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Swag Bag – Monsters, Monsters and More Monsters

It’s Thursday! And that means new comics were out on comic store shelves yesterdat. There weren’t a whole lot of books I wanted out this week but I still left with a few gems I look forward to jumping into tonight. For consistency’s sake, I’m also going to aim to have these Swag Bag editions up consistently on Thursdays, the day after I buy the bulk of my books. Any I buy other days I’ll save up for the next week’s edition. Can I handle this simple schedule? We shall see!

Toriko (Vol. 03)Two of my current Viz Media favourites came out today – Toriko (Vol. 03) and Pokemon Adventures (Vol. 10) – stories of monsters of very different kinds. I really enjoyed the second volume of Toriko, though I do lament the art on the covers that leaves much to be desired. It’s hard to hold it up to people as say ‘Hey, you should read this!’ and get anything but a funny look in return. This new volume of Pokemon Adventures also marks the start of the new artist. I really loved Mato’s stuff though Satoshi Yamamoto’s look pretty nice upon quick flip through – very similar inking style and layout work, just a notably different lead artist. My real concern though is whose this new girl? Where’s Red and Yellow?! Things got some epic in volume nine! Ah well, we shall see how this pans out.

To round off my small but much-loved purchases, I also picked up the new collected edition of Thor: The Mighty Avenger – an incredibly charming mix of wit and hilarious expressions about the most lovable version of this character Marvel’s ever managed to portray (in my opinion of course). I also bought Dragon Sword and Wind Child, a young adult novel that was one of my absolute favourites when I was a kid so I was excited to get the chance to buy a new edition by Viz Media’s Haikasoru novel imprint.

Also with me today was my roommate who purchased a few extra snazzy books I look forward to borrowing. She bought the last two volumes of Shaman Warrior, a really well illustrated manhwa with epic fight scenes – I can’t wait to see how it ends! I’d forgotten about it for such a long while, I’ll likely go back and reread the earlier volumes first. My roommate also bought a new UDON release, the Darkstalkers manga Red Earth which is done by Mami Otou, the artist for the disappointingly-cut-short manga, Pilgrim Jager. Her art style really suits the characters so I expect this will be a fun read!

How about you? Pick up anything shiny today?

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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3 Responses

  1. Andre says:

    I got Toriko 3 and the DarkStalkers book too- tell Roommate Udon also released Street Fighter Gaiden Vol.1 a few weeks ago which is also by Mami Itoh- it’s awesome artness :)

    Also nabbed-
    Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Vol.16- final volume! I wonder if VIZ’ld ever give his stuff a try again?
    Arisa Vol.1- finally! I’ve also started getting through my batch of Kitchen Princess, and it seems her art’s gotten a lot slicker on Arisa
    Library Wars Vol.3- still need to read Vol.2… going to give it a few more volumes, as it’s an interestign concept.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lissa, Edward Sizemore. Edward Sizemore said: RT @kuriousity: New Blog Post – Swag Bag – Monsters, Monsters and More… … […]

  3. Aaron says:

    Plan to pick up Yotsuba & ! volume nine and the first two volumes of Dr. Slump or the first two volumes of Strawberry Marshmellow

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