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Posts Tagged Digital

PR: More Tezuka Goodness on

Gardena, CA (August 26, 2014) Digital Manga, Inc. is proud to announce the digital release of Brave Dan. Originally published in Japan by Tezuka Productions in the early 60’s, Brave Dan is now available for the English speaking market. Localized by DMI’s imprint, the Digital Manga Guild, the digital edition will be released first on Digital Manga’s own ebook platform, Other platforms will soon follow.

Tezuka’s work, Brave Dan, tells the story of a child named Kotan who befriends a man-eating tiger named Dan. Together, they go on an adventure in search of his parents and a rediscovery his tribal roots. Through their journey they face obstacles posed by modern man that will challenge their relationship including a prophecy and a treasure that will ultimately decide the fate of their friendship.

Brave Dan is the first digitally released Tezuka publication by DMI,  under the Digital Manga Guild imprint, and is available now on for $7.95. Also in celebration of this launch, will also release five additional Tezuka works previously published in print by Digital Manga’s Platinum Edition imprint. They include the following: Swallowing the Earth; Atomcat; Barbara; Unico; and the Triton Of The Sea series.Two titles will be released each week from now to September 16th.

Scheduled Digital Release dates on :

Brave Dan ($7.95) – 8/26/2014
Swallowing the Earth ($15.95) – 8/29/2014
Atomcat ($7.50) – 9/2/2014
Barbara ($12.95) – 9/5/2014
Unico ($21.95) – 9/9/2014
Triton Of The Sea Vol. 1 ($12.95) – 9/12/2014
Triton Of The Sea Vol. 2 ($12.95) – 9/16/2014

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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Returns to North America!


First Three Parts Of The Acclaimed Multi-Generational Paranormal Action Adventure Manga Series Set For Digital And Print Release

San Francisco, CA, July 7, 2014 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), the largest distributor and licensor of manga and anime in North America, thrilled a packed audience of fans at the 2014 Anime Expo in Los Angeles this past weekend as it announced the much heralded return of creator Hirohiko Araki’s epic supernatural/action/adventure manga (graphic novel) series, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE.

Volumes 1 and 2 of JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: PART 3 – STARDUST CRUSADERS are now available digitally on and the VIZ MANGA App for the iPad®, iPhone® and iPod® touch as well as for Android-powered smart phones and 7” tablets. The digital volumes also may be purchased through the Nook, Kindle, Kobo, iBooks and GooglePlay stores. Subsequent editions will be released every week for a total of 16 volumes. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE is rated ‘T+’ for Older Teens and carries a digital MSRP of $6.99 US/CAN.

VIZ Media originally published the JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE STARDUST CRUSADERS manga story arc in print in 2005. Fans at the Anime Expo panel were further delighted with the news that the company’s SHONEN JUMP imprint also has acquired JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE PART 1 – PHANTOM BLOOD and JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE PART 2 – BATTLE TENDENCY and plans to release them digital as firsts across its proprietary and partner platforms in September 2014 and March 2015 respectively.

The print counterpart for JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE PART 1 – PHANTOM BLOOD will launch in print beginning in February 2015, with JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE PART 2 – BATTLE TENDENCY scheduled to debut Fall 2015.

In JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE, once there was a mighty bloodline of heroes: the Joestars. In the 1880s, Englishman Jonathan Joestar gave his life to defeat Dio, a megalomaniacal vampire. Now, 100 years later, Dio is back, and Jonathan’s descendants must travel to Egypt to destroy their ancestral enemy once and for all.

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Kodansha Comics Makes Fantastical History with Heroic Legend of Arslan

Kodansha Comics Makes Fantastical History with Heroic Legend of Arslan

Enjoy Full Metal Alchemist? Read and adored what we have of Vinland Saga? Or enjoyed the Heroic Legend of Arslan OVA released a million years ago? Combining that art, tone and story, you’ll love this new license from Kodansha Comics:

The Heroic Legend of Arslan – Yoshiki Tanaka/Hiromu Arakawa

The Heroic Legend of Arslan series was originally a light novel, and has since been adapted as multiple manga series and an animated mini-series that Central Park Media released in English. Ah, my high school anime club days.

The series follows a young prince named Arslan, who is the only remaining son of a deceased King and now the heir of a country at war. Arslan and an unlikely, and vastly unnumbered, group of warriors work together to try and take down an army of thousands to save his country.

The artist for this manga adaptation if Hiromu Arakawa, best known for Full Metal Alchemist (one of my all-time comic favourites), and is currently releasing Silver Spoon.

While I’m over the moon happy that Kodansha Comics has licensed The Heroic Legend of Arslan, my excitement was a bit smaller than it would’ve been had Crunchyroll not announced acquiring the series for simulpub just a couple weeks ago. Arslan and more Arslan! I’ve since read all the chapters Crunchyroll has, and am very eagerly awaiting the next installment. And the first printed volume when Kodansha Comics releases it in print this August, of course. I want this beauty in print!

The Heroic Legend of Arslan (Vol. 01) is available for pre-order now from |

Kodansha Comics did announce they’d be releasing the book digitally as well, so I suppose we can assume simulpub now from Crunchyroll, digital compilation from Kodansha Comics and a print edition following that. With so many hopes riding on digital delivery giving certain higher-risk series a chance at English release, it almost seems a little silly watching titles licensed by multiple companies in multiple formats. Although, it’s not that surprising seeing a company as big as Kodansha – parent company of the English arm, Kodansha Comics – splitting the piece of manga pie for some of its titles. Arslan isn’t the only title announced this month that is having a publisher time share after all.

(Post cliffhanger!)

PR: SuBLime Continues Anniversary Celebration with Special Website Sale…


English-Language Yaoi Publisher Celebrates Valentine’s Day With A Limited-Time $1 Discount On All Digital Titles Currently On The SuBLime Website!

San Francisco, CA, February 14, 2014 – SuBLime, the global yaoi manga publishing initiative between VIZ Media and Japan’s Animate, Ltd. (Animate), continues to celebrate its 2 Year Anniversary with the latest announcement of a special discount on all digital titles currently featured on

For a limited time, beginning today and running through February 20th, the SuBLime Website Digital Sale will discount every manga volume from over 50 available yaoi series by $1.00 (U.S. / CAN) making most single editions available in a download-to-own format for only $4.99 (U.S. / CAN) each.

Individual volumes are generally rated ‘M’ for Mature Readers and are viewable as a PDF on any enabled eReader device or computer, or also accessed via the online manga viewer found on the SuBLime website.

Among the many digital titles that will be on sale on the SuBLime website are several that are sure to capture the attention and accolades of yaoi fans such as NIGHTS by Kou Yoneda, along with license rescues EMBRACING LOVE by Youka Nitta and LOVE PISTOLS by Tarako Kotobui, in addition to dozens more from a cadre of top yaoi manga creators including Hinako Takanaga, est em, Suzuki Tanaka, Tetuzoh Okadaya, and many more. Please visit for a complete list of current titles.

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PR: Digital Manga Inc To Bring the Remaining Tezuka Library…

Digital Manga, Inc. to Bring the Remaining Tezuka Library to the Rest of the Manga Reading World!

Gardena, CA (February 12, 2014) Tezuka Productions Co. Ltd. (Main Office: Tokyo, Shinjuku, Takadanobaba. President: Takayuki Matsutani) and Digital Manga, Inc. (Main Office: Los Angeles, California, USA. President: Hikaru Sasahara), are proud to officially announce its latest partnership deal—to bring Tezuka’s backlist of manga titles, which have not yet been adapted and published beyond the shores of Japan, to the English language market, utilizing Digital Manga’s localizing production strong-arm, the Digital Manga Guild—to publish and distribute in digital editions.

Tezuka Productions—the Japanese production studio founded by the Father of Manga, Osamu Tezuka, and brought to the anime and manga fandom famous works that stirred controversial, political and cultural awareness to the masses since the 50’s, for such titles as Astro Boy, Unico, Budda, Blackjack, etc.—specifically appointed the Digital Manga Guild to localize their library to English, and then eventually to other languages. Tezuka Productions believes that DMI’s Digital Manga Guild, which brings together the enthusiastic and energizing spirit of the manga/anime fandom in a co-op revenue share venture between Japanese publishers, manga localizers (comprised primarily of manga/anime fans) and Digital Manga, follows the spirit of community and membership, which is in-line with the same philosophy of Osamu Tezuka’s vision of his works through Tezuka Productions.

With over 250 of Tezuka Productions’ works untapped to the rest of the manga reading world, it’s the Digital Manga Guild’s privilege, pride and joy to be able to undertake this huge localization task and to help fulfill every manga translator, editor, and typesetter’s dream to work on such high profile projects. Digital Manga welcomes all localizers, especially Tezuka fans, to join the Digital Manga Guild,, and participate in the localization efforts to bring these great works to the rest of the world. Some of the most notable works DMG will start will be titles such as The Three-Eyed One, Vampires, Metamorphosis, Big X, and Rainbow Parakeet.

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December 2013 Issue of Yen Plus to Be the Magazine’s Last

December 2013 Issue of Yen Plus to Be the Magazine's Last

November’s issue of Yen PlusYen Press‘ monthly digital magazine – came with a special message from its editor, letting readers know that the December 2013 issue would be the magazine’s last:

“… times are changing, and just as we once had to make a tough decision to switch Yen Plus from a print to an online-only magazine to keep up with evolving market, we now stand at the threshold of another big change. And with that, dear readers, I have to announce that next month – December 2013 – will mark the final issue of Yen Plus in its current format.”

This news doesn’t come as too much of a surprise, as the roles of digital content are increasingly dedicated to delivering same-day material, and of course the ever present chant of ‘more for less’. Yen Plus originally began as a print magazine back in 2008, before switching to digital-only in 2010. However it never seemed to fully live up to reader expectations as a simultaneous chapter provider of its on-going manga, something that Viz Media’s newly relaunched Shonen Jump has finally been able to bring to English audiences only over the past year.

Yen Plus was still a fun little magazine though. I was subscribed to it originally for new chapters of Yotsuba&!. It’s top titles since have been the company’s manga-style adaptations of novels, such as Maximum Ride, Soulless and The Infernal Devices. Since these comics were created for the company and not pre-existing, this allowed subscribers to read chapters well before the collected editions were published. Different manga and manhwa series were published in it chapter by chapter as well, including currently Jack Frost and Soul Eater NOT!, the latter being one of their series published with very little wait-times from the Japanese versions.

The November issue still included their call for manga-style artists, suggesting that while the magazine is stopping, they still have plans to continue releasing their novel adaptations.

The end of the editorial letter does also note:

“…this change will open the door to all sorts of new opportunities for us!”

Any theories what this could mean and what new endeavours we may see from Yen Press in the new year? A new method of simultaneous releases? A change in their current digital edition services? Could we see something closer to Shonen Jump’s day-and-date offerings, or the file type variety of eManga for collected editions? Who knows! Personally as long as the printed books keep coming, I’m a happy reader but that doesn’t mean I’m not now much more open to digital possibilities.

Review: Pretty Men Fighting Dirty

Pretty Men Fighting Dirty

Manga-ka: Sakira
Publisher: SuBLime
Rating: Mature (18+)
Release Date: July 2013

Synopsis: “A non-stop collection of romance and smut! In the title story, Taizo the potter finds Shino wandering lost in the mountains and invites him back to his home. Wanting to help Taizo with his artistic block, Shino takes a hands-on approach with Taizo’s rock-hard body. In “A Loving Household,” we follow the story of an adorable house-hubby who has his hands full being salaciously loved by his new husband and stepsons. “Let’s Go to the Proctology Clinic!” chronicles a young man’s first visit to his proctologist for a rather embarrassing problem. But when it comes time for his examination, he finds out he may be in too good of hands!”

This one-shot collection of boys’ love stories is everything I wanted based on its name and then some – well drawn, well-toned men in a series of short, sexy and hilarious scenarios. Sakira is a new name to me for boys’ love creators, but after Pretty Men Fighting Dirty, their name will be one I look for.

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Manga Minis: CBLDF Defends, Places to Read and Doses of Nostalgia

Links of Interest

Manga minis today are more links of interest and less news, but no less worth sharing:

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund‘s executive director delivered a speech at the Manga Freedom Tour in Japan. They’ve uploaded the whole thing for reading on their website, and it’s well worth checking out. It goes over a number of the legal situations readers have faced with manga, the medium’s North American expansion and the work that the CBLDF has done to support the work and its fans.

CBLDF’s article also mentions their upcoming publication, MANGA: Introduction, Challenges, and Best Practices, which is being released this December. I consider myself very fortunate to have been a part of this project, especially since it meant I got an early read of the great content.

“Made possible with a grant from the Gaiman Foundation, CBLDF Presents Manga is a handbook designed to provide a concise and informed overview of manga—its history, genres, and issues. This educational work delves into the history of manga, its major demographic divisions, its most significant creators, and the challenges it has sometimes faced in North America.”

And speaking of working to support manga and its readers, Organization Anti-Social Geniuses blog has posted a handy guide to the current ways to read manga (legally!) online. They have a comprehensive list that also includes their experiences with those they’ve used.

Sailor Moon‘s 20th Anniversary has led to lots of shiny goodies, and they just keep coming! Jewelry, toys, trinkets, cosmetics and the pages and pages of merchandise GE Animation has licensed and produced. And that’s the whole point of this snippet, just to remind you how many super shiny new pieces of Sailor Moon merch are out there. And I want them all.

Speaking of reminders, Jason Thompson is still writing his manga articles for Anime News Network, House of 1000 Manga. Every one is worth a read. In fact, two reads. At least. His most recent post was about Kaoru Mori’s Bride’s Story while last week was a detailed and entertaining look at the original Yu-Gi-Oh manga. Bask in that archive, it’s all good, and don’t forget Carlo Santos’ Right Turn Only!! column either.

And, though not manga, I was pretty giddy to first read about the new Pokemon anime that is a more faithful adaptation of the original games. While I’d love a series closer to the Pokemon Adventures manga series, I think the nostalgic look and sound of this anime adaptation of the original games seems pretty darn fun.

DMP Deals in Body Guard Drama with Kou Yoneda’s Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai

Kou Yoneda's Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai

Digital Manga took to Twitter on Friday to announce a new boys’ love license:

Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai – Kou Yoneda

Contrary to most license announcements, Digital Manga announced this one with the original Japanese title, Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai (囀る鳥は羽ばたかない). It’s a little odd to have a license announced without giving the English name, but I assume one’s coming. Currently they have no release date for the title either but did confirm it would be available as both print and digital editions.

Digital Manga has previously released Kou Yoneda’s No Touching At All, which Shannon Fay thoroughly enjoyed. Here’s hoping this newest work lives up to the expectations! SuBLime also recently announced their own Kou Yoneda license, NightS, which they’ll be releasing in January 2014.

Super Savings: Viz Media Bids Farewell to Summer With Digital Deals

Super Savings: Viz Media Bids Farewell to Summer With Digital Deals

Viz Media is offering a silver lining to the dwindling days of summer with a sale on their digital manga. Until September 5, 2013, all their titles available on and its apps, plus the NOOK tablets, are 20% off. This means that their standard pricing of $4.99/US per book drops to $3.99/US. For an entire volume of manga? That’s pretty darn good!

While I’m always an advocate for buying the hardcopy books, the sad part of print reality is that some are just not possible to find anymore. However, Viz Media has been pushing out digital editions of a lot of older series, alongside simultaneous releases of their new ones. This is great for finally being able to read a lot of out of print titles.

Some of my recommendations from the out-of-print category include Red River, Please Save My Earth, The Cain Saga, and – one of my absolute favourites – Kaze Hikaru. Viz Media currently boasts a “library of over 1,500 volumes across 130+ series”. Get ’em while they’re cheap(er)!

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