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Review: Zombie Loan (Vol. 06)

Manga-ka: Peach-Pit
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: June 2009

Synopsis: “Z-Loan’s forced to duke it out with A-Loan to see who can earn ten million yen first! But just as the challenge gets underway, the illegal zombies are nowhere to be found! Just what is going on!? Michiru hones her Shinigami Eyes under Zarame’s tutelage as faces from the past make sudden appearances, with some even joining the team! When the illegal zombies finally show up on school grounds, A-Loan and Z-Loan find themselves locked in and fighting side by side. Can they actually cooperate with one another? And who’ll get the money first!?”

The story takes an interesting turn here in the sixth volume of Zombie Loan, as we discover that Z-Loan now has some competition which opened up right across the street: A-Loan! And to make matters worse, with the new trio of legal zombies out there collecting bounties, they are presented with a most alarming challenge. If they aren’t able to raise ten million yen by the end of the month, the entire Z-Loan will go under.

To top this off, we are presented with not just one, but two interesting little twists revolving around the members of the story’s villain team. Further still we end up with rival teams trapped together in the school with live humans acting as zombies! Over the PA system they are told that only half of them will be permitted to leave alive.

One thing’s for sure, Zombie Loan is fairly consistent in its inconsistencies. The art is largely the same through and through, which in some cases is very delightful, and in others cringe worthy. I do like Peach-Pit’s work, a lot of the art is a delight to look at, I just wish that there were less of the awkward head angles. Once again, however, it has improved over the last volume.

With suggestions to kill or be killed, will the heroes be able to find a way out, or will they be forced to resort to drastic measures? I can’t wait to find out how it’s going to turn out in volume seven!

Review written July 29, 2009 by Shevaun Morrison
Book provided by Yen Press for review purposes

Shevaun Morrison

About the Author:

Shev considers herself easily distracted, and usually rather excitable. She doesn't really have a favorite type of anime or manga but will read or watch just about anything. Although she does have a tendency to like things that are extra shiny And/or have a punk/gothic look to it. Shevaun's a role-play nerd, and loves RPG video games too.

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  1. […] Misfits (Kuriousity) Erica Friedman on vol. 17 of Yuri Hime (Part 2) (Okazu) Shevaun Morrison on vol. 6 of Zombie-Loan […]

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