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Review: World of Quest (Vol. 02)

World of Quest (Vol. 02) – Jason Tkruse
Published by Yen Press

This one was quite a treat to read. With every page in full color, and done in a delightfully cartoony style, I was smiling with every turn of the page. For a book pushed toward a younger audience, I have to admit that the story is full of interesting little twists and is absolutely full of imagination. The characters are interesting and I actually laughed out loud at some points.

The story follows the path of a legendary warrior known as Quest, along with the boy prince known as Nestor. Nestor is, as expected of a boy prince, quite full of himself and constantly complaining. Quest begrudges the need to protect him, but unfortunately he hasn’t got much of a choice in the matter.

During their travels through the terrible Forest of EDJ, an old friend of Quest’s joins them. With the griffon named Graer, they face a number of twists and turns with the Snarls before the prince finds out what his dagger is for. Unfortunately, almost immediately after figuring it out, they are attacked by the apparent leader of the villainous group that has been chasing them. The outcome of it is not good for our heros, and this chapter of the story ends off on quite the cliffhanger.

The next one is sure to be quite the read! (Editor’s Note: As of February 2009, World of Quest has been cancelled.)

Review written April 13, 2009 by Gizmo
Book provided by Yen Press for review purposes

Shevaun Morrison

About the Author:

Shev considers herself easily distracted, and usually rather excitable. She doesn't really have a favorite type of anime or manga but will read or watch just about anything. Although she does have a tendency to like things that are extra shiny And/or have a punk/gothic look to it. Shevaun's a role-play nerd, and loves RPG video games too.

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  1. […] Son (Stop, Drop, and Read) Julie on vol. 1 of Wolverine: Prodigal Son (Manga Maniac Cafe) Gizmo on vol. 2 of World of Quest […]

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