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Review: Genju no Seiza (Vol. 07)

Manga-ka: Matsuri Akino
Publisher: Tokyopop
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Released: August 2008

Synopsis: “Kamishina is the reincarnated ruler of Dhalashar. He can hear voices from beyond the grave, see visions and soothe ghosts… When Ohko tries to awaken a spirit known as the true king, the ends up causing a huge explosion, after which a mysterious boy appears from thin air…”

As if I didn’t find previous recent volumes of Genju no Seiza plot-heavy enough (in a good way, mind you), volume seven takes it even a step further. The true existence of Mayu, whom readers have long suspected is of some further significance to the story, is finally revealed and we learn about what led to how she is now. On top of that, various events from the past are catching up to the characters with some surprising connections. Throw in some time travel, a mysterious new boy who shows up, and two possible reincarnated Kings with the power to destroy the world, and you have yourself one wonderfully thick volume.

Much of this seventh volume focuses on a pretty shorthaired boy who appears out of thin air to calm the overwhelming powers of Kamishina and Atisha. The story teases readers with the possibilities of who he is and even then managed to surprise me at the end. He made for a great addition to the story as a sudden twist in the plot (with my only complaint being his choice in fashion!). Kamishina’s powers are growing more and more stable as he learns to control them and he puts these talents to good use here in volume seven with numerous time-travelling adventures. I like how we get to see the effects of his interaction with a young girl over a period of time instead of just being hit over the head with the repetitive rule of not messing with the time stream.

And what would a Kuriousity review for a Matsuri Akino book be without some major thumbs up to the art? I love her detailed shoujo-style! While the repetitive facial appearances can be a little off-putting sometimes, I love the consistency of the art and how beautiful her design choices are. There are some especially pretty chapter cover illustrations in this one.

How happy I was this volume was so many pages! Numerous moments left me thinking ‘Man, this would be a horrible cliff-hanger!’, but the book keep me entertained and satisfied right up to the end. But with some pinnacle revelations and some altering motives, I have no idea what direction this fantasy could take next, leaving me all the more excited for the next volume. Genju no Seiza just keeps getting better and better so don’t miss out!

Review written August 27, 2008 by Lissa Pattillo.
Book purchased from vendor at Fan Expo 2008

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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One Response

  1. […] Lori Henderson (Manga Xanadu) awards it five out of five stars; and Lissa Patillo (Kuriosity) argues that the series improves with each volume. A quick check of Amazon reveals that all eight volumes are in stock, so you have no excuse — […]

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