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Avatar the Last Airbender but Not the Last Comics

Avatar the Last Airbender - The Series Was Only the Beginning

A little change of pace today with a post about something near and dear to my fan-girl heart – fun, colourful comics and Avatar: The Last Airbender! And with so many great Avatar goodies out both recently and on the horizon, expect more ATLA here on Kuriousity coming up!

But today it’s about the comics – or lack there of.

This summer is a treasure-trove of releases for fans of Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender. The live-action film comes out next week and with it comes a string of graphic novel adaptations (the one of which I’ve read so far, Zuko’s Prequel, was fantastic), a special DVD boxset edition of the first season, word of another Avatar animated series going into production, and, perhaps most amazing of all, Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Art of the Animated Series. This… book… is… gorgeous. (On that note, expect my take on the graphic novels and the art book in the near future.)

The art, and sheer amount of research and detail behind it, has always been a huge part of what made Avatar so compelling. It had such a diverse collection of artists supporting it and along with the graphic novels, the artbook and of course the show itself, there was also the collection of short comics included with the DVDs and published in Nickeleon’s now defunct, NickMag.

Anyone who’s read the comics likely knows them as cute, fun, true-to-the-series shorts that highlighted the humour and character interaction. But did you know that there’s a whole treasure trove of comics that never made it to print because of the closure of NickMag? Well neither did I until recently and now I’ved joined the many others around the world looking to Nickeledeon for a printed collection of these comics, published and not.

Over on Facebook (which I don’t use but understand the seemingly boundless power of), fans have created a group called Avatar Fans Who Want a Printed Collection of All The Nick Mag Avatar Comics (name says it all!). Along with links to Nick Mag’s old LJ account – which can be spelunked for preview art of previous comics – they have a few example pages posted, links to some creators and related videos. Some neat stuff there and plenty more out there to check out for those curious about these little gems!

What’s better than ATLA? More of it of course! And with the artbook having apparently garnering very good success (already sadly sold out in most places), the demand for more shiny-Avatar art is obviously out there. Share the idea with friends, spread the word, send a nice e-mail Nickelodeon’s way and let the world know that you want more of the characters we adore with more of the comics we love to read.

Kuriousity’s first embedded-video! Avatar deserves a little break in tradition after all.

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Kuriousity.ca. Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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One Response

  1. ray says:

    The anime Avatar! The last airbender it is a great scene for all anime lovers! It is incredible in all it is doing! I am a lover of anime action, so i love it a lot!Thanks for the article!

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