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Posts Tagged 13th Boy

Review: 13th Boy (Vol. 12)

13th Boy (Vol. 12)

Manhwa-ga: SangEun Lee
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: July 2012

Synopsis: “With the holidays finally upon Hee-So, the season of giving is in full swing! But as she gets ready for her Christmas Eve festivities, Beatrice takes generosity to a whole new level as he prepares to make the ultimate sacrifice to give the present of “destiny” to his beloved friend. But if Hee-So realizes the sacrifice her darling Beatrice plans to make in order to bring Whie-Young back among the living, will she be able to look her first love in the face ever again? Hee-So’s search for love concludes in this final volume of 13th Boy!”

(Final Volume Spoiler Warnings) Against all odds, a small part of me kept hoping that Beatrice would be the one that Hee-So ends up with at the end of 13th Boy. But how often do the kind, self-sacrificing, ever-loyal ones actually get the girl? It’s little surprise that fickle Hee-So needs her man to have a little bad boy attitude to him, and while the inevitability of the series’s result left me feeling a little cold, the execution also caught me off-guard enough to make it ultimately very satisfying.

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Review: 13th Boy (Vol. 03)

Manhwa-ga: SangEun Lee
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: February 2010

Synopsis: “Hee-So’s stuck with Sae-Bom on cooking duty at the Scout’s joint volunteer outing at a local orphanage, ruining her chances of showing off in front of Won-Hun! And Sae-Bom’s no help either, ‘cose she’s too busy making lunch for her dearest Whie-Young! Suddenly, it occurs to Hee-So that making lunch of Won-Jun might not be such a bad idea. But when the two girls go make their special deliveries, a dangerous accident threatens both their lives. And in the heat of the moment, Won-Jun, who witnesses the accident, takes a most unexpected course of action. Has he gone and irreparably crushed Hee-So’s dreams? Will Whie-Young be able to pick up the pieces?”

Love-triangles are nothing new to any story containing a sliver of romantic drama. Two boys love the same girl? Two girls love the same boy? No biggie. But 13th Boy pulls off the far lesser utilized love-cluster – the dreaded love-square. If you thought things were already looking shaky enough for Hee-So’s love life, wait until you see it all laid bare in this third volume.

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Review: 13th Boy (Vol. 02)

Manhwa-ga: SangEun Lee
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: October 2009

Synopsis: “With fierce determination, Hee-Soo continues to follow her heart — not to mention her beloved Won-Jun — everywhere! When she discovers Won-Jun is a Boy Scout (and that pesky Whie-Young too, boo!), she wants nothing more than to be a Girl Scout, especially so she can take part in the joint Scouts campout and be by Won-Jun’s side! But the other girls won’t let her get away with it that easily! Sheer willpower may not be enough to get Hee-Soo there…but maybe a little magic might do the trick?”

Thankfully for our abounding curiousity since the end of volume one, this second volume of 13th Boy picks up right where we left off as far as the resident plot-oddity is concerned. Return of the talking cactus! Who turns into a pretty boy once a month for 24 hours. Why? We’re not sure yet but it’s so silly and out of no where that I’m too entertained to bother being critical about something that’s just meant to be fun.

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Review: 13th Boy (Vol. 01)

Not Currently Available

Manhwa-ga: SangEun-Lee
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: June 2009

Synopsis: “It was love at first sight. The moment Hee-So’s eyes met Won-Jun’s she knew it was meant to be. Their relationship took off when Hee-So confessed her feelings on national TV, but less than a month later, Won-jun is ready to call it quits without any explanation at all. Hee-So’s had a lot of boyfriends — Won-Jun is number twelve — but being dumped is never easy. She’s not ready to move on to the thirteenth boy just yet.”

After professing her love to Won-Jun on national television, Hee-So is crushed when he breaks up with her after only a month. Stumped to the reason, she searches his wallet only to discover numerous secret images of someone else, and it’s certainly not who she expected to find! But even this won’t deter the stubborn Hee-So, who is positive that Won-Jun is her true love for whom destiny has decided for her. Girl likes boy and tries desperately to win his heart: it likely doesn’t strike any first-time bells for readers, but don’t pass this manhwa over as being just your typical shoujo-fare.

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