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Thumbs Up? Thumbs Down?

A little slow on the news and commentary front this week but it’s given me the time I need to get ready for Fan Expo this weekend. While finishing up some reviews, I got to thinking about how readers like having reviews set-up. Thoughts were spurred by a post by Brigid , and the following comments, about what it is about reviews that readers like and dislike.

Warning: Objects in future reviews may be easier on eyes than presented here.On my site, I write my reviews with generally the same structure: Short synopsis, thoughts on the story and characters, opinions on the art, publisher and then a closing paragraphs that rounds up all my thoughts. But should I have something more? Would readers prefer a rating system along with the write up? I’ve tried the number rating system before but I find it hard to pinpoint something down to a number and I agonize too much over the 4.5s, 3.8s and 6/10s.

I’m thinking, if you my readers believe it’d be beneficial to you, of having a thumbs up, thumbs down, no thumbs system: a yes, no or meh set-up. It’ll be a simple image addition to my usual layout but will act as an instant like-it-loath-it-or-indifferent overview of my thoughts.

So, what I’m getting at is, what do people think? Is this a good idea? Is there a better idea? Please, share your thoughts!

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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5 Responses

  1. Hmmmm, you know part of what I like about your reviews is that you don't try to translate your opinion into numbers, so I don't miss that at all. The thumbs up or down doesn't seem quite as arbitrary, but honestly, I don't think you *need* it.

  2. I only have 2 options for my reviews. Titles i think are the best, and thus go on my essential read list. In other words titles i think everyone should read. THen there's the junk pile, fairly straight forward, its where the garbage that shouldn't be touched with a barge pole goes.

    Everything else i leave upto the reader. I think most fans are intelligent enough to take a review and decide for themselves whether they should read a series or not.

    Setting things as numbers really dosent work. To many times i've seen series that others have rated as 2 or 3, that i've loved.

    Better IMO to just lay everything out and let people make their own decision on it.

  3. jun says:

    I personally rate along a letter grade scale that I swiped wholesale from Television Without Pity. There's a particular thought or feeling behind each grade, so that makes it a lot easier for me to do. I wouldn't even know where to begin on some kind of numbering system.

    Anyway, I don't think ratings are required at all. I like seeing the different reviewing styles folks employ.

  4. […] Lissa Pattillo wonders if she should add ratings to her reviews at Kuriousity and takes a look at vol. 1 of Silver Diamond […]

  5. […] Also, from the comments on my post Thumbs Up? Thumbs Down?, I’ve decided to leave my reviews as is for now. Maybe in the future I’ll apply some sort […]

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