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Posts Tagged CLAMP

Super Savings: Media Blasters Sale at RightStuf

Media Blasters Sale at RightStuf

New RightStuf sale this week and it’s for all Media Blasters releases – animes, manga, t-shirts and plushies, lots of goodies and pages and pages of it to choose from.

While Media Blasters has some fun manga titles though, especially for boys’ love fans (Crimson Spell, Yokai’s Hunger or I Can’t Stop Loving You, anyone?) , their real bread and butter is their anime and boy do they have a lot of amazing titles. I’d forgotten how many of my favourites were theirs until I started working my way through the list.

If there was an award for anime I’ve seen the most start to finish, it’s definitely the fantasy-epic Berserk which I’ve seen at least half a dozen times. Twelve Kingdoms is one of the best animes I’ve seen in years and I can’t wait to own a copy for myself after being lucky enough to have my local library in possession of the series. The anime Moribito is trying to challenge Twelve Kingdoms though, another gorgeous show.

Definitely on my nostalgic side, there’s Twin Signal, a funny and cutely quirky one-shot DVD about a super arrogant robot who turns into a chocolate-obsessed chibi when his human little brother sneezes – and a rerelease of CLAMP’s Magic Knight Rayearth, the definitive magical-girls-tossed-into-another-world series. You can also take advantage of the sale by picking up the complete series + OVA of Magic Users Club, which made me think I was watching a hentai at first when I first saw the OVA back in junior high – watch out for those pervy tentacles!

So much shininess here to be had – what Media Blasters releases would you recommend?

ANN Review: Kobato (Vol. 01 – 02)

ANN Review: Kobato

My review of the first two volumes of CLAMP’s Kobato. series has been posted over at AnimeNewsNetwork. Good grades all around for a very fun series so far.

I’m a big CLAMP fan and was eager to read Kobato.. I’d read some chapters in NewType when it ran but didn’t get too much of an idea about it, short that the art style was really pleasantly nostalgic. The tone and art of the series in general reminds me a lot of Cardcaptor Sakura, my favourite of CLAMP’s work. I really recommend reading both the first two volumes of Kobato. together (Yen Press chose to release the two volumes at once) because it really sets the story much more than the first which is more  short story in style.

A thanks again to my local comic store Strange Adventures for always stocking the best and newest books on shelf for me to purchase each Wednesday!

Super Savings: RightStuf Deal on Dark Horse Releases

Super Savings on Dark Horse Releases

I don’t know about you guys but I’m always on the look out for deals and sales that help me keep filling the shelves without breaking the bank. There’re always amazing sales going on somewhere, whether it’s your local shops or an online vendor. A sale doesn’t help if you don’t know about it however so I’m from here on out I’m going to do what I can to spread the frugal-love and let you guys know about some great sales you can currently take advantage of.

This morning RightStuf posted it’s newest deal (they change them on a fairly consistent weekly schedule): at least 33% off all listed Dark Horse releases! For books that often range on the highside of pricing, this is a good time to pick up some favourites at a price you won’t find everyday. Plus it’s far easier than one may think to buy enough to reach those free-shipping limits… (dangerously so!).

There’re pages and pages of books to choose from, ranging from the brutally-fantastic Berserk to the classic genre-inspiring Astro Boy and something somewhat inbetween with the newest volume of the wonderfully creepy Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. You can also sneak in a pre-order for the upcoming CLAMP omnibus collection of Magic Knight Rayearth and save yourself $6. Along with lots of manga volumes, there’re also some art books hidden in there as well (including the upcoming Blade of the Immortal).

Review: XXXHolic (Vol. 15)

Reviewer: Lissa Pattillo

Manga-ka: CLAMP
Publisher: Del Rey
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: April 2010

Synopsis: “Kimihiro is having some wish-granting success with his very first customer, but his first efforts are interrupted by a disturbing dream of witch Yuko vanishing forever. Even people Yuko has helped are saying they’ve never heard of her. Too bad there is no such thing as “just a dream” in Kimihiro’s universe…”

Easily being what could become one of the most memorable volumes of the series to date, the fifteenth volume of XXXHolic may not always be entirely coherent with its continued crossover calamities and abstract concepts, but like any volume of this generally artistic gem, once the ball gets rolling, prepared to be bowled over by it.

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CLAMP Responds to Fan Appreciation Book

Nearly a year ago today, I posted about an online CLAMP fan-community’s project in celebration of CLAMP’s 20th year anniversary. The project was titled the CLAMP Appreciation Fanbook and over the past twelves months fans from around the world offered their art, stories, time and donations to create the 348 page hardcover-bound book.

Yesterday, the clamp_now community shared a response from CLAMP that one of the team’s four members, Tsubaki Nekoi, posted on the manga-team’s community boards over at their website, CLAMP-Net:

Best of all is the large number of countries that participated! We really are happy to hear that our works are read, and furthermore liked, in so many different places.

I don’t know whether words of thanks will reach you, everyone, but thank you very much indeed. I think new works will be born after this as well. We’ll do our best so that you read them too!

You can read CLAMP’s full translated response on the clamp_now posting. As for the book itself, print-on-demand copies can now be purchased from A short preview of the book can be seen there as well and images of the completed product have also been posted on the clamp_now community.

A congratulations to everyone involved in this project. The final product looks gorgeous! It’s great to know that CLAMP now holds the product of your hard work in their hands and it’s a wonderful gift.

Review: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (Vol. 24)

Reviewer: Lissa Pattillo

Manga-ka: CLAMP
Publisher: Del Rey
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: Novmeber 2009

Synopsis: “Syaoran, Fai, Kurogane and Mokona are returning to the Kingdom of Clow – and toward an ultimate showdown with the ruthless Fei-Wang Reed. But entering a world the is cut off from time endangers ther very existence of the once happy villagers, as the final story arc of the Tsubasa epic beings!”

There’s plenty to get excited about in this volume, though perhaps a little more so if it was a little more coherent. It’s not that the events are difficult to follow individually but try to mentally fit them into the woven web of CLAMP’s Tsubasa and you may find some of your enthusiasm dampened. Still, with plenty of gorgeous artwork and moments that strike déjà vu in all the right ways, there’s a still lot of good to be said for Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles as it climbs towards the finale.

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Omnibus: The New Manga Frontier?

Omnibus - The New Manga Frontier

Omnibus releases are not a new thing to the manga world but with recent changes in the economy and buyer habits, they’re becoming more and common. In fact in the past year alone it’s become evident that more than a few publishers are turning more and more of their attention to the omnibus format.

With tactics changing, buyers shifting and bookstore shelves reorganizing, are the omnibus editions we’re seeing now just the beginning of a new era of manga publication – could they be the future of manga in print?

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Review: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (Vol. 22)

Reviewer: Lissa Pattillo

Manga-ka: CLAMP
Publisher: Del Rey
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: August 2009

Synopsis: “In the Country of Oto, Syaoran fought his former mentor, Seishiro, and lost badly. Now Seishiro is back, and this time Syaoran is determined not to allow him to escape with Sakura’s feather. Many things have change since their first battle, but is Syaoran now strong enough to withstand Seishiro’s vampire-killing skills?”

Old faces return to stir up some new trouble, including the vampire hunter Seishiro, mentor to Syaoran and possessor of one of Sakura’s powerful memory shards. The end of the previous book saw another climatic fight for survival that this book offers only momentary respite from for the series’ band of weary travellers but its time well needed to fill in small gaps in the plot and prepare for the danger that’s followed them there, to Kurogane’s home country of Japan.

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CLAMP Fanbook Project’s Call to Shout Out

CLAMP Fanbook Shout Out

The CLAMP Fanbook project is soon coming to conclusion with submission time closing and fans from around the world having completed their art, stories and cosplay for the 20th Anniversary fanmade gift to the 4-woman manga team.

However, a little space remains in the book so the editor team is offering the first 100 commenters their chance to have a short note to CLAMP included in the book. From a kind thank you to sharing your favourite character, if you’ve wanted to let CLAMP know how much you love ’em then this could be your chance!

Dark Horse Acquires Multiple CLAMP Series for Omnibus Editions

Cardcaptor Sakura - Coming Soon From Dark Horse

Unable to attend the Dark Horse panel at SDCC this past weekend, and hopelessly technologically limited since then, this news has taken its time making the way to the front page at Kuriousity, but that’s certainly no indication of my excitement over this announcement!

Dark Horse employees announced at their SDCC panel that they’ve acquired the licenses to multiple CLAMP series and will be releasing them in their entirety in special omnibus editions. This is a part of their continued celebration for CLAMP’s 20th Anniversary, including their recently released omnibus collection of CLAMP’s lyrical Clover series.

The series announced were Magic Knight Rayearth, Cardcaptor Sakura and Chobits. All three of these series were previously published in English by Tokyopop over multiple-volume runs (in that order).

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