Originally announced back in late-March, the anime adaptation of Togainu no Chi has finally aired and AnimeNewsNetwork is streaming a subtitled version of the episodes free and legally for your convenience!
Though originally based on a boys’ love sim, the anime adaptation – much like the better known version of the manga adaptation – doesn’t have the same focus on boys’ love elements. It should still be chock-ful of the violence, innuendo, drugs and drama that made the original interesting all the same however, plus all the snazzily designed characters.
ANN will be streaming new episodes every Wednesday with the first four episodes currently available to watch.
Watched the first four episodes of this zounds it's dark I kept saying this X/1999 look cheery in comparison. It's a good watch but "oh boy" huge amounts of blood, sadism, and performance enhancing drugs among other things. I was just left going wow I want to see what'll happen next but I'm scared to see what will happen next. I mean even the opening and some of the ending music is dark and death obsessed