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Swag Bag – Vast Volumes of Viz, Swords, Books and Zombies

It’s the beginning of the month which means Viz’s new books are out! And wow, what a Viz haul there was to get this week (and I only got about half I think?). Lots of books I can’t wait to read!

Bleach (Vol. 32)From local comic shop Strange Adventures I picked up a handful of new titles out this week. The first title I picked up was the one non-Viz Media title I purchased this week: the third volume of Vertical’s Twin Spica (Vol. 03). The series hasn’t blown me away, mostly because it’s a very subtle sort of story, but it’s so sweet and so charming that I find myself recommending it wholeheartedly to many people. Hopefully volume three won’t break the trend.

Continuing to be the longest running series I’ve collected, Bleach (Vol. 32) was quick to go into my stack. Looks like another roaring battle but I’ve been looking forward to seeing Ichigo and Grimmjow fight, even if means an entire book of no Uryuu (boo!). I also bought Rin-Ne (Vol. 04) after being impressed with the third book following some lacklustre introductory volumes. Still, flipping through this fourth book it’s hard not to feel like I’ve read it a million times before – Rumiko Takahashi is definitely showing you can have too much of a good thing, especially when it’s the same thing again… and again… and again.

Legend of Zelda: Phantom HourglassThe sad purchase of the week was Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass because I believe it’s the last Zelda book Viz will be putting out. It’s a shame because I really, really like them – though I also can’t imagine they’ve been hugely popular and I don’t know if there even is anymore past this. I’m eager to read this one so I can finally learn who this Linebeck character is so many friends have raved about (so far he looks like a skuzzy pirate?). Lastly from that trip I picked up Library Wars (Vol. 02) – hopefully more action, less talk about action! I want to see some sleeves rolled-up and some books being defended.

FedEx had a delivery for me this week as well, delivering a bunch more Viz Media titles to go through with gusto. First was Seiho Boys High School (Vol. 02), which I read straight away after Deb Aoki‘s praise for the series after doing so herself (I was notably underwhelmed by volume one). Well, volume two has definitely ensured I’ll be picking up volume three, I can say that. Huge improvement and hopefully one I’ll get to in a full review later.

Some more volumes of continuing favourites include Cactus Secret (Vol. 03) – a charming little shoujo-comedy, and Stepping on Roses (Vol. 03) which I’m sure will be as much a guilty pleasure as it’s been all along. Continuing with the trend of volume three’s comes the third volume of Yuu Watase’s Arata, which took self-control not to start reading as soon as I opened the package. Why I exercised that self-control, I’m not sure but I’m sure the wait will just make it all the better.

Topping it all off is the beginning of a new series but one of my favourite manga artists, Kaori Yuki – Grand Guignol Orchestra (Vol. 01)

“Lucille and the orchestra encounter a town overrun with the worst kind of audience: the living dead! Well, not really. They’re people who have been turned into doll-like zombies. And they are definitely not a crowd to take lightly. Can a group of roving musicians use their skills to calm the beasts? Or is this curtains for the Grand Orchestra?!”

Lots to look forward to reading – but what to read first? Otherworldly fantasy, musicians battling zombies, librarians weilding guns, a Shinigami battling a giant cat-man or a midget in a green tunic, to ponder a few. Hmm…

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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