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Tokyopop Says Bye To Cheap Paper, Hello To Fans On Webinar

Power to the Tokyopop Paper

Some pretty exciting manga news came courtesy of About: Manga’s Deb Aoki who has news from Tokyopop that many have been waiting to here. Hearing the cries of their readers, Tokyopop has finally found an American paper mill that will be supplying them with a paper closer to the quality of their original.

I join those in crying out a big yay! Although the lesser-quality paper wouldn’t have stopped me from purchasing my favourites, it was still depressing seeing those skinny little spines and see-through pages. A thank you to Tokyopop for not letting our whines fall on deaf ears.

Tokyopop will also be doing something I think is fantastic: a live Webinar with members of their staff to answer questions and share some news about the company. It’ll be like an industry panel without the con. The time of it sadly is rather inconvenient for us 9-5’ers though, taking place 1-2pm PST this Thursday (August 6th). Though I’m in Atlantic time (4 hours ahead of PST), I’ll be in transit home during this webinar but don’t think I won’t be hoping for a speedy drive home.

I’m curious what my readers think: would you be interested in being one of the 1000-cap able to attend Tokyopop’s Webinar? And how about that paper; happy to see a return to the thicker weight or impartial?

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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4 Responses

  1. lys says:

    I'm gonna try to get in :D (at times like this, I'm thankful to be a freelancer!) I was invited to their webinar test-run a few weeks back and really appreciated the outreach to fans and manga-bloggers. It's nice to be able to put a face/personality with the company in my mind. And it's exciting to get the industry-panel experience, as I've never had the opportunity to go to a major con myself!

    As for the paper change, I'm absolutely thrilled, though mostly because of what I assume it says for Tokyopop's future stability. It is nice to know that they're listening to fan feedback too! (but I maintain I did like being able to squeeze more volumes of manga on a shelf with the thinner paper-stock :D)

  2. Ruby_Alexandrine says:

    Praise the manga lords for this! I was not fond of the low quality paper. CMX uses recycled paper which does lower the quality of the mangas they published. Nonetheless, as long as they continue publishing From Eroica with Love, I will still purchase it.

    Also, the review on Ikigami convinced me to purchase the first volume. Its great. Thanks!

    • Lissa says:

      I'm glad Shannon's review inspired you to pick up Ikigami. It had the same effect on me as well, sounds really interesting! I haven't gotten to read my copy yet though I definitely look forward to it.

  3. […] staff were also greeted with positive response to repeated news that they’ll be returning to a higher quality paper print for their books and just in time for the return of some fan favourites, such as the fourth volume […]

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