final days in their office. He’s a terrific guest and speaks very well with a lot of interesting info to offer. I was especially interested in hearing which series sold well and reasons for others not continuing, such as Kino no Tabi. I regret no one, myself included, thought to ask about Tokyopop’s boys’ love imprint, BLU, but it’s a minor quip in an otherwise great look at TP’s life start to finish.

Take me back to the top!