I guess it’s more a good sign than not that I’m having trouble keeping up with my reviews being posted over at AnimeNewsNetwork, right? You can check out my thoughts on a new boys’ love short story collection, Your Love Sickness.
In short: I really liked this one. So did Shannon, which made me happy. For me this artist’s work screamed ‘Naono Bohra!’, who is one of my favourite manga creators. The stories were all pretty good in this one and the art was lovely – pretty but not pretty-boy kind of pretty. Okay, maybe a little pretty but still mostly masculine. As a one-shot this is a nice low-risk purchase too, so for that and all reasons already given in my review, I recommend it happily to fans of boys’ love.
I'll have to check out this, Naono Bohra, as I really did like Your Love Sickness and was disappointed that the manga-ka doesn't have anything else out in English. If there's a manga-ka out there with a similar style (and level of quality), that's good news.
Only one Naono Bohra book has been released in English thus far (Yokai's Hunger). I can certainly lend it to you if you're curious – not her best work but a decent one-shot collection all the same.
[…] as of all the titles SuBLime announced at the convention, a new book from Hayate Kuku (creator of Love Sickness) and The Ravishing of the Crown Prince are easily the two I’d most look forward to. I may […]