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Posts Tagged Kodansha Comics

Kodansha Comics Announces Print Edition of A Silent Voice, Maria the Virgin Witch

Kodansha Comics Announces Print Edition of A Silent Voice, Maria the Virgin Witch

Continuing on the hey-this-Anime-Expo-was-actually-pretty-great-for-news train was Kodansha Comics, who announced two new manga licenses at their panel:

A Silent Voice – Yoshitoki Ōima
Maria the Virgin Witch – Masayuki Ishikawa

I am very excited to hear that A Silent Voice will be getting a print release. I marathon read the series via Crunchyroll and have eagerly kept up with the new chapters as they’ve been released. This series is really great, and I’m thrilled I’ll be able to add it to my bookshelves. Not to mention share it more easily with others. The series predominantly follows a young boy who viciously bullied a deaf girl after she transfer into his class. After she transfers out, the boy finds himself the victim of the bullying instead. Flash forward years and the two meet again, and the boy attempts to make amends for his past behaviour while navigating a minefield of bullies, friends, family, and society in general. The story makes no excuses for the often terrible behaviour of people who are hurt, misunderstood or just plain ‘ol ignorant buttholes, while also being a heartwarming story of friendship and coming to understand others different from yourself.

The first print edition of A Silent Voice will be released sometime in the Spring of 2015.

Maria the Virgin Witch is a new title to me, but comes with some enthusiastic fans as it’s created by Masayuki Ishikawa, creator of the manga series Moyashimon. This new title sounds pretty different from a tale of germs and microbes though. Taking place in a miscellaneous fantasy setting, Maria the Virgin Witch follows a woman named Maria who uses her magic abilities to defend her village. When she goes too far in using black magic, the archangel Michael forces her to swear an oath of chastity or lose her magic forever.

Volume one of Maria the Virgin Witch, a three volume total series, will be released in Spring of 2015 as well.

Src: AnimeNewsNetwork

Kodansha Comics Makes Fantastical History with Heroic Legend of Arslan

Kodansha Comics Makes Fantastical History with Heroic Legend of Arslan

Enjoy Full Metal Alchemist? Read and adored what we have of Vinland Saga? Or enjoyed the Heroic Legend of Arslan OVA released a million years ago? Combining that art, tone and story, you’ll love this new license from Kodansha Comics:

The Heroic Legend of Arslan – Yoshiki Tanaka/Hiromu Arakawa

The Heroic Legend of Arslan series was originally a light novel, and has since been adapted as multiple manga series and an animated mini-series that Central Park Media released in English. Ah, my high school anime club days.

The series follows a young prince named Arslan, who is the only remaining son of a deceased King and now the heir of a country at war. Arslan and an unlikely, and vastly unnumbered, group of warriors work together to try and take down an army of thousands to save his country.

The artist for this manga adaptation if Hiromu Arakawa, best known for Full Metal Alchemist (one of my all-time comic favourites), and is currently releasing Silver Spoon.

While I’m over the moon happy that Kodansha Comics has licensed The Heroic Legend of Arslan, my excitement was a bit smaller than it would’ve been had Crunchyroll not announced acquiring the series for simulpub just a couple weeks ago. Arslan and more Arslan! I’ve since read all the chapters Crunchyroll has, and am very eagerly awaiting the next installment. And the first printed volume when Kodansha Comics releases it in print this August, of course. I want this beauty in print!

The Heroic Legend of Arslan (Vol. 01) is available for pre-order now from Amazon.ca | Amazon.com.

Kodansha Comics did announce they’d be releasing the book digitally as well, so I suppose we can assume simulpub now from Crunchyroll, digital compilation from Kodansha Comics and a print edition following that. With so many hopes riding on digital delivery giving certain higher-risk series a chance at English release, it almost seems a little silly watching titles licensed by multiple companies in multiple formats. Although, it’s not that surprising seeing a company as big as Kodansha – parent company of the English arm, Kodansha Comics – splitting the piece of manga pie for some of its titles. Arslan isn’t the only title announced this month that is having a publisher time share after all.

(Post cliffhanger!)

Kodansha Comics Tackles Fantasy and Reality with Two New Licenses

Kodansha Comics Tackles Fantasy and Reality with Two New Licenses

Kodansha Comics took to social media yesterday to announce a trio of titles. While one was familiar to us – their Colossal edition of Attack on Titan – they also had two new series we’ll see later in the year:

Manga Dogs – Ema Toyama
Noragami – Adachitoka

Manga Dogs – originally called GDGD Dogs – is about a young woman named Kanna Tezuka who is already a professional manga artist at the age of fifteen. When her school starts a manga-creating club, she’s excited at the prospects. However, Kanna’s met with disappointment at finding a useless teacher and three club members with delusions about the life of creating comics. When she’s pressed into the role of their mentor, Kanna has to try and make the most of the situation by turning the boys around.

Manga Dogs is by Ema Toyama, whose had a couple series published in English previously – Missions of Love and I Am Here!. Neither of her series before have caught my interest but I’m always eager to read a comic about people making comics, so I’m eager to try out this new one.

Noragami is about a young man named Yato, who also happens to a God. However, he’s a God without a shrine or worshippers. Yato’s goal is to change all that though, but first he needs the money to get his own shrine built. He becomes a god-for-hire, doing all sorts of odd jobs to get one step closer to his dream and help some people along the way.

This is the second series out in English by Adachitoka, who provided the art for Alive!, published by Del Rey. I thought the art in Alive! was fantastic, so I’m really excited to see Adachitoka tackle another fantasy story with Noragami. Noragami also has an anime adaption that Funimation is currently streaming.

Volume one of both series are scheduled to be released sometime this Fall.

Kodansha Comics Plans Colossal Attack on Titan Omnibus

Colossal Attack on Titan Omnibus

Amidst some licensing news today, Kodansha Comics announced a repackaging of their bestselling series, Attack on Titan.

Scheduled for the end of May, this “colossal” edition will contain volumes one to five of Attack on Titan. That’s five volumes in one book, clocking in at a little over 1000 pages. Wow.

The book is being printed on “premium-quality paper”. This instills some faith the paper won’t be the flimsy, thin stuff we’re accustomed to in other omnibus editions – such as Viz Media’s VizBIG’s – and also gives further indication to just how massive this book will be. On top of that is news the book will be 7″ x 10.5″ – quite a bit larger than the original books, which are approximately 5″ x 7″.

Read more…

NYCC 2013: Kodansha Comics Announces UQ Holder and Seven Deadly Sins

UQ Holder

You thought we were done with NYCC didn’t you?! Even weeks late, licensing news is great news indeed. Call us refreshers for all your manga convention news! Along with their Attack on Titan titles, Kodansha Comics also had a few other series under their sleeves to reveal that weekend:

Seven Deadly Sins – Nakaba Suzuki
UQ Holder – Ken Akamatsu

Kodansha Comics is touting Seven Deadly Sins as the “next Dragonball Z“. Those are some pretty big boots to fill! In this fantasy story, the manga’s lead Princess Elizabeth is searching for the seven deadly sins instead of the seven magic dragon balls. The sins are all legendary warriors and she hopes to use them to defeat the murderous Holy Knights, putting a twist on the usual who’s good, who’s bad stereotypes.

UQ Holder is a new series from Ken Akamatsu, best known to most as the creator of Negima!. Good thing too, since UQ Holder takes place in the same magical world many years later. The story begins in a small village where a group of boys dream of one day leaving and seeing the big city, and its’ giant constructed spire that leads into space. But, before they’re allowed to leave, they have to defeat their beautiful, and conveniently immortal, teacher.

Volume one of Seven Deadly Sins is scheduled for March 2014 (Amazon CAN/US), with UQ Holder (Vol. 01) right on its tail (Amazon CAN/US).

For those who’re curious and would like to read the series now, you currently can! Both these series are available via Crunchyroll’s new digital manga program. You can expect more on that news here at Kuriousity as soon as I make my way through the series they’re currently offering.

NYCC 2013: Kodansha Comics Maneveurs Multiple Attack on Titan Spin-Offs

NYCC 2013: Kodansha Comics Maneveurs Multiple Attack on Titan Spin-Offs

It’s been a few years since New York Anime Fest was completely absorbed by New York Comic Con, and posts from those in attendance this year painted an even more under-the-rug picture of the anime/manga content. It was a shame, but not a big surprise. That said, manga publishers didn’t shy away from the spotlight even if it was a little restricted, and you know what that means – new licenses!

Though I was sad that another year of NYCC has passed without my presence, I was thrilled to see all the news that came from it. For me, the biggest news came from Kodansha Comics who answered some of my very recent prayers with this first batch of titles:

Attack on Titan: Before the Fall – Satoshi Shiki & Ryō Suzukaze
Attack on Titan: Junior High – Saki Nakagawa
Attack on Titan: No Regrets – Hikaru Suruga & Gan Sunaaku

The Attack on Titan anime has just recently ended. I’d been following the series via Crunchyroll and loved every moment of it. Because the anime series ended prematurely of the story, I’ve been collecting the manga as Kodansha puts it out. Their license of these three spin-off series – all of which range from newish to brand new in Japan – come as no surprise. It’s perfectly timed to when thousands of fans, like myself, are clamouring for whatever Attack on Titan they can get their hands on.

Attack on Titan: No RegretsAttack on Titan: Before the Fall is a manga adaptation of a series of light novels. They serve as a prequel to the main story and follow a member of the Survey Corps who develops the 3D maneuver gear that would later become the signature method of fighting, and escaping, the Titans. At this point in the world, no human has been known to kill a Titan so the discovery of a new form of attack will offer humanity both a sliver of hope and important pieces of information about Titans. Kodansha Comics’ target for release is spring 2014.

Attack on Titan: No Regrets is also a prequel but stars familiar faces from the cast. The story will feature Survey Corps’ star member, Levi, and his Commander, Erwin. Readers will get to see how the two met and how Levi was convinced to become one of the strongest forces fighting for humanity. No Regrets is coming from the pages of a shoujo magazine so I’m looking forward to some beautifully drawn drama. The first colour promotional piece is already worth an oogle, as you can see from the preview in this post to your left. We should be getting the first release in summer 2014.

The third title, Attack on Titan: Junior High, is the one I know the least about. It’s also the only one that isn’t part of the chronological timeline. This multi-volume series is a comedy adaptation where the characters are re-imagined as junior high students and faculty. I don’t know who came up with this weird idea but it exists and we’ll soon be reading it. I’m not usually a fan of gag stories but when it’s a comic using the dark events of Attack on Titan as a base, I’m too intrigued not to check it out. Kodansha Comics plans the first volume for spring 2014.

On top of these three titles, Kodansha Comics also announced The Attack on Titan Guidebook: Inside & Outside. This book will contain colour artwork, character bios, concept sketches and series information. The current date for this release in English is summer 2014.

And that, fellow fans, is a lot of Titan stuff. And it wasn’t even the end of the Attack on Titan news from New York Comic Con this year. Thanks goes to Anime News Network for the news details.

On The Shelf: August 28, 2013

On The Shelf - August 28, 2013

The student-pocalypse is upon us! It’s the last week of August and students around the world are back to the books after this coming weekend. Enjoy your freedom while you can! Which means read, read, read! … and then continue to do so.

My must-have book for this week is Vertical Inc‘s Helter Skelter. I have a lot of faith in the company’s selection for titles as it is, and this josei story – a title aimed at older woman – about a model’s use of plastic surgery to try and keep up her career, and her spiraling madness because of it, sounds like a worthwhile drama to seek out. Plus as much as I love good on-going series, a solid one shot can often be even more satisfying.

Cage of Eden (Vol. 11) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Crimson Empire: Circumstances to Serve a Noble (Vol. 02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Helter Skelter: Fashion Unfriendly [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Kingdom Hearts II (Vol. 02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Pandora Hearts (Vol. 17) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]

On The Shelf: August 21, 2013

On The Shelf: August 21, 2013

It looks like Otakuthon was a lot of fun this year. I’ve always wanted to try going, but just haven’t planned it yet. Maybe 2014? Good excuse to take the train! I love our sad, barely running little train system.

As for manga, this week I’m most looking forward to Bunny Drop (Vol. 09) from Yen Press. This volume wraps up the main story and is the book long criticized for its ending. I’m so conflicted by the idea alone. On one hand (no spoilers!), yuck. On the other? Maybe Yumi Unita can make it less yuck? We’ll soon see.

No. 6 (Vol. 02) from Kodansha Comics is also a must-buy after enjoying the first so much, plus the anime adaptation. Yen Press is starting a new series with Judge (Vol. 01), the sequel to Doubt, and Viz Media is releasing the long-awaited Ikigami: Ultimate Limit (Vol. 09). At last!

Also work a note is this week’s Shonen Jump. Because the magazine is on holiday in Japan, there are no new chapters but Viz Media also released a special Naruto art book in its place. I’m not a Naruto reader myself, but it’s great they still put together something. My fingers are crossed they do the same for future holidays – I’d love a cover art collection of other series, such as Toriko, Bleach or Dragonball.

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order Omnibus (Vol. 02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
BTOOOM! (Vol. 03) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Bunny Drop (Vol. 09) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Ikigami: Ultimate Limit (Vol. 09) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Judge (Vol. 01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
No. 6 (Vol. 02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Pokemon Adventures: Heart Gold & Soul Silver (Vol. 01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Puella Magi Kazumi Magica: The Innocent Malice (Vol. 02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Umineko When They Cry: Turn of the Golden Witch (Vol. 02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]

Swag Bag: Creepy Stares, Deadly Gates and Sailor Moon’s Finale

Swag Bag: Creepy Stares, Deadly Gates and Sailor Moon's Finale

It often happens that I don’t realize how many books I’ve bought recently until I write one of these Swag Bag posts. While my buying habits of today can be a pretty far cry from the look-at-all-my-disposable-income days of yester-year, I’m still ever grateful I can afford to fill one of these columns in a month. And this past month had some real gems that I hope many readers are able to fit into the budget as well.

Vertical Inc.’s books were the cream of the crop this past July. After spending Animaritime drooling over every copy I saw lucky buyers walking around with, I was quick to come home and buy my own copy of Gundam the Origin (Vol. 02). I never thought I’d be so invested in one of the classic Gundam stories, but I fell in love with this one right away. Vertical’s hardcover, colour-page insert editions definitely help too. This volume even came with a bonus illustration by CLAMP.

Next I went for something new and bought a copy of Vertical’s one-shot, Utsubora: The Story of a Novelist. There was something very reminiscent of Tezuka’s darker works reading Utsubora. This twisted tale of plagiarism, lust and suicide-mystery nestles well into Vertical’s library and I quite enjoyed it. Then I had to try Wolfsmund (Vol. 01), which really surprised me. Both of these series are for adults only, and Wolfsmund greatly so for the violent content. But that didn’t surprise me as much as how the book took a story-convention I’m really used to (and enjoy) and turned it on its head. Episodic stories with one reoccurring common character but instead of running a magical shop or granting wishes, in Wolfsmund it’s a gatekeeper who won’t let anyone pass. I rounded out my mini Vertical binge with a copy of Limit (Vol. 01) as well.

Black Butler (Vol. 14)I took a trip to my Yen Press list next to visit some continuing series. First was Blood Lad (Vol. 02) and then Drrrr!’s sequel series, Drrrr! Saika Arc (Vol. 01). My favourite new book out from Yen though was easily Black Butler (Vol. 14). Every volume since the book hit double-digits has been a real step up in the story and art; enough so to take it from a series I considered dropping, to one of my most anticipated. Warning, very mild spoiler ahead – Sebastian getting his butt handed to him? Much more interesting than Mr. Perfect-Butler.

Next up were some sad farewells to two series. The first, from Viz Media, was Children of the Sea (Vol. 05). I still don’t fully understand what happened in this series, but I think that’s the point. The slightly confused yet tranquil feeling I had finishing it just made me miss it more. That melancholy couldn’t hold a candle to my sadness at completing Sailor Moon (Vol. 12), however. Wow, what a series. It’s dramatic, beautiful, detailed, universe-encompassing in its scope, and totally inspiring to read as a woman. I’m really looking forward to the two collections of Sailor Moon short stories due out from Kodansha Comics in the Fall.

Gate 7 (Vol. 04) is another book I bought recently that desperately wants to be as pretty and epic, but unfortunately only succeeds at the first. This is one of CLAMP’s most recent works, and while the artwork is absolutely gorgeous, and the characters are kinda fun, the story itself is completely underwhelming. I really hope something big and interesting happens soon or else it could be the first CLAMP series I’m tempted to drop.

That does it for this week’s Swag Bag. As always, feel more than free to share what purchases you’ve made recently and if you’d recommend them!

Kodansha Comics Licenses Monsters, Romance and a Sprinkle of CLAMP at SDCC 2013

Kodansha Comics Licenses Monsters, Romance and a Sprinkle of CLAMP

It’s San Diego Comic Con this weekend, which means no shortage of pop culture news flooding the internet. It’s an overwhelming but beautiful thing! Manga publishers  in attendance are having panels to share news of their own, and the first big event came from Kodansha Comics on Friday.

During their panel, Kodansha Comics announced the following licenses:

Monster Soul – Hiro Mashima
My Little Monster – Robico
Say “I Love You.” – Kanae Hazuki

Monster Soul is a two volume series by Hiro Mashima, creator of the better known Fairy Tail. This story takes place in a land inhabited by demons and humans where we follow a cast of characters embroiled in a war between the races. Volume one is scheduled for May 2014.

My Little Monster is a quasi-romance story about a loner who inadvertently becomes the object of affection for a trouble-maker in her class. While this is Robico’s first time being published in English, readers may be familiar with their work already as My Little Monster has an anime which was streamed on Crunchyroll. We should see the first volume of My Little Monster in March 2014.

Meanwhile, Say “I Love You.”‘s creator, Kanae Hazuki, has had another series previously released in English – Voices of Love. I enjoyed that short story anthology as a collection of  comics  targeted at adult women, which aren’t exactly common place. Say “I Love You.” looks to be more the standard school-life love story, but I enjoyed Voices of Love enough to look forward to it. This series also had an anime adaptation which Crunchyroll streamed. Volume one of the manga is scheduled for April 2014.

XXXHolic: Rei is a title that I knew would be licensed eventually, but I was a bit surprised to see it announced so soon. This series is a continuation/spin-off/additional content set (because with CLAMP who knows which) of XXXHolic. It’s only been running in Japan since earlier this year, and doesn’t have a collected volume yet. It’s likely because of this that Kodansha Comics isn’t able to pinpoint an exact publication date but did say the plan was for 2013.

Kodansha Comics also revealed they’ll be releasing CLAMP’s original XXXHolic series, and the parallel-running, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, as three in one omnibus volumes. These are slated to begin early 2014. This is great news for those who missed the original single volume run by Del Rey, which are now out of print and predominantly unavailable to buy. I adored both these series, even if they occasionally strangled themselves in plot knots.

All in all, this is a great batch of licenses from Kodansha with titles that come from established artists and series. Not a bad result for SDCC, even if it may be all we get for new manga licenses at this years’ event. It’s unfortunate that Yen Press couldn’t follow up with some new titles of their own, as they cancelled their Friday panel.

Take me back to the top!