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Super Savings: Loonie Manga Deals at

Loonie Manga Deals at

Amazon always has some of the best pricing for purchasing books online and occasionally even manga gets the extra special discount treatment, such as’s Loonie Deals. I was spelunking through the discounted section today and found some manga titles sitting there at some ‘get ’em while you can’ prices:

Steal Moon (Vol. 02) (BL)
$11.36 (CAN) – 31% OFF

Devil Within (Vol. 02)
$9.03 – 40% OFF

Lover’s Pledge (BL)
$9.35 (CAN) – 43% OFF

Love Master A (Vol. 01)
$7.45 (CAN) – 50% OFF

Venus Versus Virus Omnibus (Vol. 01)
$7.04 (CAN) – 59% OFF

A-I Revolution (Vol. 04)
$3.85 (CAN) – 74% OFF

Inukami Omnibus (Vol. 01)
$11.72 (CAN) – 37% OFF

IDOL Pleasures
$9.77 (CAN) – 41% OFF

A-I Revolution (Vol. 01)
$8.17 (CAN) – 45% OFF

King of the Lamp (Vol. 01)
$6.57 (CAN) – 56% OFF

Your Honest Deceit (Vol. 02) (BL)
$5.13 (CAN) – 68% OFF

What’s most interesting and worth a look about these titles is the majority are out of print series. Several of from the now-defunct Go!Comi, and there’s a boys’ love title from DramaQueen. Newer titles are the two omnibus collections from Seven Seas and offer a great value for some huge books with hefty page counts!

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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