In celebration of their shoujo series, Itazura na Kiss, making the YALSA’s Great Graphic Novel for Teens list, Digital Manga is holding a contest over on their blog for readers to win some copies of the omnibus-released series.
To enter the contest, you must correctly answer twenty trivia questions about the series and submit it via e-mail. The contest is also open (based on the rules given there) to readers around the world instead of being restricted to the United States – yay! Winners who submit the correct answers will then be chosen by random draw.
The prize? “You can win any volume(s) or all of the series, including future releases. It’s a your pick prize!” So in theory you could request one volume, two volume, future volumes… all volumes? It’s a little vague but who would only pick one volume when you can have them all? No complaints from me to be given the option to choose to be sent all future volumes! Consider me some definite competition shoujo-fans.