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CLAMP’s Gate 7 Manga Coming From Dark Horse in 2011

CLAMP's Gate 7

The CLAMP fan-community, clamp_now, has translated new information from the manga team’s website about the international release schedule for their new series, Gate 7.

Gate 7 has already been serialized for a few issues in Japan and France, with tankouban (graphic novel length) editions set to come out in a number of countries around the world, including in North America from Dark Horse. The release date for this edition is summer 2011 – not too far away!

Originally Dark Horse comics had said that they’d be simultaneously releasing Gate 7 in small single-issue format. That was a few years ago and there’s been little news from Dark Horse since about it – granted they haven’t let up on the CLAMP releases with a bunch of omnibus editions of the group’s titles. While it seems safe to say we’re not going to get the serialized edition as originally thought, it’s still nice to see the series itself remains on the agenda one way or another.

I’m really excited to have this book in hand. I’m a huge CLAMP fan and must own everything they’ve done, for one, and the art looks gorgeous. Though Dark Horse has yet to comment on this news, hearing it come directly from CLAMP seems like a pretty good sign. Fingers crossed!

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

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4 Responses

  1. Ryuu Sheng says:

    I agree completely!!

    TBH i'm glad they didn't go for the single issue format, i prefer my manga to be in volumes. CLAMP are the best though, i do wish they'd go back and finish some of their unfinished works though, rather than doing new ones. Would be nice to have them all completed

  2. […] team had announced that Gate 7, which has already been serialized in Japan and France, will be published in book format in North America this summer. Dark Horse had announced several years ago that they would publish […]

  3. […] week, Lissa Patillo reported that CLAMP’s long-awaited Gate 7 finally had a US release date. Brigid Alverson then […]

  4. […] one-volume omnibus perfect for a new English edition but is it on Dark Horse’s radar? The company’s release of Gate 7 has been constantly fraught with delays and failed launch dates but I remain confident in their […]

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