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Posts Tagged DMP

Digital Manga Launches Hentai Imprint – Project H

Digital Manga Launches Project H

A few months back listings for some hentai titles popped up on Amazon under Digital Manga‘s 18+ boys’ love imprint: 801Media. With the website‘s promised overhaul delayed, it didn’t seem too far-fetched to assume the entire imprint was undergoing a little transformation. Not a far stretch going from BL porn to hetero porn, right?

Digital Manga couldn’t comment on the listings then but today the books’ appearance on RightStuf comes with a new publisher name, revealing Digital Manga’s newest imprint (warning adult content!): Project H!

A company representative has since confirmed the imprint which will have an official launch later this month. If it doesn’t already speak well enough for itself, the imprint will be a collection of adult hentai manga. My thanks to Digital Manga for answering my request for comment aboutProject H – best of luck with the launch and new titles!

The three launch titles, all one-shots, are:

Shocking Pink! – Riosuke Yasui
Three P – Hiroshi Itaba
Embrace & Bloom – Kuon Michiyoshi

Shocking Pink and Three P are currently listed with release dates late-August. The imprint currently has a placeholder on its website at They also already have a Twitter account set-up: @projectHBooks. The imprint, according to Digital Manga, will be “powered by 801Media and distributed by 801Media”. The original hints tie-in!

So what do you think? Is this a smart move by Digital Manga? Hard to argue that porn isn’t a strong seller! I’ll definitely be picking up at least one of these three launch titles when they come out – one, to sate my curiousity, and two, because my humble hentai collection could use some companions on their tiny shelf :)

PR: Digital Manga Brings Vampire Hunter D to ComiXology

Digital Manga Publishing brings Hideyuki Kikuchi’s Vampire Hunter D Manga to ComiXology

DMP’s flagship manga title makes its debut on the iPad.

Kansas City, MO /NY, NY/ Gardena, CA (June 8, 2011) – Digital Manga Publishing, one of the manga industry’s most unique and creative publishers is proud to announce the partnership with comiXology, the leading distributor of digital comics, to digitally release their flagship manga title Vampire Hunter D to the comiXology storefront for the iOS, Android and Web. Volumes 1-3 will make its debut, while volumes 4-5 will be available in the following weeks.

Hideyuki Kikuchi’s Vampire Hunter D print edition manga was launched in 2007 by Digital Manga Publishing, adapting the well renowned series of prose novel series, which began in the 80’s. Kikuchi mixed elements of gothic horror, science fiction and romance with the classic Western to produce a wholly original, post-apocalyptic vision of the distant future, where humanity is ruled by vampires and tormented by a host of creatures including demons, werewolves and mutants, as well as half-human, half-vampire ‘dhampirs’ like the series’ namesake, D.

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Swag Bag: All The RightStuf With BL, Kai and Viz

Canada Post recently announcing their rotating strike was already bad news on its own but I was doubly cranky about it as my box of RightStuf goodies was presumably trapped somewhere between here and there. Luck was on my side though and on the morning the strike was set to start, my box arrived!

Replica (Vol. 01)Taking advantage of their Digital Manga sale a little while back, I picked up a bunch of my must-have titles at prices I couldn’t possibly refuse! Paying their sale price on the US price, and the Canadian dollar as it is, I got each book for 50% off what I would’ve paid here.

Continuing current series, I bought Target in the Finder (Vol. 03), Kizuna Omnibus (Vol. 02) and Tyrant Who Falls In Love (Vol. 02). Now that I’ve got a couple volmes of Kizuna and Finder, it’s time to retire my BeBeautiful version to the storage bins. I also purchased Replica (Vol. 01) and Countdown 7 Days (Vol. 01). Both are shonen (I think?) series that I was able to get an early preview of from Digital Manga. I really liked them both and hope they still get a chance to impress people despite being hidden within DM’s big boys’ love library.

Back to the boys’ love, I got one of BLU’s final publications: Crimson Snow. It’s a one-shot title that I’ve been dying to have in my hand since I saw the gorgeous cover on Amazon last year. Learning the plot only furthered my want so it was the first to have its plastic covering ripped off. I also picked up the last two volumes of breath – a five volume BL series by the so far one-series company Yaoi Generation who’s been disappointedly quiet since last year.

Crimson SnowAnd because a RightStuf purchase isn’t complete without some anime, I happily took advantage of the Funimation sale to buy Dragonball Z Kai Parts 2-4 and the second half of the series Welcome to the NHK.

Buying back on more local soil, I visited our big bookstore Chapters as the customary before-and-after seeing a movie ritual (aka, it’s right next door to the biggest theatre). Last week I was thrilled to get a copy of A Bride’s Story from Yen Press. It’s a really gorgeous book and you’ll want to spend some time oogling the hard cover design before  you even crack it open.

This upcoming week is Viz Media‘s huge shipping list, which generally always happens the first week of the month. This often means a big armful of books for me and this month was no exception, especially with some of my absolute favourites out. Books carried to the check-out included Pokemon Adventures (Vol. 13), Bleach (Vol. 35), Blue Excorcist (Vol. 02) and Toriko (Vol. 05). I also bought Full Metal Alchemist 3-in-1 (Vol. 01) because of a friends’ recommendation. To try and round out the shonen just a little, I also bought Grand Guignol Orchestra (Vol. 03) – battling doll-like zombies with music while wearing Victorian gothic attire!

Thankfully I just finished a big Spring cleaning revamp of my manga bookshelves (which of course included adding a new one), so there’s plenty of space to start adding in my new goodies. That said, I’ll be selling a couple boxes full at this upcoming Animaritime so East Coast Canadians have another reason to come enjoy the event ;)

So what was in your swag bag this week?

PR: Digital Manga Publishing launches on to Google Books!

DMP Puts Titles on Google Books

Gardena, CA (May 25, 2010) – Digital Manga, one of the manga industry’s most unique and creative publishers, is proud to announce its digital distribution expansion on to Google Books!

Digital Manga has so far launched over 90 titles from their DMP, Juné, and 801 Media imprints into the Google ebookstore, with more to follow in the coming weeks and months, including popular manga titles like Vampire Hunter D and Maiden Rose. Kindle blocked titles like The Color of Love, Weekend Lovers and The Selfish Demon King, are also available in the Google ebookstore.

Digital Manga believes in the “More the better…” concept where digital distribution to every available online storefront, platform, device or digital distributor can provide easier accessibility and availability to readers who own alternative e-reading devices.

Average pricing for most DMP titles is between $5.95 to $7.95 downloaded to your device. You can find a direct listing of current available Digital Manga titles in the Google ebook store here:

Google eBooks is compatible with just about any dedicated ebook reader as it stores your library in their digital cloud. Access, your ebooks using your favorite e-reading device like the Barnes & Noble Nook™ and Reader™ from Sony. Follow the link for an overview of Google’s wide array to read your favorite ebook on your favorite device or platform:

Google Books also provides FREE online eReading applications to help you browse, purchase and download directly off their sites to your preferred device. Apps for PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, and Android smartphones and tablets are available now.

Sample some of the DMP’s titles below now or go to Google eBooks (best keyword search: digital manga, yaoi, manga)

Sample links:

Vampire Hunter D vol.1:

Love Water:

Same Cell Organism:

Digital Manga currently also publishes manga through other storefronts like the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo books and their very own Check back for new manga title releases which will be up on sale over the next few weeks and months through our newsletter, blog, and our other social networking links below.


About Digital Manga Publishing

Located in Gardena, CA, Digital Manga Publishing is one of the industry’s most unconventional and innovative companies, specializing in building corporate and cultural bridges from Japan to the Western Hemisphere – specifically through the licensing, importation and preparation of anime (Japanese animation), manga (Japanese comic books) and related merchandise for the North American mainstream and subculture markets. In this capacity, DMI serves as a catalyst for the expansion of Japanese pop culture institutions into global arenas. The company’s imprint line includes DMP: its mainstream imprint, DMP PLATINUM: its classic manga imprint, JUNE´: its boys love imprint, 801 MEDIA: its adult boys love imprint, and DokiDoki: its exclusive co-publishing imprint with Shinshokan Publishing.

For more information about Digital Manga Publishing, visit as well as:

PR: Digital Manga Publishing launches on to KOBO books!

Gardena, CA (May 18, 2010) – Digital Manga, one of the manga industry’s most unique and creative publishers, is proud to announce its digital distribution expansion on to Kobo books— —a global eReading service, providing readers with a global alternative to the Amazon Kindle. Kobo have distributing partners with Canada’s Chapters Indigo, Borders US & AU, Australia’s Angus & Robertson, and New Zealand’s Whitcoulls ebookstore storefronts which are powered by Kobo.

Digital Manga has so far launched over 90 titles from their DMP, Juné, and 801 Media imprints into the Kobo ebookstore and their partners, with more to follow in the coming weeks and months, including popular manga titles like Vampire Hunter D and IL Gatto Sul G, along with other such titles as The Color of Love and The Selfish Demon King, which were blocked out of the Amazon Kindle store recently.

Digital Manga believes this new digital distribution channel can provide a new alternative for non-Kindle e-reading device owners. Kobo not only has their own dedicated eReading device, but you can also access their storefront and its partners, through any smart phone, tablet, e-readers, PC or Mac via downloadable app. This opens the market up to a whole new customer base with a broader range of devices.

Average pricing for most DMP titles is at $7.95 downloaded to your device. You can find a direct listing of current available Digital Manga titles in the Kobo ebook store here:

Or visit these other favorite e-book storefronts powered by Kobo.

(best keyword search: DMP, June, 801 Media, manga, Yaoi manga, Digital Manga Publishing)



Chapters Indigo


Angus & Robertson


Note: Kobo and their partners have FREE eReading applications to help you browse, purchase and download directly off their sites to your preferred device. Apps for PCs, Macs, Sony Readers, iPads, iPhones, Android and Blackberry smartphones are available now.

If reading your book via smart device like ipad/iphone or android device through the Kobo or its partners’ App, set the Kobo Styling to OFF, under the display setting of your book.

You can also purchase eBooks via the websites and download direct from your eLibrary to any device supporting the ePub standard using Adobe Digital Editions, , or side-load the epub file to your device. KOBO will have updates for processing manga epub content later this summer.

Digital Manga currently also publishes manga through other storefronts like the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook. Check back for new manga title releases which will be up on sale over the next few weeks and months through our newsletter, blog, and our other social networking links below.


About Digital Manga Publishing

Located in Gardena, CA, Digital Manga Publishing is one of the industry’s most unconventional and innovative companies, specializing in building corporate and cultural bridges from Japan to the Western Hemisphere – specifically through the licensing, importation and preparation of anime (Japanese animation), manga (Japanese comic books) and related merchandise for the North American mainstream and subculture markets. In this capacity, DMI serves as a catalyst for the expansion of Japanese pop culture institutions into global arenas. The company’s imprint line includes DMP: its mainstream imprint, DMP PLATINUM: its classic manga imprint, JUNE´: its boys love imprint, 801 MEDIA: its adult boys love imprint, and DokiDoki: its exclusive co-publishing imprint with Shinshokan Publishing.

For more information about Digital Manga Publishing, visit as well as:

Swag Bag: Muscling In On Toronto’s Manga Supply

Welcome to what is definitely the longest Swag Bag to date! Mostly because I completely failed to compile my Swag Bag from last year’s Anime North… None the less! – my recent trip to Toronto was chock full of fun finds, and painful but no doubt hilarious attempts at cramming it all into my suitcases. This post here consists of the manga I bought while traversing the packed streets of Toronto while my TCAF purchases will come in a later post once I’ve finished oogling them enough to write something coherent.

The books listed here were all purchased from either my local Strange Adventures (pre-con buying is important, like eating before going to the grocery store – it helps… I think). The rest with exception of I think 1 or 2 came from what I’m dubbing the manga treasure trove of Toronto – The Beguiling. My thanks to their very accomodating staff! If curious about my other comic shop adventures in Toronto, you can check out the Ontario section of Kuriousity’s Canadian Comic Shop listings.

Now onto the swag!

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PR: Digital Manga Guild Acquires First 487 titles

Gardena, CA (March 21, 2011) – Digital Manga is excited to announce the first acquisition of 487 titles from Japanese publishers for the Digital Manga Guild (DMG). That number is expected to grow exponentially, as publishers have shown an increased interest within the past few weeks to be a part of DMG.

While the names of the publishers must still be kept under wraps, the growing amount of titles has astounded everyone at Digital Manga Publishing (DMP). In addition, the genres have varied between yaoi, shojo, josei, and seinen, with more to come. DMG has been President Sasahara’s personal project over the past years, as he sought a new way to produce more titles quickly for manga fans. The Guild finally came to fruition in October of last year under the DMP umbrella, and has steadily grown with over 1,100 members joining to take part in this manga community initiative. With their help, DMG promises to be a guaranteed success.

The titles keep rolling in from Japan, further establishing the Digital Manga Guild as a serious business changing the way manga will be localized.

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Super Savings: EverythingYaoi and Clearance Doesn’t Hurt Either!

Everything Yaoi Clearance

Sales come and sales go but many online sites have sales on 24/7., a site that earns its name, has a handy Clearance section where they list just what it sounds like – items on clearance you can get for up to 50% off the cover price (and sometimes more).

Of the books currently listed, below are my top recommendations:

Going in alphabetical order, the first two books I’d recommend added to any boys’ love shopping cart is Can’t Win With You!. The series is three volumes long and while volume one isn’t on clearance, Can’t Win With You (Vol. 02) and Can’t Win With You (Vol. 03) are with each priced at $4.99/US each. The series is about a cast of amusing, often sexually explorative and teasing teenage boys in an all boys’ school, drawn by Yukine Honami, whose works have been published many times since by Digital Manga. The story itself is written by Satosumi Takaguchi who wrote Shout Out Loud! which was published by BLU.

Two other second-half volumes I’d commend are Passion (Vol. 03) and Passion (Vol. 04). This series has always had a special place in my yaoi-loving heart as one of the first (if not the very first) strictly boys’ love stories to be published in English (excluding Tokyopop‘s early fare in the genre). I remember the day I bought volume one the day it came out… ah the memories and the first of many purchases. The series itself is pretty standard genre-fare but it’s sweet and fluffy and has those great classic cliches of student-teacher relations and starting said relations off on the seriously wrong foot.

Two other Digital Manga series worth adding to your bookshelf from the clearance selection are Moon and Sandals (Vol. 01) by Fumi Yoshinaga and Princess Princess (Vol. 02) by Mikiyo Tsuda. The first is part one of a two book series wherevolume one gets you attached to the characters and the following book proves a steamy follow-up. Princess Princess isn’t really a boys’ love story but pretty boys, teasing and crossdressing definitely makes it an applicable crossover for many fans.

And last but not least, a one-shot from Yaoi Press, the original boys’ love publisher affiliated with The book is titled Surge and is a cute love story between a surfer and book nerd. It’s got some funny moments and an adorable art style plus one-shots are always a great cart topper. All in one!

Though these titles are just some of those in the site’s clearance section, it’s also recommended you check out their other sale sections to see what books from different publishers they’ve got on discount as well. Shipping prices can get a little hefty though so be sure to read through the FAQ section when making your calculations. Shop on, boys-love collectors!

Answer Questions, Win A (Itazura na) Kiss!

Itazura na Kiss Contest

In celebration of their shoujo series, Itazura na Kiss, making the YALSA’s Great Graphic Novel for Teens list, Digital Manga is holding a contest over on their blog for readers to win some copies of the omnibus-released series.

To enter the contest, you must correctly answer twenty trivia questions about the series and submit it via e-mail. The contest is also open (based on the rules given there) to readers around the world instead of being restricted to the United States – yay! Winners who submit the correct answers will then be chosen by random draw.

The prize? “You can win any volume(s) or all of the series, including future releases. It’s a your pick prize!” So in theory you could request one volume, two volume, future volumes… all volumes? It’s a little vague but who would only pick one volume when you can have them all? No complaints from me to be given the option to choose to be sent all future volumes! Consider me some definite competition shoujo-fans.

Digital Manga Adds Stack of New BL Titles for New Year

Digital Manga Adds Stack of New BL Titles for New Year

A bit of an unexpected short hiatus for Kuriousity this past week but leave it to Digital Manga to surprise us with a bunch of new license announcements to start off the new year with a pleasant jump-start.

Originally these titles were announced through their Facebook page, a bit of an inconvenience as it requires you to be a Facebook user to see the news. Folks were quick to point manga fans in the direction though and soon enough Digital Manga’s Sales Manager, Yoko Tanigaki, was linking to the titles via her Twitter account. Impressively, and always a huge brownie point winner with me, was that within hours all the new titles were posted to Digital Manga’s website with covers, info and release dates. This all before the titles were posted to retail sites for an assortment of unconfirmed speculation as well. Thumbs up for being so on the ball!

That said, the new titles, predominantly boys’ love one-shots, announced were:

An Even More Beautiful Lie – Kei Kanai (July 2011)
Warning! Whispers of Love – Puku Okuyama (July 2011)
Sky Link – Shiro Yamada (July 2011)
A Liar in Love – Ueda Kiyo (June 2011)
A Fallen Saint’s Kiss – You Higashino
Tonight’s Take Out Night! – Akira Minazuki (June 2011)
I Give To You – Maki Ebishi (June 2011)
This Night’s Everything – Akira Minazuki (June 2011)
Entangled Circumstances – Kikuko Kikuya (June 2011)

… and some future volumes of continuing series:

Seven Days: Friday to Saturday – Rihito Takarai (August 2011)
Yashakiden: The Demon Princess Omnibus (Vol. 04) – Hideyuki Kikuchi (June 2011)
Angelic Runes (Vol. 02) – Makoto Tateno (June 2011)
Dog x Cat (Vol. 02) – Yoshimi Amasaki (June 2011)

It was an eye-opener to me when I learned (a while back now) that many manga series are licensed book to book and not as a whole series upfront. I really like seeing that Digital Manga has started announcing their x-number volume acquisitions as they happen, even if they don’t seem as exciting to most as a brand new title. It’s always good to see the series we’re already attached to getting continued attention from the company even with their newer titles coming in.

As for the new titles, based on the pretty covers, I’m most eager for Warning! Whispers of Love thanks to the unique looking design layout. It looks like it’d have more of a story than your standard love-you-love-you-more romance. But it looks to be another assortment of short stories, which tend to be more miss than hit for me, but I can remain optimistic! Going by just pretty-levels of artwork though, I’m intrigued by Tonight’s Take-Out Night!. So nice looking!

Going by those release dates, there’s going to be a big surplus of new boys’ love in the summer. There isn’t a lot of information listed just yet but with what we have, are there any here you’re most looking forward to checking out?

Take me back to the top!