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BeBeautiful Wants To Be Back?

Is tomorrow okay?

A con-presence* and now a site redesign? An upcoming revival? Who knows. In a perfect industry-world for eager fans, BeBeautiful and DramaQueen staffers would hold hands and skip down the road of manga releases together, saving us the effort of eyeing them both seperately with similar scrunity and curiousity.

*Edit: I should clarify that the con-presence is as of now a rumour and unconfirmed. While BeBeautiful remains listed as a supporter at Yaoi Con and Yaoi Jamboree, they have no known official schedule for con attendance in the future.

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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7 Responses

  1. gia says:

    Which con are they going to be at? o,o

  2. […] BeBeautiful website has been MIA for some time, but observant Lissa Pattillo notices that it is now “temporarily closed for a redesign of the site,” and that a con presence […]

  3. Lissa says:

    Should've been more specific, I actually meant a recent past convention. During some forum-trolling a little while ago, people were all a bustle over recieving BeBeautiful stuff and hearing they'd be starting con appearances within the year. Could've sworn I made a post about it but seems not! I'll have to trace my steps to find it again, for whatever confirmation it's worth, but in the meantime, they atleast remain supporters of Yaoi Con and Yaoi Jamboree. Not sure how much support they'd be supplying at this point however…

  4. […] Beautiful shows signs of life. Kuri notes that their website claims to be going through a redesign, and also that they’re going to be […]

  5. […] My Voice, I now own all of BeBeautiful’s books. Too bad most will remain unfinished collections (or will they…?)! There were also several DramaQueen series available as well. That said, I generally […]

  6. Andre says:

    I'd be interesting to see CPM poke about after ages in their coma. Their stuff is still available through retailers, and hasn't appeared to be dumped, so I guess this is another attempt at restarting part of the business- though they had previously solicited several regular manga titles, shipped a handful, then disappeared again……..

  7. Simon Jones says:

    Re: BeBeautiful

    Purely outsider speculation, but given the condition of DramaQueen, Tokyopop's cutbacks in all of their manga licensing, a slowing book market that some predict may contract, and the slightly rebounded US Dollar, US BL licensees may be in a better negotiating position at the moment than they've had in a long time. Licensing fees may have fallen to more agreeble levels. Certain companies may even be ready to overlook another's past transgressions. If BeBeautiful is looking for an opening to re-enter the market, now might be a good time.

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