Another new shoujo-series from Viz Media was recently released, Seiho Boys’ High School and I reviewed the first volume over at AnimeNewsNetwork.
The majority of reviews I’ve read since completing my own have been pretty different from my own; it makes me a bit hopeful that the series may get better in volume two. Personally I found this first volume on the dull side and rarely as funny as it intended – though it did have some especially memorable lines, I’ll certainly give it that.
It has a potentially fun premise – an all boys’ school on a secluded island and the group of boys who live there dealing with their hormonal selves in the face of limited interaction with women. Take out any notion of guy-on-guy action, since this sounds ripe for boys’ love, and you have the general gist (not that I’m complaining about this not being a boys’ love story, we have plenty already, but the premise seems to demand some clarification).
But the story falls victim to a girl-each-chapter formula as scenarios pop up to allow the boys to interact short-term with a new girl and I started feeling bored of it pretty quickly. Will this repeat for the rest of the series? I never like to judge on the first volume though so I’ll definitely be picking up volume two, though with a bit of admitted hesitance.
I think this sounds awesome. Something worth reading!!