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Posts Tagged Kodansha Comics

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – September 7, 2011

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - September 7

Students, students, students – they’re everywhere! Here in Halifax we have a large amount of universities and colleges considering the size of our humble city so when September hits, the population seems to spike! I hope they’re lucky enough to find the awesome places we have here to buy comics and manga, just in time for this week’s new stuff.

My On The Shelf article is up over at Otaku USA which includes a whole bunch of Viz Media titles and four new series starting from Kodansha Comics. There’s just so darn much! A gift for the shelves and a curse for the wallet. Perfect moment to be thankful that so many independent Canadian retailers charge based on the strength of the dollar and not those prices on the back of books though… yikes.

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – August 31, 2011

On The Shelf - August 31, 2011

Is it really the last day of August already? Yikes… summer just flew by. I can’t believe people will be returning to school in just a few days. I may’ve graduated years ago, but I still love hitting the books – just a different kind of course (not that I didn’t read a heck of a lot of manga in my school years as well!). Otaku USA has my newest edition of On The Shelf posted for this week’s manga releases.

My top pick is definitely Kohta Hirano’s Drifters. Elves, magic, distorted and exaggerated historical figures and the creator’s snazzy art style = a must read! Fingers crossed we don’t have to wait as long for volume two of Drifters as we did for volume thirteen of Eden… Better than never though, Dark Horse, so my thanks for both this week!

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – August 24, 2011

On The Shelf!

New manga day! Well… yesterday was anyway. Not much out this week but still some goodies. You can read the whopping list of four over at this week’s edition of Otaku USA’s On The Shelf.

My top pick this week is the new volume of Oh!Great’s Air Gear. Having just finished the new omnibus book of Tenjo Tenge, I’m ready for another similar dose of action! It’s also a relief knowing Air Gear isn’t as violent, sexual and over-dramatized. Sure it is all of those things too, but the years between the two series has made the art much more polished and the story tighter.

Swag Bag: Sunshine Surgeons and Flopping Fantasies

Swag Bag - August 12

It’s been a little while I’ve had a Swag Bag column. In a very disorganized way it suits the current state of my apartment, where I keep finding books I’d forgotten I bought! Upside is I always find something new to read, inadvertently stopping myself from simply reading everything the moment I get home.

So what goodies have I been ‘finding’ over the last couple of weeks?

Starting off with some shoujo, I picked up the fourth volume of Kobato. It’s not my favourite CLAMP series but I’m still enjoying it’s cute-factor. I reviewed this volume earlier in the week and really liked the cameos from CLAMP’s other series. For something less fantasy and more kooky, I bought Dengeki Daisy (Vol. 05) – which I recently learned is created by a male manga-ka (the more you know!) Edit: Or not? See comments below!. For a story darker than those two put together, Arisa (Vol. 03) fit the bill perfectly continuing to deceive anyone I show with its cutesy covers.

Dengeki Daisy (Vol. 05)After drawing a lot of attention back when it was first announced by Viz Media, volumes one and two of Pokemon Black & White have hit comic store shelves (they were in most big chain bookstores a couple weeks back). The size of them is interesting – more square shaped than Viz’s standard books and considerably thinner, more similar to the way they used to publish Pokemon Adventures during its first graphic novel run. I love reading a manga with the Pokemon from the new games and they’ve got no shortage of attitude based on what I’ve flipped through so far.

The second omnibus collection of Full Metal Alchemist offered me something substantially larger in regards to page-count. Having finished this, I’ve now read the equivalent of six volumes of the original run, and it’s official – I’m hooked. So good! It’s going to be hard not to rush out and buy the rest of the series in singles. At first the omnibus paper quality bothered me (it’s noticeably thinner than the single books) but it really doesn’t make much of a difference when you’re reading as long as you don’t try to hold your book up by a single sheet (and why would you do that in the first place?).

High quality publishing from Viz Media are two books from their Viz Signature collection – Ooku (Vol. 06) and La Quinta Camera. I openly admit that I can barely grasp who is who and what’s going on half the time in the grand scheme of things in Ooku but Fumi Yoshinaga makes every scene so potent with drama and expression that I’m completely engrossed all the time anyway.

From Vertical Inc, I bought the newest volume of Black Jack (Vol. 15) – always an absolute must-have! This volume comes in sunny shades of yellow, an eye-catching but somber reminder that sun is something we’ve seen very little of this summer here in Nova Scotia! Ah well, a new volume of Black Jack can always chase away the rainy day blues.

Deltora Quest (Vol. 01)Looking to try a new series, and get a fantasy-fix in the process, I picked up Deltora Quest (Vol. 01) from Kodansha Comics. The plot sounded super generic but that’s not always a bad thing. Unfortunately the art style, which has already had my roommate and I in giggles over some of the super awkward panel choices and character designs, has me questioning the purchase. We’ll see how I feel about it as a whole when my review goes up early next week.

And finally, to fill in some empty spots on my bookshelf, I bought Tale of an Unknown Country (Vol. 02) from the now non-existent CMX and Natsume’s Book of Friends (Vol. 05), which is a random volume mid-series I somehow managed to miss purchasing.

What was in your swag bag this week?

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – August 10, 2011

On The Shelf - August 10, 2011

It’s that time again – and shall be that time every week – new comics time! My On The Shelf article is up at Otaku USA for your reading pleasure.

My top pick for this week’s releases is Viz Media’s Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit:

“This book doesn’t get a lot of discussion and it’s a shame—it’s a great story that really gives you a lot to think about in regards to society, mortality and a government’s hold on its people.”

Review: Yakuza Moon – The Manga Edition

Yakuza Moon

Manga-ka: Shoko Tendo
Publisher: Kodansha International
Rating: Mature (18+)
Release Date: July 2011

Synopsis: “Born into the family of a wealthy yakuza boss, Shoko Tendo lived her early years in luxury. But labeled “the yakuza kid,” she was the victim both of bullying and discrimination from teachers and classmates at school, and of her father’s drunken rages at home. Then, the family fell into debt, and Tendo fell in with the wrong crowd. After the death of her parents and her own suicide attempt, she began a tortuous, soul-searching reevaluation of the road she had taken.”

Yakuza Moon is the manga adaptation of Shoko Tendo’s autobiography of the same name. In it Tendo wrote about the influence the yakuza had on her life, from growing up with a gang member for a father to how she became a delinquent herself. I haven’t read the original novel, but the manga does feel like an adaptation, moving quickly through events in order to cram everything into its new format.

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Review: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (Vol. 01)

Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright (Vol. 01)

Author: Kenji Kuroda
Manga-ka: Kazuo Maekawa
Publisher: Kodansha Comics
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: May 2011

Synopsis: “Mystery and intrigue, crime and punishment, uncovering the truth—all in a day’s work for the ace defense attorney Phoenix Wright and his beautiful assistant Maya Fey. Based on the hit game series, Ace Attorney brings new adventures to the games’ colorful cast. Can Nick successfully swing the gavel of justice or will he be crushed by the weight of incriminating evidence?”

Finding manga based on a pre-established work that can cater well to newcomers and existing fans alike is not an easy feat. It’s no surprise really – (in this case) the games already exist to cultivate fans after all; other mediums are more a way to feed said-fans more of what they want and make some money while doing it. All the same, this Phoenix Wright manga does a great job easing in new readers. It helps a lot that it doesn’t throw in every big-name character in the first go. The fact that the majority of the characters here in the first volume are entirely forgettable, despite being mainstay personalities, actually works a lot in its favour too.

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Swag Bag – Avatar and Attorneys

Swag Bag

It’s swag bag time! Purchases have been light these past couple weeks after an enjoyably hefty purchase stack last time but there’s still some highly recommendable goodies!

First up are two of my top favourite running series – 20th Century Boys (Vol. 15) and Black Jack (Vol. 14). I can always count on both to be consistantly entertaining and these new volumes were no exceptions. 20th Century Boys in particular always make me want a manga book-group or something of the sort here in Halifax – this is a series that demands discussion! And darn that Urasawa, the man can make a cliffhanger.

From Viz Media I picked up the newest volume of Bakuman (Vol. 05) which continues to be excessively wordy and flounders on decent main character interaction BUT manages to be fun and educational all the same. I find myself actually excited for the new volumes, especially since they’ve been getting better with each book (granted volume one definitely wasn’t hard to top).

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Vol. 01)Looking to start something new, I bought the first volume of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney by Kodansha Comics. I’ve never played the games and my knowledge of the story ends at people yelling ‘Objection!’, so it’ll be interesting to see how I find the manga edition.

Next, though not manga it definitely has it’s share of crossover interest: Dark Horse has released a huge collection of short Avatar: The Last Airbender comics in a full-colour book called Avatar: The Lost Adventures. I’ve been waiting a long time for something like this to come out so I literally ran to Strange Adventures to buy my copy – worth every penny and then some! Both the art and the writing is fantastic, very true to the original story with lots of humour – highly recommended!

And last but certainly not least, something else not manga related but still awesome – a Tardis Cookie Jar! Oh yes. I’ve recently gotten hooked to the new seasons of Doctor Who and after marathoning all six new seasons in two weeks, I couldn’t resist buying this when I saw it. It’s big, it’s blue and it lights up and makes that Tardis sound, you know the one. It’s so cute, I love it :)

So what was in your swag bag this week?

Review: Arisa (Vol. 02)

Arisa (Vol. 02)
Buy From!Buy From!

Manga-ka: Natsumi Ando
Publisher: Kodansha Comics
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: May 2011

Synopsis: “Unraveling secrets. Who is the mysterious “King” controlling the class? Tsubasa pursues Akira Manabe, a troubled boy who might know the King’s true identity. As Tsubasa closes in on Arisa’s secret, the King makes another move!”

Arisa‘s first impression continues to be its deceptive cover. Bright-eyed shoujo heroines and flowers give away nothing about the actual contents of the book – a continually compelling mystery about a school held in the grip of ‘The King’: a enigmatic figure who grants the wishes of students. When Tsubasa’s twin Arisa jumps from a window and goes into a coma, Tsubasa enters the school under guise of her sister to try and find out why.

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Publisher Websites Come, Go and Update

Some website news today and I don’t mean regarding Kuriousity (though a reminder you can get to the site from the more easily remembered!).

First up is Kodansha Comics which after months of using their website to list their press releases, has uploaded their actual website It’s simple and neatly laid out, which is great to see on a publisher site. Very easily navigated so yay for that! You can see covers for several of their upcoming books on the Release Dates page. The search and title info is unfortunately just linked to Random House’s page instead of housing its own internal sources but at least it’s something. A note that if you’re not using a screen resolution higher than 1200pixels wide, I’d recommend zooming out to 83% viewing. It’s a fixed width site that doesn’t seem designed to support smaller screens.

Elsewhere Dark Horse has made some huge changes to their website and I must say it looks and works great! It has a sharp new look, a retooled search function and an easy to use Browse function that allows you to call up any or all of their books in a specified period of time and ordered in a variety of ways. Each individual page even has a link to Comic Book finder so you can find a location nearest to you to purchase the goods. This site update comes just in time for their upcoming Digital Store launch which will include manga-epic Lone Wolf and Cub. My kudos to the design and programming team – the new site is fantastic!

On a less positive note, Tokyopop (which recently announced its shutdown of the company’s publishing division) is gearing up for a complete tear down of its website. With a community heavy in participation including blog posts, forums and media uploads, they’ve sent out a few e-mails to remind folks to save what they want now because as of “early next week” it’s all going to be gone.

“As we’ve previously stated in our newsletter, will go offline early next week. We know that you probably have kept copies of everything you’ve uploaded (photos, videos, drawings etc.), but we just want to be extra-sure and give you this last reminder so that you can pull anything down from that you still need. The last chance to pull your uploads is THIS WEEKEND! After this weekend, you will not have access to material on If you’re concerned about losing any data, please act right away! Don’t forget to tell your friends about this too, if you think that they’re unaware of this.”

And as a bit of weird final note – the old URL for now defunct manga publisher GoComi! has been resurrected and now has the bare basics of a WordPress installation. There’s a teeny tiny bit of info regarding GoComi and a couple of their titles but I wouldn’t see this as any sign of a return. Most likely it’s a more creative than usual domain park seeing as how it uses old cached information and images from Amazon (plus a bunch of ads to take advantage of visitors who might be curious enough to click on the Google Ads). Still a little weird though, hmm? [Thanks go to Ryu Sheng for noticing this one]

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