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News > Licensing

Kuriousity at SDCC: Yen Press

Kobato as licensed by Yen Press

Lots of great announcements here at the Yen Press panel, so as before while this will be a brief overview until I have the time to write something full, but here’re the goodies in the meantime!

New license announcements:

Black Butler by Yana Toboso
Darker Than Black by Bones, Tensai Okamura, Nokya, Arklight
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakesspeare/Adapted by COM, Gonzo, SPWT
Bunny Drop by Yumi Unita
Sasameke by Ryuji Gotsubo
Omamori Himari by Milan Matra
My Girlfriend’s A Geek (Fujyoshi Kanojo) by Pentabu & Rize Shinba
Novel By Pentabu (blog collection by boy that inspired the Fujyoshi Kanojo)
Otome by Yuuki Fujinari
Dragon Girl by Toru Fujieda
Natsukashi Machi no Rozione by Sumomo Yumeka
Kobato by CLAMP (Coming May 2010)

Lots of great titles in the list, and following the licensing is a nice-sized Q & A which you can read a few excerpts from after the cut.

Note, none of these are quotes unless in quotation marks but they still reflect the information exchanges.

Q: Where is the next volume of Chocolat?
A: It’s not out in Korea yet but Yen Press plans to have it out as soon as the artist gets back to working on it.

Q: When will Yen Plus start offering an online survey instead of just in the magazine.
A: Has been discussed and is a good idea so it shall be assigned to be done!

Q: Will Kobato will serialized in the Yen Plus magazine?
A: No, but the magazine may have some shiny extras related to it.

Q: Are you going to license any more ‘testosterone-ladden’ manga?
A: “I don’t have a list of titles under the Testosterone label when I’m looking into licenses… …I think you’d like Sundome.”

Q: How does the licensing process work?
A: “It’s different for every property. Often companies aren’t ready to license a book for many reasons. Sometimes it’s a title being chased by a number of different publishers.”

Q: Does your company publish artbooks?
A: No but Yen Press are looking at some.

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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4 Responses

  1. Eri says:

    Kobato! Kobato! Kobato! YAY! Fujoshi Kanojo manga & novel!! Oh first Kuro shitsuji, now this, i love YP!!

  2. […] Manga panel liveblog (Gia at Anime Vice) Viz Anime and Manga panel (Lissa Pattillo at Kuriousity) Yen Press panel (Lissa Pattillo at Kuri-ousity) I’ll add in more links as they are […]

  3. […] This post was Twitted by kuriousity […]

  4. And let's not forget Yotsuba&! :) Plus, many of Yen's manhwa offerings, particularly the shojo-y ones, are lots of fun. I like large quantities of their titles.

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